"Loengrn- at the home (,f Mrs A. Harris Barber. 1214 Scott aveý nue, Winnetka. on Mondav morning J uly 6. at Il o*clock. This iii the sec- ond of a series of six lectures on opeas .whicb ,w-il be piesented ai Ravi»ia that sumnmer. Single admis-e sions rnay be purchastd at any le-c* Mr. Srnith wýl inaugurate a sûr:jes of lectures 'on operas for children c'i the north shore on Monday.: Tulv fi. at 2 o'clock in the aftern.oon. MAI of the. lectures . ill 5be given 'at -the home of MNirs. George Stanle\v Park- er, 200 Linden street. Wir.netka, Information regarding tiiern mal-, e secured thrugh her. YoDung peoi:Ae Up to 15 vears of age mnay take' the course., Mr. Siîth. %Nhcý is -frc;in the Lni- versï.tv- o Chicago. gives a br:îout- Ue of the szory of the operà. p1ay-s main themes on the 'pia no and a]sc'1 illustrates his t a11, 't h ph_. ,graph recording s At the firsz t c-ure, A f1te sere on Monday. zat thr j!l u M- j. VV. ilan aviHuar W'oods. 1r. Snithtakd :Chr pentierýs opera. ~oie This. l.çc said. is a simpîe drama of real I]1ft. >ho ing the ,trugglé for :nd.'Niduâ - sty'.a.ga inst -confurmfit- Cha rpen:iier àis al Lus uical ro- mance.. for the drama ahd the mus: c. are ~etiai.bouhd t .gethtr.. There aret osent:rnents 4n.Lui heart, which cla-h durîng the ý_,era.ý One, is h& loýve fr er father a 1;d(_ her lear of ]taing utierînig St- *hind her :'f shegos a' and the- otber is ber irreýistible 1C-l xt: i r *freedom and love in h vupus city, Paris. * Charp-entier-, ;sa:d r- Smith, *was b orn in 18f6. He i stili lie and às doing much to 'br.it& ithe lives of the working classes. He. organizeS musical fetes for the girls and young men,. and 'c rowns the %orkinig girl muse,.in fetes.similarto that in his opera "ouise?' He is a lover.Di. life as it is - especiàally the 1ie of the comnmon people, and he Ilies in the Mfontmartre district, %which lie feels, is profoundly lyric, He mwrote an opera,1uin as a sequal to. "Louise." but when it wýas Celebrate <nniversary Mr. and M,\rs.' Frederîck Bulley oi 22 Sheridan road, Kenîlworthi, ell-f tertaned ten guests at dinner âne a bridge on Thursday- evening, June 2; Trhe Occasion w~as -the celebiratiosi ofv the 'ithirÏtv-fifth wedding âtiniversary- of tbe, host and hoites.. ,1 ch't9 ou t Ccl" if f ?? ii~. zhS. xzri.c ro.ý ~h1cc.1une20. Te Barows S sç. î;L~;.;tins ; ~ j-,t th' hom ham JUsk.ando~ithilat 'ack league and thýeir frien-ds. The 1hotess was assisted by 'Mrs. Stella _S. -Tan- n otta. _Mrs. :Laura Puffer 'Morgan of \*Washinzton, D. C. the guest of honcor. gave a taik ,te rbes confromitng the Disarmamer't confer- ence meeting at-Genev 'ý-. Sitzerland, nextý spring. _Mrs. "Morgan w-ho is zsaid to be an outstanding expert on *disarmament problems, xvas able, through ber1 experience, to present thîýs ccmiplex subjeet in a simple.,and lucid manner.1 She bas attended sev- eral aszsemb-lles o 'f the. League of Na- tions as -well] as the recent Naval con-; Jerence in L::n and xvill attend t he Disarmarnen: ,conference. 'Mrs; .\Mor- gan is a legi;sative sec.retarv -of the Naional Council for_ Prevenltion oi Ec khqrlt Paintin g Prize for Art League Bridge Peret Eckhart of Kenilworth. W'ell knouwn on îthe iiorth shore in art and s C.îa1 circà'es. anId a gifted artist, 'has gî-none ol .his .gorgeoiis paintings, one of ùak trees'. as a' prîze fr the t.hird 11.1 the ueries of aiternoon bridge Parties sponsored by the North Shore 'Art league as, a' benefit for the iund f or, the new- stu dio tbe k-ague is 'rp""have in tbe.new- Com-i mnitx- House building 'in Winnetka.1 *Teaffair".N-ill be-, iven, Frida-v. aTlinon 'Nuh-3. in tbe garden of..th e homeof .Mrs. G-ordon\isn41 Nitbstrcet. Wilmette. Assilsting thehbôstes;will jbe other memnbers of the Art League board.i. Aniia Wihlets J3urnbarn, Mrs. Tohn Yennerpa. M\rýs.,Rtdolph In'i-Ire. alid Miss Grace MHaskins. BengIi~ta.Fund 'At "PDnFet rnf 1 njtery.