Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 48

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REAL ESTATE weil located and. carefully selected, are always acceptable to cons ervative investors. As Baird & Warnei for such Joans,* it will tage in refinancing to write orýcall this S 528 Davis St., Evanstu 'r, is in the, market J bc to your advan-. your present- ban ýoffice. .,WARNER on Greenleaf 1855 activities have developed a large nutm- ber of properties throughiott the *north shore villages, inaintaiîiing five branch offices. >Reduce Greens Fees at, Glencoe Golf. Course James WTlliarns, superintendent of the Glencoe Golf club, announces a rcduc- tion in greens fées effective today. Mr. NiVilliarris also States that. the--course, after being 're vamped" to its present, condition, is now one. of the flnest on thenorth shore. A new 6,574 yardage, ranks it as a championship. course. The Glencoe course is patronized by resi- dents of aIl north shore villages. TO HAVE OUTING AT CAMP Miss Elizabeth Jennings Wilson, dauighter, of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wilson, 801, Forest, avenue, vl mette, will leave lune 25. for Camp Osoha, a private camp for girls at Trout Lake, NWis. She will spend the summeinr at Camp Oçohia. engaging î! the variotns activities of the carnp.' which include horsel>ack-'- riding., swniniiig, canoeing1, tenniis; hikiing," dancing, dramnatics, aiid arts an1l crafts. Many girls front lilinois, \'\SCosil owa, and n.eighbioring States attençed this camp, iwlichis Io- catcd in the north woods of Xisco- sin, Mr. and Ms Robert Snaddon. Madison, XVis., are the directors of the camp. ON MOTOR TOUR 11albert Crews, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. (). Crews, 613 Central avenue. and Joseph Schntster of Chicago left tlie latter part of last week on. a two mionths' iotor trip Inthie w~est. Tliey are (roing to .Caliiornia hy v ay of the, Canaian orthwest. 'l'lie boys arc f raterniity brothers, mlenîhers of Beta Kappa; at the Uniivcrsity of lIliniois. REAL ESTATE LOANS IIav'e fund.s Io oan oitn ýoî t Shîîi.-e resiçdeiiti:tlI )1»()Orit% at rea- I sortable ratvs. seu us où renewtl.. A plnortgagtes for l. E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 .S. La ~Salle si. .Fraî,klim,7;10 frentage of 70 feet and a ciepth of 254 feet.' There are original forcst trees of oak and elim on the p)roperty. TeTuckcrs will Ibe neiglihors o the Rindscopfs, Dr. llendersons, Hansens, Magies, Follansbees 1 and Evans. Mr. Tucker' is ait attorney ofthe lirm, of Rathie, Wesemann, Flinckley and Barnard, 29 S. IaSaite' Street, Chicago. Another deal reported by ,Bills Realt, hinc., was an option itaken on the thiree quarters acre. of grounid'on Ramona road, .byý an, undisclosed p)urchaser who is planning, a residence- in . keeping. with that nieighbo)rhoodl. The niew homie will be just across the street froîn the FranIk WN. Allen hôuse nom, under construction north of the homne of Mrs. E., R. Reichmann an(. south of.the W. iC. Black estate. .The new homle of Frank Warren is, beiiig )uilt in this neighl orhood als o an(! will l)C ready for occupancy Au- gîîst 1. Rettitors Stibrit Mortgage L oa n Discount System -vsl>lt of estallishing' in this ,çoiintry, a system which would serve Ht'I e needsof existing homfe financing agenicies imich as the Federal Reserve svýstem iserves its memiber hanks has 1) cil l)r-otlght hefore President Hoo- ver' 1w Harrv S. Kissell, of Spring- field, Ohio, president of the National A-ssociatlin of Real Estate Boards. NMr. KissellI li laying thé miatter be- fore Mr. Hoover and Secretarv of Commerce Robert P. Iamont acted lIirsilait to a résoltutioîa adop)ted by H1ic (elegate bodyi of the National Association 'of Real Estate Boards at its reccut annjual coaiyfjj.ion In .Balti'noretfollowing a (letaile(l four" d#as discussioni of present important' 1prolénms ilu-the real estate field. 1Tule deIlegate body of the Associa.- t ion. stating, that. it would not appro- î>iat*ely aàpprove detail'ed plans prior to inveüstigation through proper ac- creditedl channlelsr, apprç>ved a sttidv Of.thie subject of establishing through federal 'legislatiôn a systeni. permit- ting the discounIt of nîortgages oni SKOrfqKIE VALLE!4 Ceoai and Materil CompanyY 31640,Lake A've.* Phône> Wilrnette 99 9 WILMETTE DISTRIBL JOHN CLARK < SONS Investment Securatues Post office oxý f4 277 Stocks, Bondsý and MorteagesWLMETLINS JTORS 0F SUPER-CORPORATIONS 0F. AMERICA 'TRUST SHARES - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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