cniuien at z 'ci cic. i tomu at Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road, and,' marched around a few blocks to Fountain square. The' Drum and Bugle. corps of Wilrnette Post No. 46, Amferican Legion, led the parade and made a striking bit of c olor. Its members wore red an.1 white uniforms. bAt Fountain square there was a briief flag raising 'ceremony, witb. singing. of "The 'Star ISpangled Ban- nler." :.The prizes were awarded ili front of the 'Kenilïvorth club, %vith Mrs. Ar. ý B. Spach, Mrs., Theoýdore Moritz ,and Mrs. Alfred R. HodL2e the judges. There were manv. splendid cos- tumnes. Cowboys, Dutch boys, clowns, and an Indian on a beautif n' small' horse, were present. A large St. 'Bernard dog was driven by a littie girl in a white tulle ballet cos- tume.. A little. Japanese, lady, andl many others too numeroust to men- tiontbok their.places in the parade. Parade Prime Winueri The judges awaÈded, hie follôwing prizes: Best decorated bicycle-Katherine Fox , clown. S est decorated: vehicle-Dorothy Burns. Felix the Catf in a -truck. BeIst' historical character -j--oan Ketcham, Indian on a horse. Best costunied boy-Rôbert Rigler., Scotch boys, first prize, and Robert. Wendell, and Sammyl Clark,. threeý Dutch boys, second prize. Best costumed girl-N ancy Star- 'rett, tlncle Sam, first prize, Susanne Wees, Hawaiian girl, second prize, and Ramona Cook àfhd Stella Jan- flotta, Pirates, third prize. Best..comnedy entry-Jean Sci. j ester., Besf child utnder'fiVe-Bill\, Mal- lers, 'cowboy on a bicycle. * At 3 -o'clock - there %were to have bieen water, sports at the, lake, but it %vas too rougli so. the échildren h;id to be. contented with a few gam es.1 ý It was voted. a fine- Fourth of July. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and i\rs. Frank Schnieider of 2023 Birchwood avenue, Wilmette, :an-", eral cnairman of t Warren, A. Clol p gatnered for the y-It was intenselv~ ,J. T. Hanley, gen- the party, and Mrs. àisy, -chairman..o'* hunclred percent With such a future looks very Francis Xavier -c FRI1GI1DAIRltE )5TH 8U.La .ANNUVERSAR JUBILEE Celebrating15 years -... of Achievernent Spe1a Jubilee Offe-r VISIT OUR SHOWROOM.ýNýOW Aý#NUIVERSARY-'GIFT TO ALL VISIT!ORSý Make it a point ta pay us a visit during the next few clays. For, ,we are celebrating Frigidaire's heat nor mio stwe can harin this Iasting, glass-smooth sur- fac-that it. withstands hard mother, Mr. andi Lester of the Liti recent week-end. l Crest c Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Smith and their three children, of Peoria, 111-P were. the house guests over the Fourth of July of the Sam'Dennises, 3e8 Oak circle. Evanst on , upar.. l terman Ave. o reenleaf 4480 W.G.. Bey rer- 1131 GENERAL OFFiCES.- 219 E. North Water St. Tel. Whltehall 8141 Rubbard Woods 984 Linden ýAve.. Wllmette 1&12 (enP.trai Ave.. -Wllmette Si tU rite , ', £-. ýl é M ., ý . , ý 1 1