Camp Improved ini Several Ways W1. for This Season -Neyer in ifs thrQec years of. exis- tence 'has cam p. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wali been so well prepared f o help Scouts and geIve teni every available opportun- ity to advance,,in rank. Ncft,only is, -there a large staff, but mnany of thle. m 1men on if are more capable in their Unes of instruction than tihefi camu, has ever seen before. -If bhas'beei; the aim of Mr, Rvholt. and his staff to mnake -this vear fie outstandiig one of theni ail. Among, flic. new f eatures af can'n9 is the hospifal whichlibas been en-, Iarged. If will. provide for more comffort and better facil îties f0o take care of boys in case of illiness. -Dir. Oresf is:the camp doctor, and he i% busy every moment of flic day look- ing affer, the healfli and safefy of ail our Scouts.. Water-Frout, la.Chang"d Our water-fronf lias seen miany changes, foo.. Tic >beach has beeti mdck. A ewa larger obs.fievo d. fwicea larger if a fion~ tower bas been built, enabling Mr. Hopkins, water-fronf director, to see ail swimlners. at ail.finies. More boats have beén secured. Tývo of thein are large war canoes. Also an- ofber sail boat lias b)een purchased. This yea-r fhe water-front staff ini- cludes Mr. Hopkins,. Mr. Joyce, Mr. Meicher and. Dick Wichman., This year bas also seen the begin- ning of what is known as the "Farn. ily caimp." It is situated acro5s the lake. from.,fthe, Scouts. -If includes five cabins Wlierein flic wives and, families of, Scoutrnastf s may ,ive.. Each one of file c-ins confains a. stove and:aIl of -tie, windows .are scrend.The "Fauly camp" bhas been builf. on top of a hlI whici af.- fords, one a. beaufiful view over Spring lake. Mr. Rv'boif -furiiishe'-; occupants of this camnp Scout if e guards wien tliey wish to go swîim: Ming. Many oflier services are also performied for theni by the junior officer staff. The What They Say A bout Boy Scouts "'Various, hurches wh ich 1 have served have. sponsored f roopsa of the Boy Scouts, and I bave observed their work and organizations in sev- eral communities, and I1 Most beartily believe, that if is the, finest, thing that is being, done for, boys, today' any- wbere. "-T.he Rev. Johin E. DeLong. pastor, First M%1ethodist Episcopai churcli of Libertyville.. "Boys Who have bad thec advantagce of Boy Scout trainiing, it'appears to me, have a brôader vision of life aneu' a keener perception of the impor- tance of developing in their youtli flie und erlying. principles of true manhood. The spirit witb -%vhiel1 thyenter into the various Scout ac- fivifies, and the unceasing. devotion which tbey -give to their trnap wrk and plans most certainly aid theini f gradually develop into well rounded rnen.'-C. ýE. McAlvey, president Glencoe Cliamberof Commerce. "Character educaf ion of aà môsf effective nature is a>ffoôrded by the Boy Scout activities. The organiza- t ion. utilizes,.f he leisure time of b.oys to iniculcate ideals ýtirougli interesf- ing pursuits. Boys arc in school a comiparatively small number of bours during the year. Sonie homes, un- fortunately, cannot provide boy-s inuci opportunity for constructive recreation. For sueli boys especialfv, and other boys, flic Scout pro- grami is a great benefit. , Scouting is one of fhle.strong agencies for deter- miningfie type of nianlîood thaf wili. lie.Ameica tomorrov. "-Leonard E. Loos,_ assistant» superinitendent of sc.bools, Lake Forest. Greatest Year. Predicted for Camùp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan A prediction that Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan wvill have ifs finest ycar is con-. taincd ini flic following Iettei received f romn Tom Larsen, assistant scournias- vis;i- International Meet to Open in Vienna Four leaders of tûe Boy .Scotffs of America will represent the Uniteie States af the Sixth Interna tional con- frneopening ai, Vienna, July 23 and closin1g July 29. The Ainericar. delegates are Barron Collier of New 'York, member of tlhe National - ecutive board 'and cliairman of the National 'Publicity comxiftee ; George W. Olmsted of -Ludlow, Pa., chair- mian of the Region Thrce committee; Robert S. 