club indicates to mnotorists the way to Arden Shore. Along a wincing road- way with a well kept f aim on its right and glimpses of fairways on the left, visitors travel f ar f rom the -traffic of Sheridim "road to the' camp, seques-; tered' in a tract of Woods high on the bluff overlooking. Lake Michigan. Arden Shore, with its camp '1f e now in f ull, stride, prepares for its arnual picnic.-day on Friday, July 17, and in- vites the memibers of its village boardsý and the résidents of the north shore té visit ît at that time and spend the day in famili arizing themselves With what the summer camp rueans. Seeing is --knôwing at -Arden 'Shore, where the campers and.- %orkers alike' find real joy in' entertaining their. friends. Those who wish to participate ini the day at camp are to take their *own picnic luncheons and. coffee* will be, seryed on'the spacioUsà screened porch of thé.Administration building. Pertinent* reports of' the superin*- tendent, Miss Anne Belle Ferrier, and of the workers, occupy a short. tim~e during the luncheon hlour, and usually a diverting program is staged for the guests in the.alternoon.- Visitors see for themselves the little brown cottages, well screened and 0.pen to the bracing, firesh aIr, pure air that. the mothers and children neyer have in the city and only find during their-_ fortnight's outing at Arden Shore. They see tiny tots at rest uder the care of a nurse in the Baby Fold; the "littie mothers," as some of the older' girls ýare called; who care' for the younger children; the convalescent girls ini their comfortable, cheery cot- tage. They see groups of mothers and clilîdren nearing the end of their 'vacation, summer's tan on faces which show the relaxation and refreshment of a period lu the out-of-doors and the bèiefit of nourishing f ood and. freedom f rom care., They see. other*groups, anothergs and -chJîrn hoovosly are. newcomers to camp, many of the latter' pale and thin,: some, of them heartbreakingl-i so. Their mothers 'have strained, wan faces. In one, cot- tage grandmothers find an attractive. reitfulhome. 'On the' beach the chil- Celebrate Birthdags .On june 29, the birthdays of Roy H., Hackett of 533 Brier 1-oad, Kenil- worth and Clifton Walker of Evans- ton were celebrated by a dinner party of fogrteen guests at the residence Oif Mr. Walkeri Fiday, july 17,. Mrs. will be hostess at this will take the place of thi iarity held at Glenview Photos by Paul Stone7Raymor, Ltd. On lu1ne 20, the marriages of tzvo Kenilworth girls teck place. At the h.f t is Mrs. Prederick Goss Tttie (Lydia M. Sprenger), who se wedding wvas au cvening eveut, and at the right is Mlrs. Theron Taggart Chapman (I>atty Fores>,zani), u'h.o 'as married. in the afternaoon. Both weddingj* c<rpuoile$ livere /'erfornied in the. Kenilwort'h Uniont church. -Garden, Club Celebuates Ninth Birthdag Friday Nine vears ago, in July, the Wil- mette Garden club, then known as the Little Garden club, was- started at the home of Mrs. B. L. Davis,'who ~lived on Third stret ini Wilmette. Eacli vearlu Juiy Mrs. 'Davis, now living at tlie Fairways, in West Deertiehi, gives the birthday 'partv for the, garden club, at lier studio home on Sanders road. This homne, a few: years ago, was an old barn, whicli was built more than, eighty years ago. Tomýorrow the members will meet at Fairways 'to celebrate the ninth birtliday of the club. Mrs.E.H Burge is in charge. of the picnic luncheon whicli wilI be served on the terrace overlookiiag the garden. Mrs. C. N. Ilurlbut is to give a tallk on Indian Hill club wil be the scene of the wedding reception whichi will follow immedîately after tlie cere- mony at the Wvoodlind home, whicli will be attended liy poly tlie immie- diate .family. Bene fit Bridge Is to Provide Rides for Vets; A benefit card party will be given by the ex-service coiuniittee of the Womnans club of Wilmette Friday afternoon, july 17, at the homne of 3wrs., H. E. Po'onto in Canterbury court., There will be refreslients and prizes. AIl those who have beeni interested in the 'work that the com- mittee is doing at Great 'Lakes are urged, to come. Mrs. R. M. Camp- bell is cliairman of the ex-service committee, and Mrs., Leonard E. Starkel, 925 Oakwood avenue, is in. charge of- arrangemnents rfor. the, bridge.' Procèeds f rom the affair will be uised to conduct the series of. summer automobille trips into the country which :the committee gives the disabIed veterans., £'4i5eLi Ai'a Winnetka, july Il. da'y atternoon, y the al al~- Paul party ie one Golf club. Glenview members-of the alliance and a- group from the towns along, the shore north of Evanston, will servýe as hostesses with1 Mrs. Chace. They will include, Mrs, Charles R. Glover, Mrs. L.* S. 1Hungerford andà Mrs. Colin Tennat of. Gýlenview Mrs. Charles' Fuller of 'Winnetka,' Mrs. Nathan Klee of H.ighland Park, Mrs. Chiarles Jacobs:of Winnetka and Mrs., j.L., Culbertson of KenilWorth. Memibers of the board will serv.e.With them, including thec president, Mrs.: Eugene Buffington, the vice-presî-ý dents, Mrs. John Hallowell and Mis. Harold M. Pulsifer, who is also the: program chairman; the .recording secretary, Mrs. Vance Roberts., the çorresponding secretary, Mis. Henry Nicol, and the treasurer, :Mrs. WVil- liam Riacl. TPle alliance wvi1l have its regular meeting the last of July lu Winnëtka ai the home of Mrs. C. M. Jaco"--. where, under directionI of Aniita Wi!- lets- Burnham, the basement, of her bome has been coiiverted into a' f.arn-ý ily "play place."' Catholic'League Plans Birthday Part y for'Vets' The' North Shore Catholic Woman's league is to 'give a party Friday. after- noon, July 10, at Great Lakes for its unit of disabled veterans in the hos- pital there. About 250 men will be. entertained. The sixty veterans who .have birthdays lu july 'will be guests of honor. Each wvill be presented with a gif t. Members of the leagu e wil play cards with the veterans duringte af ternoon, and will serve ice creamý and cake. luIn'order to have a member of the league 'at each bridge table, 'the comtnittee lu charge asks that as many attend the party as possible. Bridge will begini at 2 o'clock. anid Garden Justm,- q4j.Essex road. The speaker Dane a Satooewas Alvin Gries, wliose subecmus Dance t Shaw~ee 'Garden Desigu." Mr. ris hs e Shawuee Country club"wîll hold a signed a number of Keiri gar- seio aneSaudajuly 1Il. n'dens.