Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 10

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I 1~ LJUnd aitvs, wIa ic miio ,i- cago Tuesday, July 7,. over the Chi- cago .and North Western Railmway; 1-. \V. Beyers. vice-président in. charge of traffic, annouinces. 'Starting fromi Sacramento on juIyî 1, the train wiII have the official sehd(-' off of Gov. jamnes Rolph, Jr., of Cali- fornia to spee(l it on its way-a train, offering visuial proof of re-vival in the builiding inidustr%,."Mr Beyers said. . *Ttere .wilIl>be'125 cars on the. train When it starts, twenty-five of -%vlîîlh will have heeenset, oult hefore. the train reachies Proviso yards'. wes' of Chicago.' Thirtv mo--re .of the cars are assigned to-dealers in the Clii- cago territory while seventv of the cars miliI go f)rwardl to easterii points "Reslponsih)ilitr for, this record shipnient 'of lumiber rests, first tupon the shoulders. of. the retail mnerchant-S of the. Middle Western and Eastern states, who lunl)e(l their orders wvith several. California redwood lum' cr izianufacturers, mvhô -constitute the California Red%vood association. "Teresuit of their action inadel possible this mainmoth train, the pas- sage of which across the Unitedý States shoulil have a heartening effect. on other businiess as1 a gral)hicsvm - lol of the,,returtn to inormalcyý." AT: TEMPLAR CONCLAVE ýMr. and Mrs. Fred W \ild and Miss Jt lia WNild of (628 Greeffleif avenue have returnedi to Xiliietté f rom the Thirty-eighith 'friennial 'Colave, Grand Enicanîpmient, Knights 'reifflar hield at Minneapolis. Mr. \Vild, a I mninber, of Beauseant Commanidervi mnmber eiglit of Baltimore, \vas escirt to Right Emint Grand COmmander !Sir John Duncan. grandj commander of 1%arvland. Miss jù'liaWid as guest 4of Past Right Enliint Commiander. Sir Robert T. Queiser of Ohio, atten1d- qd the V-Etinet Grand Comnianiders hall an& participated' iii the grand narch and daneiig.,afterwards Miss Minerva and Miss Hazel. Kraft* of 1236 Greë!iwoo)(1aienue enitcrtainiedl 2 group of, friends at breakfast ami j b)ridge NXednes(ay- morinug lit h(mor of M11iss Marjorie FEyestône of Aberdeen, S. D., \vho. is the :house 0-uest of Iîcr sister, Mrs. Kari Franike of Rogers Park. * . w *- ~r- w w -~ ~ ~'"?!~UW~ Photo hy MthwFrane1is- Pitrdaboze is t1he 1931-32 board of directors of 1IIl'ili;i,utic, I.ague of I ae Voters,, depl'ted bY suveral ,Jnl'sW/w wrtout of toz,.ll or na/'ta l'e /resent il t Iî' f int it'/ pd r' i<s taken off e tuit asî szînt>,wî-; oi'Sf It qite. board 31oilda, of. /ast weeck. Fromn eff.t tciriyl, th'-Y re : Ili .the front rowo; 211rs. ,$IeIbv ýM. S1,1101/1011, .lirs. A1t1t1rt Lec, Mrs. C. I_. Ùlarkc, t/te /residcnt ; .111s. A-rthu tr L. Fnffer, lirs, . I REingy/w/r, .ami .Jfr. ../ohn I. JM-11r. Ili flo' socond ro-, : lies. ..L. Grînne, 2llrs. WJilliam H. N/ Vred, s. IIýoI<o Gid/ickson, lirs. A. IV. Hodq(- kiss, ifry* I. R. .Ikîs 1ý latw baek Vo: Irs. Oscar IHeibiel..lIrs. L. B. Emdn..lr.Fod crtlrs. r/J. Lv~on, Mrs. F. J. Dou-d, Mes ...Stif ns.ami ïVlter Gore M.IIte/eI.__ __ ATTEND ING CAMP 'Hold Funerial: Services . Art'Departmnent WiII Estelle Brenner., datughter of 1Me. fo r Arthur E. 'Hacker Give Musie Prga anîd Mrs. Loitis N. Brenner, 1330us rga .réeenwood( avenue, is now att endig Funeral services for Arthur ý E Franc is Mario.n. Arnold of tu finc tlieCam Fir Gils' ampat SuthHackcr, 1617 Central avenue, Wilmiete wvho died june 2.3, wvere held last Fni-arsdatfetof-hNtinlCl faveCnm 'M a-Ka-Ja-Wan te BÔ3' - sday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock f romn the legeý of Educaion will l)resent a pro- Scot -am).. ... .. residence. Folloxving the services at the gramn of symnphony and oa niuî - . l------------ lias henI Mr Telephont WILMETTE 2717' -Investment Securities - Stocks, Bondssmd. Mortgages Pott Office Box 44 WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, DÏSTRIBUTOItS O UERC0ATINF AE IATRUSTSHARES ou can't fali overboard in a swhi- Jng pool Learn to swim In the tter where It xnlght happen. rjoy the sunshine and fresh air 1the Wilmette Beach. essons given between 10 a.ni and. p, mi. every day. Elote Paterson at W11, 2449 or. at the beach Johlnson, 5419 UIenwood avenue, Chi- cago, both instructors at the Nicholas Senn High school, Chicago.,- These teachers have guided several groups to this region and have been request- ed.to ré~peat the trip.. Sports, includ- ingý horse back- riding, mountain cçlLming, hiking and swimmiing will1 be sorne of thé interestinig features. v

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