dievfon Uuiat UvAU il&id0, e E- 1-10 Surrounded by beoutiful Lake Michigan, the gjlonous Dunes and forests. Comnbining Natures' complete offerings to satisfy the individual preferenoes for recreation and diversion. GOLF...ome 18 hole and one 9holecourse. SATING.. frum the hotel_ steps, HORSEBACK RIDING... a stable of fine saddle horses. TENNIS ... twv courts with backstops. ýDANCING... a famous, orchestra during meatimes -,ail evening on the Terrace. s ftm$5?0 onie hour inicludinq meals, or our The operation ofHotel G-olfmore is now under ownership controiond management, ossurîng quests the utmost courtes>' and service for'their corort ond.pleasure I