Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 48

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Dr GLENOE NWS. Rates15 cenlts a lin. in one paper. 25 ce.nts 'aline in any two papel's. * cents a lin. ln ail three papers. 31INIMUM ýCHARGE ONE BOLLAR. Average oft ive words to the Une. No black face type used. 10% diseouat.on'ail cash, with ordez advertlsements when bronght to Our office at -1232 Central Ave., 'Wlliette, or 561 Lincoin Ave., Wlnnetka. DeadineforInsetio s Cassfled adverti:ements wlibe for the WILMETTE LIFE orahl three papers; Wednesday 9 o'clock.for the WINNZTKA TALK and Thursday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephohes,: Wlmette.4300, Winnpetkaà 2000, Grieenleaf 4300,or Sheldrake 5681. 408OT AND FOUND 'LOSýT AIRDALE, MALE,. BLACK AND tan, recently clippedi no coliar, in vieinity of Wilmette Golf Club' July th, answers to nameè "J immiiy." R e- ward. Ph.. Wilmette 2M6. 2LTN1O-lte FOUND-AN'8 SUIT COAT.ONE may have àame by paying for this ad. Ph. Wilmette 3 121. ZLTN1O-hîc POUI4D TRANSPORTATIO.NT ICKET.ï Write B-88, Box 40, Wilmnette. NEW ARPJ1VAL 4 PRtS. 0 F. MAPLE * beds, inaple and pine chests, corner cupboard, tables and chairs, quilts coverlets and hooked rugs. Very large, collection to choose from. Antittue, make ideal gifts for the Juiie bride-. *Mary Ann Dicke, SOS Washingtov. Ev. 1 Blk. So. of Main St. 5LTNi10- 1te B UILDING AND CONTRACTriNQ CARL BEN4GSTON ('ARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND REPAJRING PM7TMT% 1?NNX A 2480 SLIPCOVEitS, AT ±"AC"TORYi IE1S,L made- fromi chintzes, cretonnes and other materials. $100' per yard, in- cluding labor and mnaterials. Special ofier durlng summner nionths. Eric ,Johnson, uphoîsterer. Cal Rogers Park. 8738. '9LTN1-ltp Ail' Kindà 'of Carpenter WrkDon., JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmnette 2165 9LTN36-tfe il DRIESSMAKING DRESSMAKINGx OR PLAIN SEWING 'of any kind. Ph. Wiliiette 4871. DR. FRANK.B. ERWIN SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL. 2 CARL- ton Court, Winnetka, Oak and North Shore, R. R. Phone Winnetka 3454. 26LTN1U-i.tp DR. F. C. BUSCHBOM, DOG AND CAT hospital. Plucking, bathlng,' boarding.ý 10 Ridge Rd. Ph. Wilmette 5004. Z6LTNIO-2tp 38 LOAN$, LOANS TO PROPERTY- OWNERS Mlake and buy lst and Znd mortgages. EVANSTON 'BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St.' Greenleat 5600 3LTNS6-tf' 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE EXPE RJENCED HELP A better employme.nt service for the North Shore homes. References personally investigated. 'NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS EX-TEACHE'R WILtL CARE FOR children daïly; 10 to 5 at her home. $4 'week, cali Glencoe 302 evenings.. RtELIABLE COLORED .GIR, CLEAN- ing or gen. hiousëwork. Tuesday or Friday.' Gond iref; -Phone Winnetka 393. '41LT10-ltp NUSE- IUNDJERGRADUATV -ANY case, n1idctle aged, assifit hous'ework. $25 per .week. References. Phone Longbeach 4953. 41LTN1O-ltp) WHITE. GIRL WISHES. GENERAL housework, whole or half days. Go work. $8.00 per weelc. Reference8. Ph. Greenleaf 2378. 41LT1Oltp EXPER. WHIT'E GIRL WANTS work e leaning, serving, taking care of eilidren, by day or hour. Phone Winnetka 1529. 41LTN1-ltp CÔLOýCRED GIRL WOULD LIKE part-time work morning or afternoons. *odref. Phone Greenleaf 5427. 41LTN1-ltp NORWýEGIAN .WOMAN WANTS Ianr work, to do athme. Will cal for& deliver. Ref. Ph. Winnetka 3248. 41LTN1O-ltp YOUNG GIRL WISHES POSITION taking care of chlldren. Phone Win- netka 1813. 4ILTN1-ltp 2 REFINED GERMAN GIRLS WOULD 'like housework,' cleaning, -ironing, mendlng, serving, or carie of 4éhiiren, by day or hour. Cal Winnetka 1921. 