Pets Are Judged at Show Staged in. Vattman Park, The Vattnian Pet showv was a b)ig su ccessý and .%vas held \Vednvesday_ morning at 10 :30 o'clock. There %vere pets of every kind froi a, poiîy par- rot to btîtterflies. Dogs. dogs, (logs Of every size, color and, breed. Sonie of theni. were regular circus' per- formers*. The pets %vere classified as followvs: big dogs, littie dogs, cats, rabhits and, miscellanleous pýets which included pigeons, liens, turtles, goldfish, suiails and, horned toads. Nine Division Victors The winners of .the-iouai. division$ were: Big dogs-"Pal-." owned by Bol) Lyons, first; "March," owned by, Berenthia, Simonds, second; "Tippy," owned by Dorothy Davis , tîjird. .I Little . dog-"Mýorna," owned hv Jinimfv XWilson, first; -Dicke," ownecl by David, Heiiizen, second-, 'Spotty," owned by Billy Van Zillan,j th ird. Cats and rabbits-"C tey. Cautiouls,.", owned by Mafrcia Smith. bunny farn- iy owned by Gordon Schutber; sec- ond;', "Kitty," owned by Robert Lo- nergan, third. M iscellanecous-" Parrot," owvned 1) Mary Janie Webster, first; goldfisli, owned by Barbara Orinsbee, secôlnd; Ihorned toad, ownied by, Billy Fanick-- boner, third. Grand Priz. Wapners Granid prizes: Jun)iors-"Niiia," ownied by Jiînninvý \%'ilsoi, 8 ycars old, first ; -Narcl," dog om-vned b)v Berenthlia' Sinîonds,' ycars oHd, second; -Horn. Tas owvned by Bilby Fanckbonier, thirdý *Dicke%,"owvned bv Dvi Heinzeiî, 5 years old, fourth. lniterineiates-Pal," ilownied b Bob Lyonis, first; ' *Cutey Cautiouti. ownied bV Narcia SîuitlI. 'seconid. 'Tippy)," owvned b\- Dorothv Dais.i third; biinnv tanîllv; ownied bvIa- renice Shefourth. 1The' judges *were Dr. Bu1scihbon. Dr. Reeh, Carl Renueckar aiid Mrs. Enter Grasshoppers I at Central Pet Show' Vattman Park's Daily The animal pet show aàt Central jSehedule Announced I playgrouind ýv'as lheld Thursdav îoîi ing9 at 10 :30 o'clock. Much intere4st ~va sown~ hegirs nd ~~~. Vattman Park's dail3' scliedu!e WVe lîad a, large assortrnent of pets sas olos inclucingeemtigfonidogsti Morning grasshiopplers. Miss, Bernice, Borrc. 9 ýtri 10-I.ow organized-zanies and Miss. El ena1 Fits".rav',> instrucOnrs for juniors. Bail practice for ti'.c ini the Evýanston plaicrroutids4 acted interniediates and seniors.- a.s ju(lges for the show.. 100 to I.l-Preparation for vl Those %ývbose pets carried home' lage-wide evients. Poster nîialçinlg hono1rs vere as follows : Junior.- - this wveek. First prize for aIl 'round. good pet il to, 12- 1Storv hour. was awarded to Rose Mary. Chubli Aft ernoon for ber bülldog, "Buzv", The second '2Hniok prize wàs won by Patty, Lou Emnp- I t field for ber dog, "Trixv-." Third 2 to 3-Inter playground hall prize went to Edward Osborne for ganies. his bird, ."Dicky." 3 to 4-torv hour. ark T.uesday afternoons weé go 'h' In the intermediate division,ja the beach. Mrs. Fanlckboner i., Uinle took' first pri-ze for his po!icel oristutr-Drtv owy clog., "Boots." >Second place went ý ntr attmapr.-DrtvHla Carl Friedelce for his' dog, uDenny _________________ Third prize-w~as awarded to Dorotliv Adamis for ber bunny, "Daisv."' Rib- Ghildren Give Welcome ,bons were presented. to the winner.. oBsseCrl lee of the two divisions.-Imnogene Kauf.- mani, Central playground. Miss Bessie.CaroDl Bierer wvas givei' "Want, Ad"Cl Personal: XViII new childreni join the playgrounds this week ? *Lost : The Village Green' girls lost a kickball gaine to the Vattmian'girls )n' Monday hyv a 'score of' 26 to 28. Pets for sale:* Vattinan Park w! be willing to seil their, supplv of flies' aifd ýniosquitoes to any onie who *wants ýto bily thern. Fouid: About a hundred children plaving at Vattnian park. 'ouid : 'A coat Of tanilon thiel)ack Qf J oh uInie after lie had spent a claý' at the beach.