1THE NEW PHILCOl -SýUPERH ETERO DYNE BABY GRAND O NLY $500 UOWN TSIS WHAT YOU GET: 7 Phulco QBalanedTubes (4 ScreenGrid) The New Pentode Power Tube Philco Tone Control lNew Eleetro-Dynamic Speaiker be read tiy Dr. SamueI ilarI<ness at the NVinetka Congregational church, and a reception at the Georgian hotel wvill follow the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stall of 'Chicago Were hosts at a dinner party for Miss Bailéy and Mîr. Djck' June 20. j une 22, Miss Ruth Bfrooke. of, River For-, est gave a mniscellaneous- shower, and June. 26, Miss Louise Cook of Chicago gave a hosiery shower. A towel shower %,vas given by Mrs., Chester Wilder of Chicago,He ights june 27. Miss Dorû- thy: Kuelzow of . Wilmette and Mrs. .H. W. Oakwoocf of Chicago were host- es.les at a lingerie showver July 1 at Shannee Country club. anid ednies- day this week Mliýss'AIma Schock of Elgin had 'a luncheon and bridge party for- the bride. Friday> evening the, bridaI dinner will take pla ce- at 'the Tavern, in The Chimneys. VISITORS- FROM ST. LOUIS Mrs, W. T. McM,ilIati, 237 WVood Court, entertained Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Colemani and family of St Louis, Mo. over the Fourthi of Julv, The Colemans were former residenits of Wilmette. Their eldest daughterL Miss -Dorothyv Coleman, is. extenliflg her 'visit for twoa or three, weeks. Miss Julie Adams, w-ho has been a guest'at the Kenilworth Inn for ,a few weeks, left July 6, for L ake Okoboji Iowa. On August 1,. she Will go to \V'illiamnstownii Mass., to aitend the Iiistitute of Politics. if you .want to get Th n,526 cases reportea uuring me first two weeks of June indicated that the incidence for June weuld be Un- usually heavy this year. Only a few niunicipalities have escaped out- breaks. Evidence wh.ich shows pro- nounced. preventive and 'abortive Value of convalescent -and aduit blood serum in, the management* of measies continues to. accumulate.,-: .Whooping cough with more than -M0 cases being reported wé'ekly is imore prevalent thai a this tinie Jast year. While less prevalent than a yeýar ago., more than 100 cases- weekly of. diphtheria are being reported :with about three-fourths Of the incidence in Chicago. For the first twentv- four weeks 3,134 cases had been re- ported against .3,895 for- that period last vear and the favorable difference has been that greater during,.receiit weeks than earlier. Confined almost wholly to the rural areas aiid smnall commuunities.typhoid, fever prevalence is ru2mig well be- low,,, that of last year. Only 127 cases ldben repor'ted at the end of the.. twentv-fourth week compared w~ith 195 for that period in 1930. r.and Mrs. Rocbert B>. flen.nett.' 5748 N Spalding avenue, Chicago, anniounce' the, birth of, a daughter. jannice, on May 31, at thé Copley. hospital, Aurora.- Mr. Bennett is the son of Mr. and'Mrs. Robert J. Ben-_ nett, 1033 Ashiland.'avenlue, W\,ilimctte.. as muchi enjoymnent,, out, of your party as., your guests-do ' pend hours in the kitchen. Caîl Mrs. Weeks and let lier Pl an and serve your meal in her de., lightful cool dining room. 740 Twelfth Street Wilmette 691-6% There Is No Substitute for Good Food 1131 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE 355, WILMETTE E