Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 50

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Terranova and to ail others that Inay be interested hereir., that there wiil beý sold at publie auction. at the ware- rooni of Rensch Fireproof Warehouse. formerly Warble Storage and Furniture Co., 521 Main St., Wiinîette, Ill.,. begin- ning at 10 ýo'clock ln the forenoon of the 14th day of July, 1931, to satisfy the Warehouseman's Lien, now held by the undersigned. C. C. and P. Reiniuiler. Lot No. 1980- 23 pieces Wood pîatterns and metai castings. : W. B. Pollard, Lot No. 1978-2 Bar-, rels , suit case. H.Spaulding Coffin. Lot No. 1904-Mat- tres 7 bed siats, . 2 bed .s ides, 2 bed ends, box spring. L. Gauss, Lot No. 140-Rocker, armi chairs, bundie'davenport and chair céushions, buindie chairs, davenport. W. A. Cink, Lot No. 1612-2 clothes wringers, baby bath, wagon. parts,. uni- brella stand, victrola. cooler, Allenshut- ter front, wash boiler, e2 buckets, jar,, bicycle, hlgh chair, bread box loy cedar chest, S paper cartons, flour can ' mop, bathroom stool, . .anîper. 4 baskets, satchel, mirror standard, bi,..dle, ciothes poles and flags, map, sewing cabinet, 7 boxes,.Iron cheat. C. E. Fair, Lot No. 1831-Rocker, arni ýchair, 7 Dning chairs, 3 table legs, dining table top, ironing board, egg case, box records, bundie linoleuni, sew- lng machine, 2 stone crocks, davenport table, smoking stand, 3, table leaveA, pedestal, victrola, ciffoiier, niattress, carton, mirror, 3 barrels, buiidle 2 card, R. W. DeWolf, Lot No. 1971-Cot, 2 jcartons, toy horse, basket,.bdie books, Pewing eabl'iet, doîl buggy and crib, high chair, ýý small chairs, amaîl table. G. Terranova, Lot No. 1986-4 dining chairs, dresser mirror, 2 dressers, 2 chairs. 2 Wood bed ides, .3 bed ýsiats, bedroom table. cedar' chest, bedroorn chair, 2 wood bed ends, bench, stand, 2 vaity dresser bases, dining table, 2 trunks, secretar.y desk, bed spring, set7 tee, table, lam anld. shade, smoking stand, rocker, arru chair, Ironing board, 2 mattresses, radio and cabinet, 2 btin- dies cushions. table standard, 3 barrels, table. leaf, upright pian(, and bench. P'ght reserved to reject any and al bids.. RENSCH "IRePROOF W.AREHOUSE W.linette. IlInIýqsL-t Not responsible for any di'bts con.- traeted ther than by nîyself., afte.r July 2, 131. S..J. FISCHER. OFFER WEEKLY "SPECIAL" Van Duermn's Beauty salon, 113 5½ Blake Scoi preier danseur of flic Raviqia Opr conapany. is bcgiii- ninag h& second season ai -ROwvi. Las? tt'inter ke appeured as t he soldier, (abozc) in Strazcinsky's dance draina, "L'Histoire dut Soldat," at ftic Good man theater, and zoo»ithe enthusiastic praise ofi bath critics and laym-iie» for his reuuirkable talcîti. Award Prizes .in Art Students' Exhibition Peizes awarded lu the Art Students league exhibition o being field ini the lobby of the Chicago Art institute school have just been annouinced. Fouir prizes wýere given by the Mluni- cipal Art league : thirt.y-five dollars for the most outstancling group; to Williamn Galpin ;. twenty-five dollars for thé best. compositions in ooh, to Genlevieve Augustinu; twenty-five dol- lars for the best compositions i n water colors, to Powvell Scott ; fifteeii dollars for the best design, to Sydney. Lovitz. There were two awards made by -the Art Institute Alunini associa- tion:, fifteen dollars lor the best ad- yertising 'desiguis, to Rudolf, Frauz; leu dollars for the best îvork in sculp-. ture, to Carl Cederblomn. The jury of awards consisted of Paul Schulze; 1resdeuit of _tlie ,M)unicîp.al Art Westmoreland Planning Fourth of July Programn An ail-day prograni lias been planned for the Fourtb of July at Westmior eland