in gitrdening zor Deauty and for pleasure. Wholesoine work, properly planned and then hearty enjoyanent. are ail necessarv if we woizld enjoy fully the possibilites of làndscape gardening. STo some good folks, a,,wonderfu'! garden. spacious. lawns and n minifi- cent .trees are -b ut convrentional things, to lie desired and to be -pur- chased, largelv because' custom- de- mands it, while. to. some more appre- ciative soul., to.,one who really qees. the humblest flower may inspire :1 po em, mayý warm the heart as nîuicli as. at the sight of a lofty ýmountain. Scientists tell us that many things are flot what they seeém to us,, that, the color of the leaf- is ,not what it seems to us, that the human eye ig to catch :certain limited impressions, but neverthel 'ess as far as we hunians are concerned, the leaf wih likely continue, green or red or- yellow. as the case may lie. The eire will üt ot hange*,very much. With gardens if is, quite different. :We may develop or even radi-èalIN improve ini our appreciative ability. Thé fact, however, that *no two Peo- ple have the samne sense of garderi enjoyment, adds. somnething to theý mystery and abundance of- garden values. THE SPECIALTY, GARDENER ~We. often encounter the gardener. . the home owner, the neighbor, who bas become enamoured with some. one flower, some particular ýspecies, perhaps even a definite shade, as for exçample, a red peony, and she ýis just ail wrapped up inber one pet prize, a. Dr. Van Fleet rose, a purple clematis, a sunburst lily, a dahlia, .the finest ever, or a brick red poppy, and ber favorite to ber is the finesti that ever Was, and she expects t,-e world to see it as- she sees it. NoW this 'good souil is also -a gen- erous. gardener, a. friendIly neiglibori and if it is possible to- share -thiîs treasuire with ber friends, : she is happy to offer a cutting, a rooted layering, a root cutting, some see(! or wbatever can l)e provided so that ber friends mav, also bave some of not be thaï kind of a garden. Another sct of gai-den' specimen collector is ýthe specialist. the 11ris. fancier, the Iilac - specialist, the primula lady or the fern man..ý The specialty gardener may and' likely Will have an orderly garden, though be may flot be. able to develop as much beauty in the grounds as he could if he did flot give s0, much space te the groupof bis particular, liking. Not a few towns have been, as we say, "put" by some flower specialist. .Wben we. think of gladiý- olh, we think of Goshen, m Id., andý when we. think. of Goshen, we think ofgas An easy day's, outing.will take one, to Kankakee, and back, past the gladcioa cutting farms, to the Dodsor. bird lodge at Tankakee,.a charming place, .and. along the scenic -river drives there and around Momence. GARDENING FOR SHOW, FOR CUT FLOWERS, FOR HEALTH____ One garden value which registers rather strongly in certain of the es- tates, both large and small, is the show value. We mean that folks like to have a conipetent, well-kept garden, neat and ample lawns, nice shade trees, so that they may make an impression with and on thei: friends, their social. circle. or even Particuilarly. in t he more' detached tQwns, flower gardening is valued ini a much 'greater degree because it affords. cut flowers for the living rooms, for the dining table, to dis- friends, flowers for church decorations, for, the sick and other shut-ins. As an ex ercise, gardening is superb, perbaps largely because the pleasure of -it makes us to forget the toil. We j unie, rom tile -0- Mrs. R. 'H. Boyd and her children, Sheiyý and Bill, of Albany, N.Y, are the ýguests of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F~. Blymyer, 626 Lake avenue. Miss Lilly Mae Humpliries _return- see s. mis trîna lias a jJecuu4r buue 1imiy Wlil DeJIJUnainiU A LAe venAiA ed to lier home at 255 Wood court of iris, something new to hirn and lie stroling about the lawns and Sunday after spending two weeks in wants onie, a root, a slip, anything through the garden pathways. bath- Edgerton, Wis. for a start of this, new one. His ing bis sou] in tbe twiligbt, commun- .neighbor has.some wonderful shades ing %vith nature, seeing a poem an Leon Ellis, 207 Cumb erland avenue, in zinnias, and wil he please mark a -the face of the.pansy and sensing, retunedto eniwort a eekagofew of the best and save some seed. wotiders everywhere. Ail living th"ug from a, fishing trip ini Wisconsin. S this gardener with a penchant to this ma.n are comrades. matilew' gto bc foi Phiotos, fine~t ert now ,mi ýisai bile of