Jly lst to 15th: Re-lnvestrentTime 'Firçf ïn I l"i/ette" From the bcgin.ninrg.until tliemiddle CofJIxnnvo ÔLIr (LIstoinelrs Of whicl) ôu nav be one xviii1 reccive re.urns frorn tbcir inNstm nts. Siock dividcnds. bond settiements, and prcmiurns will bc paid. Thi s suggcs rs tha I niced t'sck, other c-n'plor_~ nient for funds* so received, in ordier t ha ilvhcv. l u vrni. may wý%ork a n d carn for*ou. Fi rst Nati'onaIl of «Wi I.mette is à prop.er agencx' vo con- suit in this nmattr of r-nvsm'nAv 0of our o 1fi cc r s Wi111 bc glad 'to off er yu heIc n cfCi t of the B an ks experi- ence àn d in formait ion to assist vou. A good thing.to do wouid be vo stop in for a ricd 1 tak. 'M akc a - note no0 to do.-tbat vcry t hing. T/ne TifII\VSR, O1ITE I:t¾;i.:Nl.~ V 4;. TIIAYJ~fl 'I. I:\il v4 ¾,iî:mIrr..~, 'entrai Trust * i. i i iXI' i h uie & TtIegraLph H k , k is J~l,'\ ,414' t '~ ~i~;tfly, etC. r .- i .x xxi r xx * H r'~' r NI$v I~isf. fl:rtic t t I . r rai i kil k f .N. r i *îî:~ I tî rîI~ v r I î iiîI , 'il. H ~- 141*. -t. \ Ni.î, itittît y 4 r \~\ \.;~N i. tir * t. , Ni: r I 4ist i k4 îrk * t i NIl i\~ IZI, h .V ~:4\. Bk. i t~ ~'t 44 I t-' t.. r x, \\ '., I'iN4Ž.. I I 'il-i - t t t k: Nil :t:KI-:i~ h U tir ~. 4'.. I' '-tf' t. t t\ iii i2\ i [iiM 1.1: r. t-r i :' iZ-S t: t. 1:--.i *i., Il.- 1. il 1 <C iRs Of' THE IBANK Saturday 8 a. m. until, 12:-30 p. M. 71 u n til9p TRUST REAL, ESTAITE I' .î-1 1, V V '-i'4" Ifita ndlTreasurer I 4'~sflic.:i J, Company