BILL ADOPTED Calls for Village Expenditures, of$357,492 for Current a.Fiscal Year, Callingý for $35,000! less than that of last year, the annual Village Aýp- propriation bill, adopted at the regu- armeeting of. the Village board Tuesday îîight, entails'an estiinîated expenditure of $357,492 for the cur- rent. fiscal year. Tlî expenditure provided for in asyeàr's aninual ap- propriationi bill was. $392,9W0. Ini accordamîce with a general eco- norni prograrn, the expenses of con- ducting the.Village's. affairs have been cut to thie lowest possible figure,, but. flot so niuch as to. interfere with the prol)er developmnent of Wilmette. *The, largest single. item on. the appropriation bill for the curent fiscal year is $50,955 for the operation of tePolice departrnent and payment Of salaries to its members. SUMrnnary of .Expeniitures Thîis year's appropriation billI may lie briefly suimnîarized as follows: 1. For construction, repair, opening. eitending and leaning of sres ! leys, sidewalks and crosswalks, $40- 400. 2.For care,. maintenance and re- *pair of trees, $1,450. (The total figure for these first two items was $90,000 in last year's budget). 3. For openlng, nmaintenance, and re- pairing.0f sewers and drrains, and the. cleauilng of catch basins, $3,500. 4. For maintenance and operatlpn of ri stormn sewer punnping station, $5,700. 5. For operation and maintenance of automobiles and niotor equipment, and for the ecst of automobiles, gas, oil. * and gaîrage exlienseb, $13,525. 6. For heating- and, lighting offices and for the maintenance and, oper.atiofl o! the Village hall, $6,000. 7. For *-pay-ing the salaries o! oflcers, clerks and- enîiloyes 0of the- Village. flot otherwlse . provided for, $23,000. (The figure on tlîis Item inIn ast year'.ý; appropriation$40,000.)> $20,020 For Board of Trustêes .8. For the expenses of the Board o! Trýustees, including stationery and. office supplies, court expenses and costsý and sneclal, Iegal. fees and ex-~ at Board Meeting Boyne 1-. Platt, of- North field was appointed Village 'engineèer of Will- mette b" Village President Carbon P. Dubbs at the. regular meeting of the Wilmette Village board. Tuesday nighit following the adoption of a ordinance providing for the. creation: of the office of Village engineer. The appointmen t, was approvcd by the board. Since Mrh 1924, Mfr. Platt lias heen connrected witlh Conlsoer, 01<1er and Quinlan, consulting eng 111neers, Chicago. He hias served successively wihthat firni as assistant engineer, resident enigineer, construction, engi- neer, and assistant office engineer, on surveys, design and construction of aIl types of municipal improvernents in the Chicagoarea. Mr. Platt will miove to Wilmette ini the near future, Ît is stated. -Hle cornes here highly r;econnmended. He is a graduate of the civil engineering school at Iowa State Teachers' col- lège; Aines, la. - Vilmette hias flot hiad a fulI,-timne salaried Village engineer 'heretofore. The office was cr eated by the nèw, ,-Village administration. The engineer will work directly unider the Village manager. l'le comn- pensation lie receives will be subject to change at any turne. Want.Park Kept Opfen for Heat Suif erers The Wilniette Chamnber of Coin- inerce, -under date of July 3, ad- dÉessed a to the Xilnette. Park district stating that a nunîber of complai,îts relative to the closing of Washîington park, at 10 :30 p). i. 'during the extreniielv hot weather hlad . copie to the Cliamiber's.'atteii- tion. .The conmmunicationi asked tlhat theŽ park be kept open umail inidniglit for the benefit of villagers seekimîg relief fromu intense lieat whenever it New Trier Board Defer Ac.ion on School Bonds Announcement was made this week by the New Trier Highi school' board of education .that the board has decided to defer action for the present on receiving bids for the purchase of -h!igb school building bonds of the district in the amount of .$420,000. No bids will. be re-. ceived.on July the high school, as previously announçed., The $420,000 bonds in question repre- scnt a.portion of the $875,000 bond issue approved by the voters in the high school, district sevreral months ago ýfor. a building and expansion programn now under way. Bids- for Parking S .pace Paving Taken Bids were taken by the Ke.nilworth Village board Monday niglit for. the. paving of the space between the re- cently widenied Green Bay road (West Railroad avenue) in Kenil- wvorth an-d the Chicago and North WVestern railroad tracks on botb sides of Kenilworth avenue.' The Kenil- worth board plans to use mnost of this space for parking purposes, but provisions will be mnade for landscaping. Representatives of the Keniil\worthi Garden club and the Kenilworth Park district attended the meeting of the Village board of Kenilworth and Thne bds *recetved w.ere troinithe M. Folev Constructioni conîpany o Evanstoiî, tie Higlîways Conistruc- t'ion conîpany of Highiland Park, the Rock Roaij Construction company of Chicago 'and tlhe E. A. 'Meycr. Con-. structiouî comlpa uv of Highîlanîd Park. They were rcfcrrcd to the strçets, lighting and' sewerage conîmriittee of tlie Keiilworth Village board, of which Trustee Artlîuir B. Adair is Hent Wave ýSwells C rowds. et Wilmette9s Populair Sumnmer, Playground. Forty-four. thousýand eight hunrlred and thirty bathers used the facilities of Wilmette's bathi'ng beacli at 'the foot, of Lake. avenue during the first seventeen days of the present sea son, according to the.records of Mrs. Mar- garet Hfilton, beach matron.ý The re- cent heat wave swelled the. total ma- terially. The beach:opened1 Saturday, lune 20, and the largest' single day's at- tendance thus far this season was ýon Sunday, Junie 28, one ofthe extremne- ly hot .days, when, the registered at- tendance ivas 6,203. On, two other days tlîe attendance -passed the 5,000 mark. It ivas 5i4 17 oun Moîîday, Julie 29, anid 5,231 on Wedniesday, July 1. Since the beach opened, the water tenîperature has neyer been belolw' sixty degrees, and'-on three days it was seventy or over. The higliest water temiperature, seventv-two, de- grees, was recorded Sunday, Junie 28. 2,000 Famîiy Tickets Sold .More than 2,000 fanîily season tic- kets. have helen sold tlîis year to Wil- mette residemîts for tlhe privilege of using the beach. If the warm wea - ther continues, this year is expecteJ; to be a record-breaker for attend- ance. The Wilmette beach is one of the fitiest to be found laii-Nywere on Lake M1ichigan. It is operated by the Wil-' nmette Park district, of which Louis; K. Gilîson is president. The beach is. one of the nmost. popular summer playgrouinds in the Chîicago area.. The Park district endeavors to re- serve tl e beach for the use of Wil- -mette residents, inis'ofar as. possible. For tlîis reasoni, anîd to cover the operating cost, the usual fee of five dollars is charged for a season ticket.. .à! . . .48- S hore Lines . ........... Lanqscape Improvenient, compaflyr. The bids were referred to the forsr com Mittee of the ýboard. Henry G. Zander is chairman of this, comimittee. amaubu ag ...... .... a IRecr.atioai........ ..32-33 Sodet PaI your vacationf Notuty out circulationl department of your summer address... they will be glad to mail your copy each week. tiiere was a dcciciec increase in the use of periodicals. Seventy-seven new adult borrowers registered and one hundred-ône children. The , h- brary has a collection, of, seventeen thousand books and sevénty period-. icals, Miss Whitmack states.