Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 34

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With Su p erb Performances B y lit ed& 1- Pret.s Ravinia Iburmýt into ,the musical worldi(a Iâo wrk-en< with a flare of. bru ta' eWhicli conltinues to bumn wiiirrnewed iiht tcdievening.> ihre u sornehing about th(,- pera, lli -t tr woeiib whichtriakes every- ops-r;î"*î'to>ibc:'the clirnax of al t bat Jir< ûdl ldrithe 'asonad suu l r lu i; X (. .,W lii ar'ysi " and L.a 'Iravi;îta,'" wiîicii wu:c ir<l last Saitufla v 'a nl Siuîday eeuirte-. sli'itel I rcw apae tv y ur(.wds, whili 'iu psjîi flet-,t air wut l ivli<usfr til t., rG 'enniarh' flapi,tlu<ilu- ira, uul .îusC ci icui<a v il 1ta S fqîuullefr, owner asi manager. Rosi ie~oîra, "WI'lliam 'fe,"Wil Ibt jiard Séveral tllnefs ibis sasbuu, one wth VYvonne Gal]if' ih le 1 1)ra 11, ruil c, ilnstcad o~f ,l 1slahth Rütiu iier-g 'lut vertuir, Ihegunninig witl: ;1 lovrlv ji:us,age vfor <'&l(, J% Ilayuu' ~ki11 1 illfu uielr i apîi's iiisjuiredi and inteligent a n d vcnthc1- îlirrad ihart , fi a 1 t seerrns -il jedcdt witl lu ttw Vigilr. ibuse tisfo r t li opvra ,are çiorful t a >phrc ft- mst and seconid act s nwiaunar livdy I dçpt. a d liold l t ,Ëlltaiil Iland dratiat cally. M art un- vIli P, i<.îît alun i utit i(sîisly teil Iis iCilltit r, whi u'h <lligliU, i s adl- nud I 'rise las îtefiy <of (.Il pocrtiiUt.i) bsit,w off til(.uctaui Icatlilv (j filus Voutt-. Madaminc<t(tli- bcrg lias iii lie (Il) do exeeît .iooh 1 si unilig, liut r aria aie t fl(.e . gu ti iuilg of tit tS 1 Cod aet liing tiltc oily oie lvft to lier afier file opera wàs CUL. As ustual, hber volcc s il wrsand( infinli! eiywuri eaig rger M axwetll,1 as Teii's soii lias more drith ire lier voiÈC fuis yeur, a rvso- siatice suic uwvr hîad lwfo[(r .aidnî WC Caut look forward to licariug lier a n soute of flic mtore faitiotîs colora tuîra roles, 'It'Ii't, k a fine itrio for tviior; bari- MissSusannali 4rmsIronýq, Gien- Coc comms.er, kias beee iivid by the MaclPotwell colon y (o spend opintlwhr. *s ii nmnme r al Ieterboro, whcre. she may have' the quiiet ur roudin. oducive Iob umePosi*n!I. ,ii.çt year, she was. sent Io the col- yn for tue firsi lime by theJ:n- ton>n MacL)owell society. Luring the ii,'inlër she hae bren appearing. be- forr->finqnv clubs, presentinu lier an7lf/ . mdinstrii mental composi- 1,ious, which have been h i ghlIy praiseil for thrir in<ividualit y. Mliçs Arinstron!1 plans tIo leavr for fthc coiun\ /w ,ulof. tht mnth. American Opera Company Formed by Paris Groupý hI'ie American. Opera comipany ini l's,'spported priiicipaliyl)y a gr(illîlof i 0 tient Aier(iça-tis for thte I)îiruose,,of aiding proinising yo ing, si y:igers,' coi ductors andl vocalists', has bvetî forniec ini the French capital, aceo,,rdliiig to an tanuiunccncnt in. the Ncw York lim'es. "It 's, rcvorted that Arturo Tosca- during the past six years, is lenclîng - *' a, her financial aid to the new venture. inMarouf' on According to Samson Robert Dia-' mond of New York, who is general rdy vnn dfirector. the, Amrrican Opera corn- ý "Marouf," one of the light opera piany will give American young s"ng-'f rts tRvna ilb er ers un. Europe the opporturuity of favorie tRvna ilb e practical operatic work under the this' week Friday evening, June 26, guidlane >of weli known conductors with 'Mari?) Chamleée, Yvonne. Gall, and singe:rs. The.se student singers Julia Claussen,-Leon Rothier, Vittorio wih beseectd prey o met. Trevisan, NMarek Windheim, Louis "The company wilI not be an ex-, perimental student orgariization ex- DAgl.Gog eaosyat chusivcIy,ý for- each ýperforman4ce1 will i others. -The%, make this 'French Ara- u ci ude a guest%"compo)ser or.a com- biai niglits storv. a beguiing mosaît pose r-c ond uctor and a guest artisto iiie