Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 50

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pitcher. Alil like new. Winnetka 2997. 86LT.N1-ltp 07 wTD. TO UUY-H$LD. GOODU WANTEI) TO BUY-SECOND, HAND 'furniture. and other household goods. 1ighest -prices for sanie. Crogt. Fur- niture Store. 1004-6 kmerson St., Evanston, 111. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87ILTN42-tfce se; voRe ALE-MIUOCCLLANEOU0 LARGE BABY BUGGY,: SMALL SIZE infantVa bed, and play pen. Alil for $10. Phone Winnetka 268. 8SLTN10-1te FOR SALE 1927 HARLEY DAVIDSON Motorcycie, -single, Excellent condi- *tion. Real buy. A. Newton. Ph. Ken- ilworth 1215. 88LTrNlO-ltc Not responsibie for any debfs con- 1 racted other than by, myseif, after July 2,-1931. S. J. FISCH-ER. SEALED. BIDS TO 'WHOM IT MAY, CONCERN: Public notice le hereby given, that under Chapter 130, Revised Statutes of Illinois, the Treasurer of the State of Illinois will recel'e sealed bide for ail *public money to be deposited on active* and inactive accounte, f rom. any and al:baniks duly authorized to do -buai- nrese ln the State of ilirnoi8., Suchi bide *III be received by the 'State Treasurer at Springfield, on or befpre Septenliber 7, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon. Proper blank forme for bidding and printed instruc- *tions wiIl be mailed to each State and * National bank doing business ln Illi- nois. Alil deposits îmust be secuired by collateral security to be approved by the Sta.te Treasurer. EDWARD J. BARR1ETT, * State Treasurer; L1-ltc These Stories Cause Shivers in.Any fie Readers, who. are addicted to de tective stories, will, fiuid a -wecalth of thrills in thle'followii nîew slèuth, yarns, at the Wiuette Public librarv,j according to anaminouncement . Anne L. Whitmiack, ibrarian: Biggers-Behinid That Curtain. Biggers-H-ouse Withouit a Key. Christie-Secret Adversary.. Crofts-linspector Frencli's Great- est Case. Wheeler reaci the narriage service for his daughter, before an impro- vised altar of flowers and greens. A reception followed in the Best ho me. Miss Wheeler wore, a wedding; gown of eggsheli crepe with a veil of tulle falling from à ca-pof heirloom lace., She carried calla lilies. Thýe maid of honor, Miss florothea Wh eeler, wore a gownof shell pink chiffon, and the bridesmajds,- Mist RosalindWheeler, 'Miss Mildred Cas- tor*, Miss Marjorie Best. and Miss Dorotby Mohr, wore. ankie- length frocks of. organdie in pastel shades. *Wayne Simpsohn served. as best mani for his brother, and the ushers were St uart Abbey and Felix Wan- geman of Evanston, Cordon Shat- tuck.-and jack Gardiner of Chicago., Mr. and Mrs. Simpson will make' their homeý in Washington; D., C. Prenuptial affairs for* the. bride- elect included -a lingerie'shower and lawn party by Mrs.,,Hiram Castôr; a dinner party at the Orrington by Stuart Abbey, followed by a book shower and beach. party at the Best home. Mrs. Wheeler gave the spin- ster dinner for her daughter, Friday evenngand at the saine time, Wayne Simpson gave the bachelor dinner fIor bis 'brother. Mrs. John Simipson entertained at bridge Sat- urday, eveninge Iat her home, 1732 Orrington avenue. Gordon Shattuck also entertained Friday evening. GOE'S TO ROCKIES Mrs, Dorothy UlIrich Hahn,' whoi lias been for some nionths i the homne of her fath'er, A. H. Ullrich, in W'iimette, left Thursday for Ever- gteen, Colo., to be with her son, jack,, who isconvalescing there f romn a se- vere whooping cough which confined hi for -a time, to a Denver hospital.. *Mrs., Hahn,, who was with him for a short period a few weeks ago during liii -illness, expects ý.to remain in theý West indefinitély. Mr. Ullrich and1 family will close their Wilmette home for the sumimer and tour the Cana- dian Rockies for several weeks, i,a m first bei *Uret, the rnttaaelpnîa architect. The Hall of Science will be U-shaped, aýpproximnately 700 by 400 f eet, two stor-. ies, and 'a -mez.zanine in. height. Sur- rounded by - the open face of the U wili be a rostrum- capable of acconi- modating. several thousand persions. Di 1s-- tinguishing :the north f acade will be a seicëircular grouping of twelve taîl ýpylons. 