oi £New racicaras Since its introduction to the publie on june 23 thé new Packard car has aroused more interest and comment than any previous new model Packard *since the advent of the "Twin Six," according to wVord reaching the Pack-;. ard :factories ,f rom distributers and dealers., Intensive work by the Company lias resulted in a supplyý of some of the models to nearly alLpoints in the cou n- try. Howvever, demands for demon-ý strations;of the. revolutionary, ride co n- trol and other comfort, features of the new car have been such that in nearly every city it lias been impossible to oh-' tain a sufiéient numfber of demnonstrat-' ing cars to accommodat eeveryone promptly.. Raide Contrtol F.atue -This ride control ieature of our' new car, togethier wîth. the general smooth- ý,ness,, and quîetness, seems to' have struck -riglt home to the Public," said K. C. Wettsto ne, genieral manager of the Chicago branch. "0f course, thiere is aIwvays a lot of talk about every new thing thiat, goes on an automobile. B3ut liere is something the niotor car own- er cati, try out lot iiseîf. And in the last aixalysis Àviat liaving absolute Coli- trol over riding conifort.-iii an auto- mobile means us better appreciated by actuallv expri.encing it than t 4hrough ail the talking which ..could be -lone." Much speculation lias been indulged iin by the iidustry, as to wvhàt the Il e\V car is going to niean in Packard pro-.1 (.lulctionl. . Qficers of the company III Detroit have offered no information on1 this score because of a genera1 Po licN ;igaiI1st discussing output figures. IMany inquiries Received H. \V. Peters, vice-presi dent i n charge of sale,, (lld. however, point, to a sitack of letters and telegranis f rom distributers and, dealers f tom neiarlv every lpont in the coitry.ijauswr1 to a direct inquiry. 'f ey rcfiected a uniersl l etnuiasicreception 0of the new carsand agenieral belief thait sub- stantial. acreases' an busin i.ess, Would re- suIt., Several suggested the possihility that the nie\V FPackards iiight offer the impetuis for a ýgenecral revival of buv- * ing interest for thie \vhole indsr Many distributers and des wy to Detroit to drive ne\vdcalrs hoe.t Some drove as far. as the State oi Washington.. Others were f rom Texas, *Florida anid California. Ail wrote facturing equipment,- warehousing--andi service dealer organization to support the principle that the prosperity' of the Iroal dealer and merchant is vital to t e growth of every community,» says A. B. Van Deusen of Motors Service, mIc., 721 Main street, Wilmnette, Fire-' stone distributor. "The company's na- tional tire distribution- of 26,000 out- lets is built around local organizations which are part' of the comTmunity, in contrast to mail order bouses. Vaesare on thé -sie ofthe. manu- facturer and the local dealer. The mail order houses buy their tires. from a. manuf acturer who will flot -put , is niame on them.' Firestone, makeès its ownproduct,ý puts its name on it, and selis it .through local dealers who spend their' money locally. There is no j obber or middleman or mail order system .involved. "'Our sales. are promoted by local newspapcr advertising supported by na-. tional advertising, and the mail cirder houses through an expensive catalog, wrhich isn't even printed locally. The mail order bouses have to maintain central -warehouses just as Firestoine and so conîfortable that! I just. kept onil The imuch discussed "ride control" of the newv Packards makes possible instant adjustment of the shock ab- sôrbers to mieet ail driving and road condiions wvith no greater otth tmaniptiating a, stop on an orgn. ArJ : h.~. - 'v ~tnoUIli According to A. B. Van Deusen, the average motorist is beginning to 'un<ler- stand that he can do better for him- self as well as for localý business by ivalking into, a Firestone dealer's ev ice store. 'Wé have cross sections of the. tires, be said, to show that Fire- stonie offers, more tire, *for. the samne money.. Twenty Road* Contracts Placed as June Closes Twenty road constructioni con- tracts placed at the end of June b-v' Directo r H. H. Cleaveland, of the de. partîxient of public works and build- ings, and Frank T. Sheets,' chief highway engineer, caîl for an ex- penditure of $1,172,898.71. Consider- able bridge building, some, widenin- and 47.64 .miles of. paving, mucli of wAih'iis to close gaps left over filîs and, at. bridge and grade s,ýparation approaches, were placed under con- tract. Al sections of the sta e 'are represented in the moiitl-end letti ng. ADD FOUR PROJECTS For the road letting set for July 15, highway officials. have added four more projects. TPle four additional jobs embrace 7.5 muiles of paving in Cook, Christian and Piatt counties, and for a bridge in Alexander coun- ty. This bridge Ïs to .have- fifty 20- foot spans. It is located 'on Route dollar than d the reliabit neto Packari Vibrant Drive in Every Gallon JT'S ýnice to have generous car- owning friends, but after ali they can hardly be esxpected to inake their auto a Com 1iunity vehale a social taxicab with a "Thank you" met..1 A Ghevrolet ,ecued frunx us on the moat.liberal terms, wil be your car-yours to command! NOPIIFH SHa ORE, - 12!,wý 1 -BELIEVE that a Used Packard car as we seli it, offers more foqr.-heý any new car at the same price. It has yý, the com fort and t/he prestige of a ,d at only part ot the neuu, car pri ce. IS for pgvrnor of Massachusetts. "Whlen I1 started ou~t to drive to >Boston I con- fidentiy expected to break «My journey with a stop at Albany, N. Y. How- ever, 1 had been giving myseîf a regu- lar rocking chair ride by working the ride control lever to meet e very con- dition, of the road and when I arrived i Albany I was so completely relaxeci Bob 'n' Mac Main St. at Linden Ave. Phione Wlmett 3334- 6030 -AOK THE 1MAY<WtiO OWN$ ONE",A AS WELLTO PACKARDUSzD C