oIr' uhPge and îîreferab]y American." Ilake Scott xifl appear in the orien-1 _______________tai dances, and. Louis ,Hasselmans xii conduct. . Lecture- Course On Saturdav eeig ue27,- on Opera Begins, ulii Mro Lescaut" brings Monday, June 29 Lucre7ia Boni, wiho was heard on 1 l. Canecton Smith wiil give a series Tuesday night in M assenet's version, oi six lectures on outstanding operas ,o a non", tim ivih anenthe ttie rle, to be hearil 'at Ravinia this, seas6n. adti im ivii atnii wiIl be,'heard as the Chevalier 'des Ibcginning on Monday, June 29, af't t'le Grieux. Ina Bourskaya'bas the fam- Phonte v> r . J.h Wlctre wMi<' e '> ous role of the. music master, D sire- l>rvat rod. he ectre ilhbegtu lefrere is again the brother, Lýescaut, o)'clot(k and Iast for 45 minutes. * Sith avea reimiar hc-Louis D'Angelo and' other stars com-_ tur aSinth grvay mrnIinat Nirs. 'plete thé cast. Genna.ro Papi con-il Macy's home, to introduce the course. Other lectures wihl be given ini north OnudaafrooDieSa- short homes. Mr. Smith was formerly. enbIerg, frtcellist of tht_ Chicago music critic of teWsigo ot Symphony orchestra, will be. the so- and is now at the University -of 'Chi- list., In tht. evenn g. Rossini s ;Ope ra cago. Information regarding the .Of bu ffoonery, "TIhe Barber of course may be secured from Mrs. *Seville," wiII be sung by Florence Macy; andi other patronesses, Mes- Macbeth, Mario Chaml ee; Mario <almes Donald .Frank McPherson, 1 BsioIla, Virgilio hazzari, Vittorio James L. Houghteling, William. B. Trevisan,. and with Gennaro Papi at lei, Sidney F. Bartlett, George the baton. Stanley Parker, Roland Whitrna1, On Monday evening, June 29, "Wil- Dwighit Orçutt, Théodore, ]-. Moriz liain Tell" wihi have its second per-. anud( Miss Isabelle Clime. 1 formance of the season, wth the During the course, Mr. Smith wil same cast as was heardtht opening. scqek to develop the phliosophy of, art ,night, Elýisabeth:Rethberg, Giovanni as l)eirig a great expression of emio-' Martinelli,, Giuseppe Danise, and Vin- tions. 1lie will trace art. trendis -aliîd giio Lazzari. Ruth Page, Blake compare mîusical trendis with those of ct n h alet participate, and, other arts. He illustrates bois points, Gennaro. Papi conduicts. tvith phonograph recordi1àgs, oür playS* Tht scliidule for the entire week theincs oui the piano. b)eginning Monday, June 29, appears *Last week Mr. Smith acquainted* in another section of this issue.. tht group witb the story andi nusic ôf"Wiiliaim 'rell" s~avink- that histor% r~. ~ i- wîtil ire..andi iassiQnh andtoetu he andti on were stuprcfniy u tnion- getuable. Pasiola sang Ibis arais, particulaiY, in l'rolcia'e" with sensitive shading in toie and nieaning, proviaîg that lie. iooM, lias1 gaiieil since ast season. The çuitire- perf6rmrance was SUpcrb,. and wiîet on&s nIlusical appetite for the artistic îriumfphs yet to Corne. years ago, as aiso coopenating,. Gus- tav Cioez also of the Paris. Opera, wilI lie an assistant conductor,. and Maurice Fautre of the' Opera 'and Conservatoire, wiii have charge of ,the chorus'. "It is rumored that Madamie Canna Walska, who bought the Theatre des Chaimps Elysces three years ago, and, wiIl have 48 members, 24 of whicb ill be foreigners, as in the Institute (le France, Paris. Claire Dux,. who rece ntly returnred from a c oncert tour in1 California,. was madt doctor,,of music by the Uni'- ,versýity of. California. Ul I.L 1 . " l u kF ÀlK l4& *Rudolph Thomas, former conduct- or of the Royal Opera company in Hanover, Germany, is the new con- ductor of the New York Opera Comique, fornext season, according to the New York Times, He came, toý this country in 1926 to head the' orchiestra- and opera department .Of the Cincinnati Conservatory. .1

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