s. ~ ,~ GQlNG~ AWAY oveër the -fourth? Sure you will want a -lof of things-.iwe have them.: ARROW TRUMP SHIRTS, of broadctoth, no shrînking, white, bIue1 19 tan, green $19 WHITE FLANNEL TROU- SERS, an exceptional value now selling , 7 for, ...$ 795 I'MPORTED LINEN SI.ACKS, white or white with black pencil O stripe.. ~UL.7~J KNICKERS. (Plus 6) of white Gaberdi.ne or.white. linen, selling$29 ing for...""-2 9 Golf Sweaters ...$2.50 50 yard dash, girls .10, 11, 12: 1.. corniera, film, flash bulb; 2. feit knitted beret; 3. $1 cash ; 4. One cake; 5. Two theater. tickets. 25-yvtrd -wh-eelbatrrow race, boys 10, ýcash; .3. pocket .klfe ;. 4. vest pocket f1lashlight; 54 cake. TI.re.LegedItae 50-yard three-iegged race, girls under 16: L. box camiera and film eàch; 2. $1 cash each ; 3., $1, cake :each; 4. hair ceut eaeh;' 5.. two theater tickets each. 50-yard dash, boys 10,' 11, 12:- 1. two waterrnelons; 2.. One pair shoes haif soled and heels; 3. One pair shoes re- esoleci; 4. ake1; 5. tWo theater, tickets*. 75-yard dash: girls 13, 14, 15:A1. $2 cash ; 2. pair silk stockings; 3. two Vie- trola records; 4. triangle scaÜf; 5. cake. 25-yard hopp ing race, girls 8-9:- iý. $1 cash; 2. $1 baisket:.fruit;. 3. cake; 4. tw< theater tickets; 5. two theater tickets. 50-yard relay, husband and wlfe (must be own liusband 'or wife) : 1. 1 ton of coke; 2. $5 ln trade; à. 500-lb. ice book; 4.*electric fan and nmant1e piece; 5. $2 basket of. grocerles. 75-yard dash, boys 13,' 14, 15: .1. $1 cash; 2. two dinners; 3. automatic pen- cil'! 4.- cake; 5. basket plunîs. 7-yard dash, girls 16-20: 1. shampoo and fiinger wave,; 2. shanipoo and ftng.er wave; 3. hair cut and shampoo; 4. lady's dress or- coat cleaned; 5. cake. 50-yard dash, boys under 16: 1. suit cleaned and pressed.; 2. two dinners; 3. $1 trade; 4. $1 cake; 5. California hamn. 10Y 10- lr asli Event 100-yard dash, boys 16-20 inchisive' 1. straw bat; 2. suit cleaned and p'e ssed; 3. hat clenned ; 4, pair of goggles; 5. bottle of hair tonle; 6. suit pressed. 5(-yard dlshl, %ol)le]l over 21: 1. Ga-' brieleen permianent %vave; 2. shamipoo and rnar<el; 3. one lot engraved tcrds; 4. bathronnm stool; 5. fern. 50-yard balloOin race, g iris tinder 10: 1. $2 basket of grocerles;- 2. small hani; .3. twb theater tickets.; 4.- elephant jar and plante 5. plant.. 100-yard dash, men 21 and over; 1. Universal toaster; 2. $5 cleaning; 3. pair sun glasses; 4. car sinionized; 5. change of oil and grease car; 6. can of road tar remover. 50-yard balloon race,, boys unde 10o:. 1$3 mierchandise; 2. 25-lb. sack of foôur; 3. hani; 4. basket, of groceries; 5. basket of groceries. 25-yard dash, ,women 35 and over: 1. $5 beauty parlor; 2. aivning;' 3., $3 launidry: 4. one lot éngraved cards; 5. plant; 6. two bottles-of auto pollsh. For Husband aitilwlfe 50-yard tbree-legged race,. husband andi wife (mnust he. owvh husband or wife): 1, percolator; 2. $5 laundry; 2. $3 basket groceries; 4. case of Ca nada stancipoint of rratmc accidents, the most dailgerous holiday in the year. A total of 107 persons lost their lives on the Fourth last year. hI recent years. the motor club pointed out, trahfie, deatlis bave steadily, increaýsed., while casual- ties f rom fireworks hiave been.oi! the decline. Last, year oiliîvfour- teen persons' were. killed l)y ire- works. Drownings on the Fourth last year aggregated sixty-fi.ve.. 'The fmotor. club pointecl out that whether one is driving, 1s wimming, boating -or celebra ting %vith flue- works that d1e 'day, according,,to statistics. presetits more hazards to life and limhf than any ôther on the calentda r. FiveCases of Measies Are Found in Wilmnette Five new cases of measies and one of whooping co'ugh weré reported'in WViinett e by the Wilmette H'ea-Ih departnient for the week elnding Tues- day, June 30. There are also two old cases of scarlet fever still active ini the village, the health departmnent reports. INSTAL.LS OFFiCERS Bethel 44 of Job's Daughiters hield public, installation of offiicers Tués- day evening, June 30; at theXi- mette- Masonic temple. g "lut I lbes -q--w BE FORE you start, AWAY on your vacation .WE -ho.etly ýand 4iuW FEEL that you owe IT to yourself to --GOME into the RENNEOKAR Drug COMPANY here AND supply yourself WITH sorne vacation SUPPLIES that .you FOR instance,..l GYPSEY Cream FOR insect bites;, REX Salvine FOR sunburn; FILMS to fit any CAMERA. The regular, AND the new one Wortheru's 1150 Wulmette Ave. Ist Nati. Bank BIdg. Phone 2655 The closeçt cordinp Thenre wilî Db 1no colec iliveries of mail in Ke jdav. This usual Sund wiÎi be followed. worth that schedule *Mrs. F. A. Buck 1167 Wilauotte Ave, Phone Wilmetto 4598, 'J I Phonies; ZI Uand 4 ým