'Hale of Boston, Masoý., chairmnan of the Camping conimittee,. Region One,, and.Dr. James E. West., Chief Scout Executive. Forty-fbree nations, ecd of whiZc' is'a. memnber of the. International bun reau of fhe' Boy. Scout movement, wvil1 lic representedý at the confer- *ec~The World Scout, enrolîmüent,, a ccording to latcst available stàti's- tics, is atý the highesf figure ijî historv and is close to the two million mark. Ône of the most important dutie-z of. ftie delegates will be to determnu fthc place and date of the next Worldl jamboree of Boy Scouts, announce- tuent of which is eagerly awaited by Scouts and leaders in ail parts of Pi'e world. The first jamboree was held' in 1920 in England and fthe second in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1924, AI fhe tliird in 1929 at Arroue park, Birkenhead, near Liverpool, England. nearly 50,000 boys gof togeflier, some 1,300 being f rom fthe United States. The purpose of the Internationa! conference is to. promof e unity of purpose and, conunon understanding of the fundamental principles. of Scouting tbroughout t he. nations ofJ t he. carfh. World-wide Scouting is now generally recognized as a great potential factor, in flic.peace of theý world. Besides flic business 'sessions 0of the conference tlic program cails for trips f0 flic Vienîîa foresýt, siglif-se- ing flirougli Vienna, a. boat trip up flic Danube and visits fo nearby spas. Scoutmaster of_ Troop 30 Sends Tidings of Camp Folowitng is a received f rom camp M-aJ-a by the High-, land' Park- Rotary club:- 'Twenty-six mem.bers of Boy Scout Troop 30, Highland Park, w:hich is: sponsored. by -your- club, togetherý .witb their Scoutmasfer, arrived, at Camnp Ma-Ka-Ja-W-an Safur*day after- noon at 1 :30 by an automobile cara- van of seven cars. W~e. also bad a baggage truck.which %vas kindà nated by -the Reliable la.unidrv for- this occasion. "Camp Ma-Ka-ja-Wan is locate'l three hundred miles north of High- land Park' on the beautiful Spring lake' in northern Wisconsin., Itq banks.are lined with flic picturesque birchf rees together with mfany varie-, fie's of evergreens. This is an ideal spot for Scouting and, aIl our boys are well and happy. In spite of the fact that the first fewdays have been hot, the~ -boys are niaking, splendid headway ini Scouting advancement, They wish to.convèy fo you tbeir fhanks for the kind support We have received fromn your club.. Praises Leadershup, &Eats" "Myron Ryboît, who is a membe- of your club and wbo is also the Scout Executive of the Northî Shore Area council, is to lie congrafulafed upon the splendid staff selected ttu operate the camp this suminer. The chef is the best we have ever had, and our meals are ail well planned and are not "bard fo take." Our physician, in, charge of the hospital. is Dr. B. Orest, and he is busy çver%, minute looking after, the, welfare of the. campers. Camp diretorÈs,' M. M cM anus. and .M r. Boltz, are boi.lh -old-tirners af the gaine of Scoufing, and therefore our progranis are both .et er.taining and -Îistructive.. Mr. Bersch, wh'o is assisfing with the pro- grains, is- doing excellent work. Per- 'haps many of vou remembler George's father was manager of the Norlh ,Shore Gas ccunpany in Highlaiw! Park, about sixteen years ago. I cati- flot nËenf ion thec names of aIll h staff but 1 do say that' both the Sent- ior and Jqnior officers are ail fellowvs of the general store. EXIIIBIT BATIK FABRICS In the javanese collections at Field Museuni of Natural Hisfory flic en- tire process of making bafik-cloth. is ilustrafcd, and matny fineeanpe of batik fabrics- are exbibited. Airthur nuunet, ran1k 'riT Paul Cornell, jack Fý-f.e,: D 1-olies, Richard : Holmes, joncs, George McMullin, Peterson, and William Wolfe. stay at camp forf.wo weeks,» for a monthl.> )etrees Dewit sonie Class: lEdward Berminigha;n, Joseph for our transportation. We wiIl be Seccomibe; IMcrit badges: Edwin mnigbty glad to bave any of you fel- Bîcier, aufomncbiling, - handicraft, lows drop in on us for a yisit. If i3 sclîolarsbzip.. a beautiful drive up liere and you, Troop 46, Lake Forest-Menit will eiijoy every minute of if. badges;: Donald Haltenhoif, bas. ",qincerely, John P.. Udeil,' Scout-.i kefry; Gordon Keliey, woodworking. master Troop 30, Highland, Park."