« Necedeil: A strong big girl to catcli flics on the 'Vattmnan park kickball. team-E'lanorRick, V attînan park j a heartv weicome by the,,cbildlren.of the Village Green 1)lav,«rounid Moni- day niorning, june 29.* Satürday the children decorated the shaçk 'for bher arrivaI. We bail chains, posters, lan- terns, pictures and rnanv other tbing's banging on thbe %alls of the shack. Thé children painted a bi- sign "Welconie 'Miss Bierer.". On the afternoon of lier arriva]I we bad a kick'ball game against the Central Plavg'ýrou1nrl which i as plaved at the Village Green playground.. We* werc verY, ve ry'_-làd to have lier wt s -XTivian Miller, VTillage Greel., LISTEN TO STORIES .,L.Vattmilnpark , we are bavîn.g futi istening to stories froni 1l until 12 in the niorning. and froi .3, 'itît arounci 4 in the afternoon. The naines of the stories tbat Mrs. Fanck- boner reads to us are MT \l-7 awýavýs" and "Ciinderella't." The other o'clock we have story hour at Cen- tral. The girls take turns reading 'stories.' Much interest is sbown by the girls and boys. We bave finished two books and M4iss Riggles is' going to bring two more 'books which we expect to'. finish soon.-Josephine Baîhatchet, Central playground. làg.1 IIII . -"IocpIk" . V1tI on account ot îast weeic s storm. The. annuai poster making week. LverY- tha Leach, 7 years old, Vattman. town-wide event is to be in the very one is busy making' posters for the tpark. near future.-Imiogene Kaufman, annual village-wide poster niaking NICIKBALL IS POPULAiM Central playground. contest. We have very inany boys -he klckball on our playground la and girls interested in nxaling theni. enJoyed by both boys and girls. Every PICTURES AND POSTERS' We hope we wil get many places morning we get, the bail and have a *We are.painting pictu1ieg and some in thé, village-mwide. contest. Even gamne. It là one of the- most popular gamnes on,'our playground.-lelen Cot-Children are makîng posters at Vatt- the little tots, are busy with theifl- meres, Central playeouýd . fman park.-JAck 'Morris, 7 years old. Hopeè Miller, Village Green. KickbaIl Teams Wage Hot Fight Th in Close Contest heVillage Green, kickball tea tn jlayed the Vattman girls at Vattnîan Park on Monday afternoon, June 92. The garne vas started. pro6nîptlyv at 2 o'clock. "Hap":Gathercoal acted as.-umpire. Shirley Garniss wvas scorekeeper. The conmpetition was bot, and ýthe score.was close tbrou7hout the game. After a hard ýbattie of seven innings. IVattmnan won. with, a score of 28 to 26. The lineup was as. follows: Village- Green _- Josepine 'Costo, catcher; Bessie Costo, pitcher;NMar- garet Schmnitz, first base; Frances, Ortegel, second, base;. Blanche, third, base; Dorothy Dtt- mar, shortstop:; Virginia Lûcchesi, shortstop; Marian 'Mitchell, center *field; Frances S'chrnldtz, rigl1t field; Marian Schneider, left field. Vattrnan -Dorothy Hill, catcher;. Loretta StefFens, pitcher; LucilJe Hoffmîan,ý first base; Dorothy Hol- way, ,second. base; Geraldine Hoif- nman, third, base;' Dorothy Davis,. shortstop;. Eleanor Ricks, shortstop; Katherine Brandt, shortstop;, Mary ýWhite, left. field*; Eleanor Speredesi left fi'eld; jane Brandt, righit field; Helen Lindstroni, center field.-Lu-.. cille Hoffmnap, Vattnian park. Music, Costumes Mark Village Green's Parade Thursday, June 18, Village Green had their parade. Mai13 children were in It. MNiss.Skidniore estiniated that ineiy ch.ildren took part.' The parade va's led by boys carrying the V'illage Green, 1bannýer. Thien -caile. 'the-bugles and drums'. We had 'five bugliers. and twvo drummeiirýs'. Negxt ap-, peared about fifty., children in cos- turnies. Then cane. the children ýWho lhad no costuni:s anid uere carrvingý lags, andi lastlv caine the bicYc1e.ý and other veblicies. 'Thle'Village Green