HOLIDAY SPECIAL When you corne her. to fll up on»OG« and 011 ask to sSe our GOLF DLLSPECA THE ý-OIL:WELL Bob, 'n' Mue, main, St., at Linden Ave. Phone wilmettë 3334 =j There wiII be a prize for the winner and for the worst looking car, as welI as for the driver with the worst looking make-up. The first to enter tbe world's worst race is jimfmy Lucas who bas as bis mount.the famous 'Tin Tin Tin," a sorrel limousine, by the great Sau- sage Grinder, out of Automatic Pants Presser, the dam of Peanut Roaster and. Concrete Mixer, and.jimniy is- sues a challenge ta the re st of the owners - f dilapsdated wrecks by say- ing, "'Let,,tbem.core nen and ail an .d to be better men than, I amn tbey will baveý to possess. a car. that is more. of a junk beap tha.n my gojod aid -"Tin Tinî Tin." Entries.'may be made by writing Ward Bearn,.general delivery, Roby, nd., nanxing> the car and driver. ill H1 w11 11111 't Iargest builder'of si*x-cylindor trucks Whérevr qu -g-on city street or country road- trucks in trafflo Chevroet nlk trucksoein th ard Motor Car company. The new Packards are more altered in ap- pearance than in several years and yet there is no sacrifice ini the char- acteristic Packard Unies. Engineers apparently bave con 1cen- trate d an improvements in the,, inte r- est af the passenger who in most cases naw--is--the owner of the' car, particularly withb the larger mûre luxuriaus. automobies. At the same time. many, tbings bhave been done for the 'driver, ýsucb as increased. mo- tor power, still casier operation. and maintenance, and greater qui.etness. Ail types af the new cars are larger ýWitb wider tread. and longer wheel base,, and, greater bady roonm. Througb ane new feature,,aimed'pri- marily at greater.passenger comfort, tbe sbock absorbers 'can be adjusted easily and instantly ta changingý driv- ing conditions. The occupants af the car tune. their vehicle ta the raoad as. simply as they might adjust their radio sets. FolIow Moden Trend Sa greatly bas Packard: given. at- 'tentiQfl ta the camfort- of passengers in its cars that, .following the trend of tbe times, its engineers apparently have reaiized modern womnan naw, probablv wotild much rather bave some place ta deposit ashes on ber side of the back seat in the family car than a receptacle for ber powvder puif. At any rate, cigaret Iigbters Sides in the rear compartmnent af the a.n( asb receivers are found on bath rie% cars. SyNnchronizers.bave been ladde4 to, " the four speed transm-is5ion sa tha 1t gears can be changed easily, quickly au(Id noiselessit, regardless of tem- iperature. changes or* any Iack of skill I the part of the driver. Packard, bas retaine(i ,tle s'traight eight motor, adding improvenients which quieter 'and mare powerfül. The engine is "'floated" in rubber in the interest of quiet. aperation. To nake this pos.sible ini the longer wbeel, delivered pri Yom li'e in a terrih.ary assigtied authorized Cheprolet dealer, Who J Our Chevrelet train cd me ait work doue assure yem NoRTII SIORE, 11Main. St., Wilmette gekisai: u1@9U~>5o U1ai1UFOte o a of the best service to lie had. CIIEV1IOLET SALES Phone Wilmette 4414. fram ane setting ta the other take considerable time and can only be made by a skilled mechanic. With the new Packard system tbe change is made instantly by tbe pusb or pull, of a knob within easy reacb of' tbe driver. T The shock absorbers can be set