our sales and k..p your pantry sup- plied - theres à good bargjain on fh;. it.. ECONOMrIES-.. JUL NOTOJULY 1w g MEAT LOAF. Fresh ground beef with pôrk. HAM SHANKS. 3 to* 4'lb. average weight.. COLD MEATS. Assorted loaf.s and sausage. I L. 39r. ROUND STEAK. Fancy céuis*...........lb. 33c TOILET SOAP. Camay 1lOc bars.... ý3 bars,19c SOAP FLAKES. American. Familïy largest size. ea. 48C VINEGAR. Hizpr ier...t 2;qt. 19c MAYONNAISE. 0d Mnk. pt. 35c-,qf. 65c OIIL PICKLES. Budlong.extra fancy ....... qt. 25c CAVIAR. Orloif genuine imported Russian. . 3 tins 98c' COFFEE. Our Own Blend. Popular for'45: years'1 b. 38c PINEAPPLE JUICE. Richelieu 18 oz. tins. . fin 19c SARDINES. -1/4 lb. tins imported Norwegian cross pack in pure olive oilu..........2tfins 25c TOMATOES. Richelieu large No. 3, 28c, tins of the finest ripe, solid pack fruit,.... 4 tins 98t ORANGE JUICE--GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. Richelieu 8 oz. tins...... .3 tins 25c ROOT ýBEER-ýGINGER ALE, Morand's. Add 60c for bottIes, refunded when returnd..2qt $.3 PRESERVES. Ma Brown 1 lb.- jars of pure sugar jam.s. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, peach, pipe- apple and cherry......... 4 jars 98cý juiy 3, at 1:30> o'clock, with bunial at Forest Home cemetery. Mr. Dux, wlio designed wood canving and orna- mental stone and pla$ter. Work'f or in a ni y important buil dings. lîad a f actory foirtle ex-. Joieph Dux ecution of bis de- signs at 2114 %Vest Van.Bunen street,, Chicago.. He had, been in bu.sin.ess in Chicago .fi fty-one éyears. Boén . October, 14, 1857, near the old Chestnut street bridge, iii. Philadelphia, Mr. Dux married Mathilde Blanche Best, in 1880. Mrs. Dux died Januar)l 27 of thisyear. Mr* Dux was. a noted authority on period designing. He wvas one of the, foundens and a if e menîber of the Chi-' cago Art inistitute, a member of the Chicago Historical society. and a mem- ber of thle Architects' Clurb of Chicago. J-àst Soni. of Hia Works Among the many hundreds of his special wvorks miày bç mentIoned the following: wvoôd carving on tlie Funni- ture mant, Chicago; Panam-ounit build- ing, New. York; Federal Reserve Na- tional bank, Chicago; Shriiiers' temple, Indianapolis; inside wood carving in Tribune Tower, Chicago; Methodist temnple, Chicago; St. Luke's cathéèdral, E vanston;» the old Iroquiois tlieater, Chi- carved heads in -the Levere- Meinorial temple at the south end of the .North- western university campus, Evanston; ail outsidie rved panels on the Chi- cao Art institute; the Fort Wayne, Ind.. courthouse; historical library at DeKalb; II.; ibrary at Madison, Wis.;- outside and inside vork on the Chi- cago World's fair buildings of 1893; the Western'Theological seminary, Ev-. anston, and many other works too nu- merous to mention. Mr. Dux did worlç on many nortb shore residences. He was well known bere and was recognized tbroughout the ,country as. a., leading architectural, scuiptor. He, is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Arlene Ilux Scoville of Wilmnette and Mrs. Ethelyni Dux Bradshaw of Winnetka, and by two sons, J. Waldo Dux of Glen Ellyn and Joseph Dux' III of Wilmette. RETUItN FROM THE'EAST Mr.Howar . _og and ber son returned to their home at 818 Ash- land avrenue làst week after a five weeks' trip in the east. They hiad attended the graduation -of Mrs. Fogg's -nephew, - Horace Diii Harker, f rom Annapolis, and then -vi.sited ili New, York ýand Boston. M.and Mrs. Edwin Aldrich, 1510 Wilmette a venue, spent the Fourth of July withý Mr. Aldrich's brother at Lake Van der Cook, Jackso-1, Mich. The Many Problems of waving and dressing your hair need worry you no longer. You can rely on. our experience and the new- methods to bring out the,,Very best that's in ,your.hair. 41, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONI.Y $800 Euiene, LeMur, Frederics Vita Tonie, Gp1- rieleen GROCERY PHONE 510 TWELFTH - WILMETTE MARKET PHONE514 1133 9 il GOES