Sometimes WEare.. surpised 1B UT wc try not to show it... This time a hushand said his wife was arriving ini 10 min- utcs, and could we help him ar- range a. surprise dinner party, for lier?, Here was a Iist of 12 guests ... would,wme celephone them and "«fix things up"while lie dashed w mieet his wife at the station? There wvere 14 at that dinner .. . and his wifé was really surprised! It."$ our belief -that a hotel should do more, than have large, ar)' ros, comfortable beds, Spacious closets. Beyond that,_ we daily try to meet the sur-, prise situation (without sur-. prise), no matter what the guest waiits. I i Are you ia.ving a: Permanent this .Summer?ý. Read this First- "eMr. Albright: *"Enclosed find môney order for mpr m4nen$.i s jus+ as nice as ever and reai easy to set, and 1 want to thanik you ayail, for the favor. S.. you again next, year." ALBRIGHT B EAUTY SHQP 167. WiInmette Ave.i PEARSON'$ MARKET Ridige Avenue ,Wilnette Phones--Wihimette Wilmetfe 4517. Buy it here for FRESH EGGS, rick or rol, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mis-Lois Mw Phelps of Wil-> nette ho is a Gjunior at Bradley college in Peoria, lias w(on distinc- tian liais secison.. She lias beeni rected te Theta Alpha Phi, nra- tionai hanorary drarnatic fraicrîs- ity, fori. her war i in the. leading. raie in .."Grecit'Stockings."' Miss PheIps won the hono rary forensic award for debating in third position in twventy-seven . debates on hoth sides of the question, "Resolvcd; State Medicine SIiould Be Adopted," and lost only two debates. .. She 'broadl- casts over WMBD as studio. philosà- pher and always writes publicity. Miss ,Phelps does Sunday feature writing for one of -the local P'apers and' has had personal interview wvith Ad- mirai Richard E. Byrd, with George Moriarty, umpire of' the Amnerican' Basebali league, and othier prominent ien. She hias been elected as assist- ant editor of the Bradley studeit. newvs- paper and dtiring the past year has beeti sports writer and feature editor, cover- ing A track and basebali events. Miss Phelps -won the oratorical con - test at Decatur on the suhject "Chris- tian Service." ONT ............ LCA..L.Th CO AIl Men itk of Cold Meat ceifo us UM Pm..W,.liPlitps tIhe at' I We D.ive t. Iâ»tl Wi m re r .tl, Wia...tI.,Hubbu-d Woods, lc Mrs. J. Ridgelyj .wood, Calîf., is vi W. W.. Fairmnan, for two Weeks. rsha11 of, Holly- ing Mrs.Pey iof terrace, lig, jr., eriter- a pir-