41LTN1-ltp HSKEEPER. - 38 - FOR WIDOW- ei's home. Ex. local ref. as to char- acter, honesty, and " abilitly, Write 13-97. B ox,40. WilImette. .41LTN10-1ne 42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE COMPETENT ALI, AÇOUND 'MAN, Scafldinavian, wishes emp. as jani-. tor in church, institution, etc. Excel- lent ref. Ca'll O. Th. Olesen, 4305 Ellis Ave Chgo., -Oakland 0412. 42LTN1O-ltp EX P ER. WHITE CHAUFFEUR. ,wants position i~n private family. N. S. ref. Cail after 6 parn. Orýeenileaf 4362. 42L,10-1tp WINNETKA HIOME SERVICE. GAR- dening, cleanjng, wash walls and wvindows. Cars 'washed and simonize-d. Wor-k guarajnteed. Phone Wlnnetka1 3689 'or 996.' 421,10-1t rX.MAN HAS TWO H7ALF DJAYS a week open for peerna 'nent work. Mouse aind ' awvn work, aiso painting. 19 years norti 'shore-refer. Ph. 'Kil- mte208S. ' 42LTN10-linc EXI'. YOU NG GERMAX -HUNGAPJAN Man wi.shes position as chauffeur, gardener, houýemnan or butier. Wife .wîll hellp if needed. N. S. ref. Ph. Di- versey 8911.' 42LTN10-ltp WANTED - POSITION ON PRIVATE e.st; ce, as gardefier, by middle aged Am, ic lan, f uliy- capable to take f ul Twelve girls for. gener Good working references Only. PAULINE'S EMP. 748 Elm Street rai .... - 15* srequired. White AGEINCIES Wlnnetka 2662 44LTN'1-ltc EXPERIENCI;D WHITE, GIRiL'FO 1R general houtiework. Must be Wood. cook. jléfer.. Ph. Wilmette Y77. 44LTN1O-ltC 4s HïELP wANTED-MALE BUTLER, HOUSEMAN, WHITE, MUST know howto; drive. Good N. S. ref. required. Pauline's Agency, 748 Èlmn Street. 45LTN10-1tc GARDENER1, DRIVE, WHITE, UNDER 40 yrrs. Good .N., S. ref. required. Pauline's Agency. 748 Elm St. 45LTN1O-ltc 4a6 HztsP wTDb-mALE A^Nb FEMALE WANT 2 WHITE COUPLES. UNDER 40 yrs. Man as butier, drive. Wife, cookinig, general. A-1 reference re- quired froni last employer. $175-200 month. Others at $150-12a- a month. PAULINE'S AGENCY, 148 Elin Street Winnetka 2662 46LTN1O-ltc si FOR RENT-Rooms SO Scl. Ft. for bachelor, hskpg. $10 mo. 219 Sq. Ftý for couple, hskpg.. $25 Mio. 315 Scq. Ft. for. couple ...... $30 mo. 282 Sq. Ft. for couple, hskpg.. $30 mo. Gýas, Elec. Free. 750 Giencoe, Rd. Glen- coe 170.. ' 51LTN1-ltp LARGEl CLEAN ROOMS SUITABLE_ for 2i bot and cold water, hotel serv- ice, $5, $6 and $7 per wk. Central Hotel', 62$ Main Sti.Wilmette 1080. ____________________ 51LTN50-tfe, NI1CE, LIGHT, COOL RZOOM. >IN private faiily of 2. 3 blocks toi Wintastation. Ph. Winn'etka 415.. 51LTN10-ltp SINGÎLE .:ROOM' AND BATH, WON- derful closet1 block Eln St. station. Teauchei'pre-ferred. Write IJ--99, Box 40, 111tt, I. S1LTN1O-Itc 2 AIRYt LIGHT FRONT ROOMS, SIN- gle or dloub.le in private' home, good, transportation. Space for car. Pli. Wilm-ette 1253. 51T1-p COM.NFORItTABLE ROOM LIGHT, AND .airy. Ph., Wilmnette 3206. 51LTN10-Itp 'FURNISHED ROOM FOR' LIGHT housekeeping. Near transp. Ph. Vil- mette 4866'.' 51LTN10-1te 56s FOR REfIT-APARTMENTS L-.INDEN MANOR. 1tiI. bath to date. building 'l >VR..1.SAL.E - I'. pfo~ian .-ilver tabi ;by kittelia'. 2 44 'HELP WANTED-IEJwlALE 'WANTEb, MWASH1NG, IRONT;NG 'TO take home, wil ali and deliver. l'h. yOUNG G 0IRL TO ASSIST WITFI Wiimette 31246. ,4LTNlL-ltc chiildreii, go home nights.. Ph. Kenil- GlUR WANTS GENERAL HOUSE- ~ot 84 4Tl-t %vorl<. fReference. Ph. Wilmnette 3945,NACEN'KMN EEA ___________________4ILTNXO-lbŽ houewok. Must have good efs. 103g4 EXI>EU1ENC'ED COOK WISHES PO- Cherry :St., Winnetka 23,74. sit'ion., Winnetka 1813. 41L1-ltp 44LTN1O-ltp 56LTN-fe THREEi AND FOUR ROOM MODERN apartmients available now. Large airy room1is on Chestnut court. Scheill building, Winnetka 1592. 56TN10-îtp, 4ROOM, KITCHE-NETTE. APT. Hum- phrey Bulding. Calli ivinnotk.a* 98 or 3328. . 6LTN46-tfc S ANTIQUES

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