Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 32

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The fifth week of the playgrounld season brings the annual playgroun.J track event, the major activity of al the playgroxlnd season, whicli will be held next Thursday afternoo'n, July 16, at 1 :30 o'clock at the VillageI Green. Local -tryouts were. lield -on 'cali of the three village playgrounds this week. and ,representatives' -werc chosen to conipete :in the. big eveait. which is th e first of the- two occa- sions during the summer iwhen the three playgrounds declare holidays and the entire menibership f rom al over- -the ilg meets iii 'a central-' ized'place for an-activity.- The other occasion is ýthe village wide Sand, mnoceling contest hield each .year at f the WilmÉtte beach. Instructors on the ýplaygrounds. andl Imeml)ers of the recreation staff -i1 act, as officiaIs for the. meet together withoter 'officiaIs chosen for the occasion. No admission charge ;s made for the track meet to whici the public is invited. The programi of events i'nc1tde: 40-Yard bash The 40-yard dash for 'boys and girls kunider six years; boys and girls six jyears ofage: boys seven years; girls, seven years;, boys eighit years; 'girls] eight vears; 'boys nine vears. girls nine years; boys ten %,cars; girls tent years; boys' eleveni years: girls eleveli years: boys twelve years, and girls twelve years. S0-'Yard, Dash TJ.he 50-yard dash for boys thiirtù(-iî years; girls' thirteen years; boys fourteen years and over; and girls, fourteen vears and t-over. Standing Broad Juamp Standing. broad junip for boy, eighit yeats; girls ighit.*ears; bo,,ý iiiie -e-ars; . girls' nine years; l)ovs 'tell %ears*, girls ten .vears :boy.s eleven years, girls eleven . Nears;, boy s twelve '.-years ; and girl s twelve y ears. Runaing Broad JUMp Rnnninig broad jumîvp for' b)oyvs thirteeii vears.: girls thirtecen vear,, boys fourteien vcars and over; girls I' fourteen years and over.. Puark (1) Hoff ma fIuck- Schaper' Schilbach HoIfian Ridge Ave., Fharmary R. Steffens J . Miller A. Bauer C. Claussett T. Schinler J. Kraft D. Miller J. Jýordan H. Peterg S. Kr'aft. Junicir A.C.:(9m C. Williamis G. Schaper R-. waters, R. Simonds R. May H. Specht I.. Burhans J. Stein Di. Mclntyre Iloffnman Florist Il (3) E. Bleser J. Hoffijan B. Thalniann P. Bohnen AM. Guy Il: Johni,-on A.. Ioffnma i W. Schinler E. Bremiinier G. Braun M'mffaaîmFiorlst 1 (1) 1). Huck 1'1'. Ev ans E.- Miller E. Udel GI. hluck E. ltick A. I'h'ffii .J loff milu F. Berol JLawton J. Moor'e J. L.onergai W. Rogers (1. Nordbea'g I. Stone 1:1 off ni ai n L. Kraft: E. Bleer B. Evans i4ehreber Siaoe J. Kaspar G. Green H. Býil P. Herr G. Davie.4 L. Skog W. Faynionv'ille R. *Specht H. Kaup D. Hass St. Joblnis (10) A. Crgmer F. 'Aechbaché1r W. 'Harriiman A. Hacker B, Streif ... Kraf t' L. Ksu W. Proehnow Steiner Plumnbers (0) T. Br'ady G. 1ifey K. Steffenls 'C. Ludiger J, Cass'ell B. M-1y H. Pa'oc'hlo'w B. Steffenls VllIage ('itiietrs (.1) IL'Wolff .. S!Ilatfgeri IL Nord 1) oyin1gtonT E. lerlbun (. M 3Ityî' H. Johnsona A.Br'aun Mî. ûy WV. i'il.lipsý B. vîia1 *bôard wilI hold its tourth meeting tomorrow morning at tbe golf prac- tice course in Northwestern univer- sity football field on Isabella street at' 10 o'clock. The class has been meeting on the Wilmiette Village Green, but since the :class mrembers have advanced sufficiently and are ready -for. diiving. ptacticë,. T. ýD. HarVey, class instructor, recom- mended that the next three meetings of thé, class be held at -a jractice field. Trhe golf class bas been an impor- tant activity conducted by the wom- en's, department .of the Recreation board for the past thre years and has. Met with great suc cess ieach year. An evening class was begun this summer but it was decided L'o combine theý two classes after the courses had started. Membership in the classes is closed, Miss Joe Skidmoreý of the women's department of the. Recrea- tion board announces, but single les-. sons. may still be obtajned by, pre- vious registratio n. Reservations miay be miade at the Recreation office, 914 C entral avenue.I C, Claussett J. Miller A.Jauer J. Kraft D. Miller H. Peters S. Kraft J. Jor danu Schlieber Slîoe 'Stère G.' Green I. Specht '.Bail F. Hierr B. 