'Pheý structure will rise f rom colored, concrete terraces and will. be decorated in white. and. gray',. with a trimming o f red and *old. At. ntght the. Hall of Sci-. ence 'will be illuminated by indirect and ,fluctuating colored flood lights. Firaît on Eriksen Drive This building Is the first, of a. group that will straddle Leif Eriksen drive, Chicag.o's f amous water-front boule- yard. Another highway lias been con- structed by the'exposition directly West of it toi accomùmida-te * tie-constant Stream of inotorists. SBids have already beea received on the fifth exposition strûcture-the Elec- trical roup, destgned by Raymond Hood of New York, and which, is tQ be located on anisland a fewv hundred feet east of the Hall of Science. On this island is locatedý the cele- brated Adler planetarium, * within the -dome of whichi is showNvidaily the pa- geant of the stars atnd other heavenly bodies. Here projectors, within a fcw minut .es, reproduce on a miniature firmament the courses of the stars dur- irig thousatîds of years. Thie planetar- ium is 'vithin the expositionî grounds and will be a part of the rnany wonders to be shown at "A Century of, Progress." 1 Plans for a sixth building, a- reprot- duction of the tuuitnery: quadrangle.. at UTxmal- Yticatat, .con)Isiceredto ô-bethe Mîost represctative, example of an- cient Mayain architecture, are- completed.- Tell Progreass n science it the H4all oft'Science will be told- by means of activated models, replicas of liistory-niaking laboratories and e*x- periments-tlie strides made ini the field of pure science and miedicitîe in the- hundrecl years since Chicago wvas ni-' viteci Dy tne city of r4vanston tu.uk advantage of its safety lane for test- ing automobiles for defects in brakes, lighting and other mechanical parts this week. The safety lane was establishe.- Monday on Lake street in Easo between Chicago and Hinmran ave- nues. Itý is to be open frofiî 1 o'clockin the morning to 8 o'clock at niglit every day this wedk. Wilmette's Village president, Çiar-. bon P. Dubbs, received the following letter f rom Mayor Charles- Hi Bart- Iett of Evanstonregarding'the, safety. lane: Copy of Letter "On July 6 to il inclusive, Ille Ace- cident Prévention' bureau -of the ctiy Of Évanston will have a safety lane for testing automobiles for defects in brakes,- lighting or any other mfe- chanical parts. This ýlane will be es - tablished 1 on 'Lake street' between, Chicago and Ijitman avenues. an(. wiIbe open fromn 10 a. m. to 8 p. 'i. "iit is our intention to uiake these tests absolutely free of charge, ii1 a 'view to showing the owners of t!h.e cars where thiey.can render 'thevu more'safe by making such. ninor ad-' justments as. the tests show, are nceded. "We are asking that'you, througl. yogr Village board and your police department -interest your automobile drivers in this lane. We feel that the, corrections which can be made after, thesr tests will m.4ke for safer driv- ing conditions on the. north shore. "We -are asking your cooperation, feeling that ail drivers who pass thrôugh Evanston are entitled to this service as much as our owvn citizens. Any pýublicity or assistance which yog. cati giv e: us in miaking this safety.larie test .asuccess' will bevery.nuch àap- preciated by me." Trhe Village of Wilmette has for- mally.acÈepted Mayor Bartlet t's inv' tation, and Chief of Police Henry Brautigamn of Wiln-ette is urging ai' villagers1 to.-take. advantageof t1ias invitation. and have, their brakcs tested. FLASK 0F PURE"QUARTZ lias been carrnec on and tmade articu- late. Miss Ruth Shelîman, .727 Elmwood avenue, will spend six weeks in. the Benksl*s viiiting friends. Miss Mary Theresa Logan of avenue, wil be home Sunclay. after Beaumont, Texas, is visiting Miss suending two weeks- at the Eugene Florence Mitchell of 1009 Qakwood Field Summer camp, Bradley, Wis. avenue. -o- . May and'Mildred Fartner, 915 Elm- Mrs. William A. Moultoný, 235 Rai- wood avenue, are, attending the Girl eigh' road, Kenihlworth, is visiting her Scout camp, Hickory Hiili, at.Edger- Sister iýn Reading, Pa.* ton, Wis. for several weeks. Miss Florence Branson, 817 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette, lf last Sat- urday for Boston to bc gone about six weeks. Mrs. Alan M. McConniell and, her. sister arc vacationing at Sweet Bri- ar, Va.

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