Thei Change f.rom,. "H UNC.H:ES". to REASO0N i n I NVESTMENTS Y' The 'practice cf buying an investment hècause it is 'goingý up"- or, because of a "Iiunch' is a careless-procedure.. Today there, is an increasing 'number of people w ho ,want real value. Wkhat -.o buy to keep principal safe and g ýel a reasonable income is an important question today-it was important yesterday and wil be important tomorrow. But f uncfientally the business of investing money. is not a s eries of, security purchases. There shQuld be a definite investment prograrm based on an, individuals prsonal requirements. Asecurity exactly one s.t onditions mayno be at al suited to another. Because this bank is an inve stor itlIooks ýat securities as a.. -careful. investor does. This fact is your assurance that the State Bank and Trust Company is a good place to talk over the selection of your investme#nts. Evanston, Illmnois .1