ÇCountry -club.' Dur- Ing the miornng and .afternoon there 'vill be the golf -events. Ladies' cou- tract and auction bridge will start at 2 :30 in the afternoon, and children'- eutertainnient tvili begin at , 3 :30. Dinuer will be served between 6:00 aind 8 :45, and dancing will conclude the evening. TO ATTEND WEDD[NG Joseph, Nate of Oakland, Cal., is a bouse guest at- thé R. M.. Campbell home, 631. Central' avenue. He came to attenld,,the manriage today of, A. G. C'amipbell of Oakland and Miss 'Margaret Nlurrav, which is to he perfornied by Mr. Nate's father, Dr. .Joseph Nate of Denver, Colo, during the vear 1930, as' compareci with 84,092 in 192ý9, représenting a decrease of 8,141 or 9.7 percent. In 1922, there. were 75,208 inarriages performed. During the yvear 1930 there were 15,432 divorces granted'iii the state,. as .compared with .15.758 in 1929, rep- resenting a decrease of 326 or 2.1 per cent. Iu 1922, there wvere 11,057 div- orces grant.ed. There wvere 202 niar- niages annùÙlied îu 1930, as conîparcd witlh 249 ini 1929. The estimated population of the state of Illinois on july 1. 1930.,ivas 7 ,659.000, and on Julv I. 1929,. 7,546,- 847.-On the, basisof'tliese estimates, the nunîber of niarriages per 1,000Ë of thé population was 9.9.in 1930, as' agaiinst 11.1 lu 1929, and. the number ofdivorces per 1,000 of the popula- tion %vas 2.01 iu 1930, as against 2.09 in 1929. The numnber of ruarriages wvas fur- nishied 1w the county clerk. of cadih county, and thle number -of divorces 1w' the clerk of the Circuit court. of. eacli countv and by cixy clerks hav- .ing divorce jurisdiction. The figures for 1930 are preliminarv and siibject to corriecticon., In Cook counitv the numiber ýof niarriages, divorces and annulnments for 19-11 and 1930 was 'asý follows: 1929-mnatriagès, 41,06(6): divorces, 9,443, and, annulinents, '133;. 1930- niarriages; 35,401 ; divorces, 9,188,.,and ainuhinents, 96. ON FISHING TRIP Dr. Rufus Stolp, Percy CutX'r, AI- den Sears of Kenilworth,, with a f riend froni Chicago, left june e~, for a fishing trip. of about te» days in the woods of northern Wisconsin. Trhis is an annual e.vent, always anticipated with great pleasure. Mrs. JohnI3enhami of 165 Keil- worth avenue, Keuilworth,. has hadt as her 'guests. for- a short visit her niece .and lber husband, Mr. and Mfrs. Will iain Stuart Spauln and their two cèhildrenl, froim Santa Barbara, Calif. They are on their way to the Adirondack mountains where the\- have taken a lovely estate for the summiner months. lett june ZI, alter spenurug twvo weeks ith the latters mother, M\rs.- Scott E. Peters, of 123 Clvde avenue, Evanston.. On Saturd'ây, june 27, Mi nad Ms George Jones of Kenilvonth and their iamily' with their, guest, Frank. Carpentei, left for a tnip to lircb wood, Wis. 1%r. and Mrs. JQhII Honey'cutt, 1021 -o- Central avenue, and théir son,- John, MXrs. Rûfus' Stolp of 336' Warwick Jr., are on a three weeiks' miotor road, I<enilworth, entertained the tour. Thiey are, driving around- Lake Evening Bridge 'club 'at lier hômne on ,Michigan. Tuesday, June 23.. -o-- 'o- Aleck Jerreuis of Chicago bas l)eenMr and Mrs. Thomas, Coyne, '240 the guest, of his daughter,' Mrs., ViI- Meirose 'avenuie, Kenilworth,,returned, liami W. Sèars, 415, Cuninor road, f rom. a short tn p to the niorth woods Kenilworth for -the past' few weeks. on Thursday, june 25. Edward J. Bradley, 234 Catalpa place, has returned to his home from the St. Francis. hospital. He is con- valescing from an appendicitis op- eration. Mrs. Harold E.. Spinney of 927 Ashland, avenue entertained IWe bridge luncheon club at ber home Wednesday of this week,'

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