Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 4

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ruucts more ijuiç..,y Uon a the k quality of bis dief. ýECONOMIES-à Ju LY 210 J ULY .9 SP RING LEG 0F LAMB .......lb. 24c CALVES' SWEETBREADS, Fresh.. ,. .Il. POT ROASI. Fancy native beefl. HAMS. Star or Premium, whole or haif. . lb. 47C 23 26c SHRIMPS. Sweetheart fanciest Jumbos in the Na. 1, 25c.tin,.,.. ............. .for 45c SALMON. Redwood flat tins of fanciest Red AWaskan Sockeye-. ..2, /2 lb. tins, 45c. .. . 1, lb.'fin 42c SARDINES.. King Oscar famaus smoked Norwegian in pure olive oil, 1/4 1b.~, 22c size.......... 2 for 29c GINGER ALE. Canada Dry in cartons.... doz. $1 .39 GRAPE JUICE. Welch's Concord.,. qf. .49c.. pi. 25z RASSO. Pure raspberry juice:- Add 0 ta7pat water for a delightful beverage ......... pt. 31 c CHEESE. Kraft's 25c jars Pimenta0 Spread or Kay. 1/2-1b. bricks Arnerican, Velveeta, -Pinientc, or Chateau ................ .......... 2 for 35c CREAM CHEESE. Philadeiphia in siver foil ... ea..1IOc SIJGAR. Pure cane gr.anulated ..... .....I10Ibs. 55C POTATOES. New- reds for haking or boiling, pk. 39c FRUIT SALAD. Richelieu large Na. 21/2 tins of extra fine ,mixed fruit at an unusual price. ... fin 39c PERS. Baby Stuartlagea.2/ tins:affancy. sternmed Bartletts. 12 ta 14 halves......fin 25c FIG BRAN & ZO. Famaus Battie Creek health brea'k- fast foods. Bath 1 5c packages for ........ both I15c posedly reprèe ing any doubts tions of salesnm *or the police, B. T.-Clark, secretarv of the Chambe.r said this week. It is the desire of the. Çhamber of Com- merce,1Mr. Clark states, to*be of service to W'ilmette residents in everv way possible, and protection.of householders against unscrupulou, peddlersý is one of the. Chamber' aims. YUU iIILVI citors mav Wilmette Firemeên Use Pulmotor to Save Boy By.using a.pulmotor operated underý the direction of Fire Capt. James Brady, the Xilmette Fire department wvas ni- struinital iài saving the if e of joseph Richter, 9 yearts .o1, 1616 Crain :street,, lvanston, at Doetsch's - gravel - pit .,on Friday, June 26. The boy hiad been under *vater about fifteen *minutes.,. .MAichael. Co nrad, Niles Center yoéuth,' had puilled Richter f rom diie gravel pit, and memnbet's of lte Wilriette pulmotor squad were able to revive the l)ov after, an hour's work. The WVilmette Fire dcpartment receivcd the eniergencv call at 6:30 p. m. ON WEEK-END TRIP Miss Vera Holding. 'sec retary to Vilag Mnager C .Osborn, and Miss Ann Silvers of' the MNarv Annô Frock shop, mi Il. leave tonior roîv nighit to spend the Fourtli with friends at South Haven, -Nichi. IULY SPECIAL GROCERY .PHONE 510, MARKET PHONE 5 14 I DO01q 1NI C PAG LIA RULO0 Jeweler and Opticiani 1166 Wilmette Avenue' Phone Wilmette '106i M. Portenhauseri Painter and Decorator *10301 Greenlepif Phon. '2744 *~'~' I A canoe tilting contest *at 2:30 o'clock in the aiftertioon wiIl start the day's program. The contest vvill be in four sections-boys *under twelve years, girls under tweIve years, boys from twelve to fourteen ye 1ars, and girls from twelve to four- teen years.-Dale. D. McCutcheon will officiate. The big event of. the afternoon. the second annual Vista. del Lago amateur outboard motor regatta, un- der the, auspices of the',North Shore Outboard Motor club, will get under ,%av' at 3 o'clock. In the event of, rougli weather thé races vvill be post- poned to the following day at the samne hour., J. 'W. Sackrider, firgt- commodore of the Mississippi Valey Power Boat association, ivili be o.ffi- ciai starter and supervisor. Refreshments fbr children will beý servedat '3:30. o'clock-. and an hour later the canoe, titlting contests for juniors and aduits xviII begin, with DaleID. McCutcheon.,again, officiat- ing. Competition - -vil h.e in_ four clasýes-bôvs foutrteen years old and over, kirls-foùrteen vyears a0d',over, menl and women. At 5 :30, o'.clock there Nvill be enter-. tainment on the. esplanade ..fô*r the -children. Those ini chargeç.,of thi£-- entertainment -promise a, real' treat for the boys anld girls.. D)ancing on the esplanade from 9 o'clock in the: evening until 12 :30. wil! comnplete the day's prograim. Thomas Caissin Funeral HeId Tuesday Morrnng Tlias F. Cassin of Chicago, a b)rother of Edward A. Cassin, 32(j Oxford toad, Keilw\\orth, died at the Presbyterian 'hospital in Chicago last Saturday. Mr. Cassin wvas 4<) ï.ears, o31d. He had been failing iii'health ,for, soine time and had b)eeà confined t tie hospital for four weeks. The, funeral, services wvere h:Ield f rom his brother's residenice in KenilWorth Tuesdav rhorn- in9 at 10 o'ciock to, St. Francis .Xavier clhjrch in Wilmette. Burial was at -Cal- vary cemetery. Besides the. brother lIli Kenilworth, Mr. Cassin is'survjived by- two other brothers, James P. Cas sin of Chicago and John W. Cassin of St. Paul, Minn., and a sister, Miss Mae

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