'Streif ff. Kampi Wvashinmgton Park W, Halwkifson 1.' Sensendorf E". Huck il. Scllaefgenl . tffe'ns R. WateiS C.wjiliaa'as W.Foslund R. Simionds E.Hacker 1. Burbans Ecoplani F ces h ha ei 11len na lisop P'. itoeiz C. iis>weaa ( St. J4Iiis (l) IL. Aakee k'~. Batker IL. Car icel TeiiiiiA. C.e(2) H-. Bal M7.'ro¾..d1 Cooler days have brightened the attendance records at the summner playgrounds quite considera'bly, Daiiiel M. Davis announces. The terriflcally hot days Iast week brought the low- est attendance ev er recorded, in. COr- respondÏng weeks .of. reisplay - ground seaso.ns. However, with ,the cooler temperature, .the' attendancé scale clinibed back to normal and the 'playgrounid programs progresseci accordingly. Despite the ,weather_ Conditions being adverseï th 1e activity programi as outlined by Mr. Davis and, li. staff was carriea out quite, success- f ully. Hanidcraft- programs, werc especially' emnphasizedý duringo the time when physical activities ntces- sarily underwent. slumps. Local poster shows were coni- ducted 'on each of the three 'play- grounds last week and the village wîde eént* was sta 1ged thl'is, week with each playýground's sendi'ng ini fifteen representative' posters. Th11e fifteen posters were divided amnong the three age groups f rom each play- ground, which include children under 10 years, from Il to 13 years, anA 13 .years and over, respectively. Doll Shows. Are HeId Local doîl shows were held on eachi playground this week, and iext week brings the beginniing of the, basket weaving>an d sanclcrafts activ- ities. Sanidcraft will receive s peci1al emphasis iasniuch as the 'annal village wile "sand modeling cortest i sclhéduled to take place duri'ng tli-e week of julv 27. B oys on eachi of the plavgrou'nds have' been receiving coachiîng !11 horseshoe ,pitchiiing'alit uring thue s eason. and tryouts for -the play- ground.,teamns b comp)ete in thie ,il- lage wide eveit, July 23, will be lield on each llaygrouvd nèxt kvc< Dudley C. Stone, and Glen W. Gather- coal' are the coaches of 'Village Green. and i Vattnyin Park teanms; respec- tivel1y, anid the Cenitral teais.oah ed by the play'ýgroun1d instructor, Miss Dee 'Riggles, 'holder" of variouis -wonen 's'cllamI)ioishlil>s iii' horse- shoes. *.league' wu-ixcii meets Tuesday e%,eniiîii.- at Vattmian park Nvill start ilhe sec- ond rouind of Its schedule next week, it is announced f rom the womnen's department of the Recreation board. Teams wishing to enter at the' be- ginning of the second 'round nlay do so by> advising Miss- Joe, Skidmiore of the Recreation Boa4rd-staff." »idjie Pharnîjay ( A. Schifler, R. Steffens t'on j. L~dnW. FanovleH pecht Steinea's- W. Roge's R. Wood I . Burbaýns TPermini A. C. M. Powers D. Streif 1. Sensendo-f 'League i K. Garretson 'laistanidings inlu piyground bal l Rdge A-,e. Pharniaey League T 'Freshmen, (8 ualor 'A. C. (6)' W. 'L4 Petge. Junior A. C. E.. May Hoffman Florist Il 2 6O 1.000 Schreibers G. Schopen Elites 2 .0 1t000 Washington Park v i i -1 i o 2 0- '3 W.* L. 3 o 3 O 2 i 1' 2 o ~ 0 3 1.000 .500- .500 .000 .000 Pctge. J.0.00 1.000 .333 .000 .000

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