Edward D. Lilienfield gave ini the boathouse of her home at 816 Michi- gan avenue, Wilmette. The following day the bride's sister, Mrs. George Meyer of 906 Cherry street. Winnet- ka, was hostess at a luncheon at ber home, ýand Thursday Mrs. Aaron Younker, of 349 :Sheridan road,.,Wii- netka, gave a dinner party.. .The bridai dinner is to be gi en Julv 10, by Mrs. Maurice Berkson -of .Highi- land Park. The wedding service ivili take place at 8:30.Saturday evening, Jul' 11.'on the roof.of tlheJe&ogln liotel, -Ev- anston. List' Women's Golf E Vents at Wilrn ette Women's events at 'the Wilmette Golf ýclub for the'remainder of the month list the. qualifying round of the, sumimer tournament for: TÙes.day, july. 14, an! everit for the best ime score vith one-half handicap on July 21, with the fiTst rounid of the'surn- mer îournament to be played by that day and Guest day on July 28, with prizes, and play for Iow gross score for members and*guests. The second round of the totirnament mxust be played by that_ day,, the' committee announices. A progressive bridge lunche-on lia-- been planned for Saturday Of. this Week, with a progressive gamne Jul:: 18, and pivot bridge july 25. On Shawnee Tennis Team The woman's tennis team of Shaw- nee Country club is now organized and ready for matches. The person- nel'of the team includes Mrs.. John Hunton of Evanston, Miss Eleanor Lippencott of Wilmette, Miss Mary Lynch of Kenilwortb, Miss Helex. Randall of Wilmette, and Miss Nona Jane Handwork of Evanston. Next Tuesday the team will play the Win-, netka Tennis club at Shawnee. Last Tuesday it played the Evanston' Country club at Shawnee. The tean, is a member of the North Shore Tennis league and will play the vari- ous suburban clubs. Tri Deltas Meet * at ClIub Vista del Lago Sunday after- nmon, July 12. There wiIl be six duf- ferent events. On Monday, July 13, hostesses at the regular luncheon and progressive bridge will be Mrs. Wal- ter H. Andersen and Mrs. Herbert V. MesÎck, both, of Kenilworth;, Collects Flowers Tuesday, july 21, Weedon. wilI have In celebration of the Fourth of juIy Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Crooks of 615 Cumnor road, Kenilworth had a picnic Mrs. John F. on their Iawn.. A six o'clock suppér charge of tlhe was served to about forty guests.- S191. aMr, and airs. Manklé eft, for 5an extended tour of th1e western coast and Alaska and wiIl be at home after Septeniber 1, at 3000 Sheridan road, Chicai~o. - titi rue leun- HelpsýtoMake One Cool and. Comf ortable. Feel cool .and ýrestful---feel smartly at- tired -during ail these summer days., "Miraclean will do wonders. in helping you enjoy yourSelf, for in Miraclean science bas brouglit to the women of the North Shore a method of cleaning thet makes you feel cool and comfortable-,: any place-any time! It keeps your sumu, mer wardrobe always ready for instant use. It keeps colors gay, bright and rich. It keeps. materials dleàn, fresh and cool. It keeps the "pores" of the fabrics always. open, so that cool summer air can pene- 3400 I