. a man. familiar to ail New Trier- students, and, to many residents of the ,norfh shore suburbs, visualized the constructing of a new athletic field. 1 ,t is to Edward Phelps that the entire township owes its gratitude.. He has for mnany years beenan in', terested and faithful me mber of the school, board. It mightbe« saidý that he is ont of those inembers who..are working at their, "job~" and the Iast year's students are ver y appreciative of bis interest in ail tiheir activities., Fer many years the football -and baskethall teams have together re-, * *flt 8p0 J .A ctèu Today to the east of the campus lies an athletic field, the drearn of a sports-lovitigmati. It would do jus- tice tp 'any sniall college, and it is an- ticipated that next year it will be the scene for many events. Th.e.con- struction of, this field flot only in- spires a new 'interest inI sports but draws the bond of parents and their children doser, in an age wvhen there are. so many divided interests. Next year will maàrk one -in which the boys capn fot only meet their opponents in skill, vrhich they unquestionably. pos- sess, but on a field that is adequate film. SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS Xhatever the students at this sum- mer school, session learn in the regu- lar courses off ered, it will be With a good deal of concentration on their part. Recitation in any of the rooms aàt the north of the buvildinig is alMost impossible.. Why? Outside there is a steamn shoMe which continues in its work despite the annioyance it pro-1 duces. This, plus the ordinary noises of constructing a. new building,, makes matters rather complicated.. It is difficult formembers of the faculty to, make_ themselves heard, . ithout shouting at the t'op of their lungs, and that is somiewhat of a straîn 'as summer school hours are .pushed up, to oneý and ýone-hiaîf in length. -This is not only tedious for thé teachers but for'the students who really care- a littie about getting something, out of the course. The principal has been the center th eectricity. Those rooms in the cbaseznent >or first floor have been quite dark. This applies especialiy to the lower corridors. The art of see- ting the stairs in pitch dark is one of the. courses flot lse in the regis- trar's office this. summer. It is neyer- theless offered to ail in school. If ýs.udents will remember to use the * side stairs or the front ones, no in- Juries will esuit from this necessary inconveniience. Perhaps, this, year's summer school students, will turn, out to be intellectal« moles.. It might be an. asset when going tef college -for those who failed to -observe the 'ights out" rulcs. The registration this year has greatly -exceeded 'that of last year.- There are app roximately 925 students attending classes. They include next f ail freshmen who. are taking work for, extra credit and at the same dime becoining thoroughly acquainted. with the high school miethods ,,n4 e ~ (i Win a Piz= With Your Holiday Pictures WI1EBQLDT'S - EVANsTON Devis Street.. Wilmette .1100, PR F CRIPTION O PT'C IAN S (D *PKFCIS ION NADi GL.ASS ES 1(645 Orringt on'Avenue,9 Evanston rTelephone University 6804 The Rod toJulyýFourth.. ýSm artness Is By Way of PANAMA Panama, Weaves $250$ 3.50 k?