'I We're AUl Set For An "OPen Season!" W h.e n Faslion de9- cides to setle down- and. be.,comfortable: and economî ncal, Who would say,ber nay.? SortsFrock 0f Cotton Mesh $5.95 *Wbeon you dont have fo f in k of the w.ather, wheft you know ibat your froc~k s the smartest and ihb. newest, your game is- just bound to improvel. Whbite. and Flesh in Misses' Sizes Sports Shop-Seconid FlOor. What, ýFor'Mesh Grdes Ieal urider the new frockl Ligt-weigbt m.sb. slightly bon.d in froii*. Sizes 26 to 32. Mesk GirdI.iere, mies 34 fo 40, also $2. Corsetry-Second Floor, West Ror. Found...th perfect uoancj.rarments for. Summeri 0f cotton *,esh iwhit. ..ls maizel Brassieres, 32 to 40; panties, 34$,o 42. Mlesh Underwear-First Floor Shapely Sandals of Meshý In ecru tint, ihs. sandais offer, * e' Davi Steef DURING JULY AND AUGUST OUR SATURDAY STORE MOURS WILL Il 9 A. M. TO 6,P. . WiIMetl. I1100 Priee Conifort? Devis, Street