Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 1

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on, ,ration- PARADE STARTS AT 10 -OCLOCK P. j. HuerterAmerican Legion Post Arranges Ail-Day -Program Starting with a. parade at 10 O'clock in théeniorning, the Fourth of july1 celebration' arranged by P. J. Hluerter _PoSt' No. 669, American [Legion, will continue throughout the eiîtire day. The paradé w'ilI f oriîn at'.Lake ave- nue and Ridge road. Thlieille of march wilI be east on L.ake avenue to Wil- mette avenue, mest oir Wilinette ave- nue to Ridge road, and nortb on Ridge rodto Lake avenue. At 12 o'clock noon a flagpole dcci- cation will take placé at the Lake ave- nue-R idge' road corner. A flagpole do- nated by the Huerter pogt of the Legion and a flag givyen by the womnen's, auxiliary of the post will be presented t0 the St. Joseplh school,'at that linme. Big Program of R aces a'The eanly afternoon activity will be aprogram of thirty-two races and field events open, tô all Wilmette residents and arranged by Wilmette Post,. No. 46, Amenican Legion, with the assis- tance of members of tbe Huerter post and with' the cooperation of Wilrnette business men and tbe Playground and Recreation board. Following the 'field events two teams will battle for the Village indoor base- ball championship, Hoffmati Florists' rpeenting the west side and the, Hýawks playing for the east side. This willi be followed by a football kicking contest ànd a, golf driving con- test, both events b' be open to al Wil- mette residents. Supper at Hoffmann.,Hail Supper will be served, at Hoffman hall at 6. o'cloçk by members of the P. J. Fluerter post auxiliary. At 7 Union Services to.. Start Holre, JuIy 19 The first of a.series of 'union serv- ices arranged -by the Congregational and. Baptist .churches .of .Wilmiette will be heldSunday, Juty 19, with the Rev.. George D. Allison of the, Wil- mette, Baptist ýchurch as spe aker. The services' will be held Sunday mornings at Il o'clock from.July 19 to September 6 at both churches. Speakers, for the first1 haîf of the series, which will be held at the> First Congregationai church, are: July 19- the1 Rev. George D., Allison, Wil- mette Baptist cburch; july 26-the Rev. Otto. R. Loverude", Great Faîls, *MIont.; Aug ust 2-ýProf. William Il., Roberts,' University of Redlands,. Calif., 'and August 9-Prof. A. C. Blaker, Ut.niversity of Cihicago (tenta- tive). The second haî f of the series. wili bc at the Xilmtte Baptist churcb, and the speakers will be: August 16 -Prof. Frank AI. McKibben,.North- western university; August 23-Dr. Bryan Stoffer, president of the American college, Madura, India; August 30-the Rev. William E. Mc- Cormack, First Congregational chuirch, Aurora, and September, 6-the. Rev. John G. Hindley, First Congrega- tional chiurch, Wilmette. No Mail Deliveries i Wilmette on the Fourth No mail deliveries will be mnade in Wilmette Saturday, the Fourth, with the exception of.."sp)ecials," Postias-, ter Joseph E. Sliattz announèed tlhi;, week. The Postofficée will be closed àll day. There> will be one collec- tion of mail, >in the af ternoon, M r. Shantz stated. Th.e usual Sundav scheclule willbe followed. Villagers Watch Wilmette Water. Tank Overflow Xitb Xilmette's new emergency booster punlping station at Prairie avenue and Isabella street in. opera- tion, the Village water -tank at the northwest corner, of the ,village Green overflowed Tuesday afternoon, about 1 o'clock. A. number of residents. living in the iinty atfirst ha'd the mistaken im- prssion ' that the tank was leaking, since a surplus of water in the Ridge avenue- section, bas been most un- usual irecenty!ears. The tanük was one third f ul at 8 o'clock Tuesday ml.orning., accordinig. to Village Manager C. M. Osb)orn.1 The large pumip at the Sheridan road bridge and the emergency punîp at 'Prairie avenue and Isabella streeù were turned on at that time, and the Village officiaIs had timed tbe tan k to befilled! about 1:30 o'clock. WIien' the overflow' was discovered at 1 o'clock, operatioilof both the emiergen cy p ump at Isabellâ street and Prairie avenue ,a nd the large punip at the Sheridan road bridge was stopped. The smialler' pumip. at the bridge was then put mb oýopera- water problenm in ~aAtPMr oJII onei me pasttw bum- mers. Villagers1, hearing that the water tank was overflowed, werc liopeful that- in the future such a, shortage will nfl ot exist. The Wil- miette Vi llage board bhas 'made defi- nite Plans to alleviate the situtation. YACKEL ON VACATION W. C. Yackel, superintendent of police ià Kenilworth, began a two weeký' vacation Saturday noon.. He is taking a miotor trip trough the east. FIELD E VENTS IN- AFTERNOON, Winners (o Recoive Attractive Prizcs- Donated by WiI- me tte Business Men Plans have been completed for thé eighth annual comimunity Fourth of July celebration sponsored by Wilmette Post No. 46, American"Legion, at the Village Green Saturday. .'Patriotic exercises at 1:30 'o'clock in the afternoon will open theý programn. The exercises Will iniclud.e the presenta- tion and posting of the colors, with both, Wilmette, Post, No. 46 and Peter J.Huerter Post No. 669 of the American Legion participating, ,and a talk by. Harol Molir, commnnader o>f Post No. >46. An elaborate program of races and feld events for young and, old alike will start immediately following the' exercises. These contests will be open to Wilniette residents only, it is an- nounced. Scores of attractive prizes have been . onated for the winners by Wilmette business men., SAf ter the field events, there will be special entertainment. for.the chlîdren. D. J. L. Walther, chairman of the Patriotic telebrations committee of Wilmette Post No. 46, is in charge of arrangements for the program. He is being assisted by a committee composed of Daniel M. Davis,' H. L. Flentye, 'Hap Gathercoal, D. C. Leachi, .-Carl Renneckar, Dudley Stone, C. E. Cole- grove, C. P. Dahincke, A. R. Johinson, Statiton V1an1nwagen-, S. M. Peterson, Gus' Kroschel, Je Lynam and Mike' Kloepfer. Lst,,Races and 'Field. Events Following is the list of races.: und field events and the' prizes to be do- nated to winnerÉ -: 25-yard dash, girls under 8 years: 1. wash dress; 2. beach ball; 3. 1-lb. can- dy; 4. Two Wllmette 'theater tickets;. twof , parking in vacant lots, and similar Junior offenses. Chief lEràutigamn states' that Music F sonie of the persons to whom~ tickets Public1 were ivendid nt shw upatth police station. Warrants will be is- fteCreatil suied 'for failure to answer the ticketSo.y -SUmImos, -he chief warns. I - .in ....12-13 Page ........... 30 YoulIl add much to the joys o your vacation by knowing what's going on back home. No need to miss à single Issue. Telephone your sunimer address to our cir- culation department and bave W¶ILMIETTS LIFM follow you. brarian, anixounced this week. Bo due to be returned to. the libr that day will be due on Monday stead. The library schedule for remiainder of the week will be samne ýas 'usual, Miss Whitmack. pounced. 1< the the an- ue

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