-QPI The 5: Marv*ý oie- Of St. Fran- ci~Xaver arish %vill gi-e >a lawn fete. Thursday evening. juIt -9. a the: home o'i Nrs. George E. Ludwig., 2758 rda-aeu, Evanston. A real -homrPe cooked supper wvIl 1 be served n ithe iawn aitf6 o'clDck. The procceds w-i elp to increase the iund for -)ie of the altars oi the new- church. Memrnbrsof tecon Luneleon Hosiess Mfrs. Walter D. Launder of 230 Ox- frdroad. Kenlwýorth. w-as hostess at a luncheon and bridge partv 0o1 Thursdav of last week. 'The affair ivas gîvep in honor ofi'-\rS. G. A. Samiuels, %v'ho.wvas the boulse guest .of Mr.George Birkhoff.- kt 1- - "O %il i1uitfulà 110 , Nfore than .250 Inembersý and gu esis attended the 'Feast of the Lanterns." as the dinner dance held at -Shaw-nee Countrv- club last .Saturdav w-1as c alled. Trhere v-ere tables in -the bal.- room and a buffet supper was ser'-ed' at midnight. Among7those m-ho w-ere guests tbere were 'Mr..and Mrs. J: j. Johnson,. Mr. and «Mrs. A. F. Biser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirtland. M\r. andi wnQisio eaLJUfldL J.ick july Il. Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Edwin Luther Belslie, 530: Forest avenue, was hostess at a lIuncheon and bridge party )-ester- dat- for tw-elve at her home. Hàer gue5ts were Chicago £riends. of «MISS Helen Fraser, daug hter o Mr. and 'Mrs. Geor- e Fraser G-' 64; ýAlhottsfo:rd road. Kenilworth, an - Rýoger Royd Anders-on, son of r. and,. Mrs. Edwvard A. Anderson of-3.31 \Valnut Street. Wnntk. as sÉolem-' nize'd. Thne ceremonv w-a s read bv- Dr. Herbert L., Willett -of the Kenilwort'.1 Union.church at.4:30 &'clock and tne reception iolilwed imtnediatelv after wards at the Kenilworth club. The bride ,wore a charming, sum- rnery gown of -white organd-,. *Mer tulle -veil ,w-as ,caught w%%ith tfi: orange -blossoms, and sh.e carried P. bouquet of gardenias and. hulles o fl valley.. The matron of hnnor. M~ j ' H. ýSpîlier. the bride's sister. ýan,' theý bridesmaids. twvo, othier, sister. Miss Agnes and Ms rrsFraser. the bridegrcomr's, sistier. M-\i;sat Aýnders,-in. and, Miss 'Camma Town-I New York. w-ere ,gowned ali-e white lace with large wvnî:e n ai - .)raid hlats w-ic.h -were trimrned vux v-ellovv and silver rihbon. Thex-x-cr vellow- gloves and, slippers. The rn:- trorn of h6tnô- carfied blue and xi lark-spur. -the.,bridesr-naids yel; -44isies an dl white larkspur. Sherman1 Goble of Winnetika serveý. Mr, Anderson as .best ma.n ..and the: ushers -Nvere George Atkins;. Fi Deani, and Robert. English of Win- netka and the bride's.,b rothier, H ar r Fraser. The color scheme of veIow aii blue a carried out in~ both th'ýe church and club, w-here ae:-ow - i w bite daisies. x-llow roses. and bu larkspur were arranged, their IlU e, accentuated wt green ioliage. The bride and groom mot ored to Canada and w-ben thev- return w1 live in Highland Park, To Celebrate Birthday The 'Wilmette -Garden club w-ill celebrate its ninth' birthdav -at the homne of' its founder, M-rs. B. L. Dav-ies of. Deerfield, Fridav-,July 10. In the aiternor Mrs. C. 5;. Murîbut will give ,.a talk on ~aiona Flowýers.". Mrs. A. E. Logie is 1in charge of floivers sent ini to the Chi- cago Plant, Flowý,er and Fruit guild by the iVlmette - Garden club Tues- day, July 7. To Marr y in Fal At Shawnee There will be a Junior dance at Shawnee Country club Fridav eve- hning1 uly, 3. The clubniwgill hold open hseail day of' the Fourtji of ýjuly7. A special dinner wiIl be served fromn 1 o clock until 9..