I The use of mnakeshift ban- dages may lead to serious infection. Be prepare.d with -sterilized bandage material.sIoat a il times. Firstaid'.i. the guaranteed absolutely sterile brand of dressings. Plaster .P2c Size Gauze 1. 5C Size Cotton 1. 7c Size SoId Omly aOtRexall Stores Nlew'L ife for. -Tired Aching .Muscles No need to sufer tortur- ing muscle twinges and fatigue when the action of A He'sfu ssy about hi and- he ba;s on 'electric S. food a rigt to insist refrigeratio.. lP. wantsbis orange j'uice a..nd cus tard-just cold enougb. He wants his:spinach ,and carrots fresh as can be...Wbat be eats. now will, bave a lot to'do with his growing up. into,,a'great'big man. a That's why he bas electric -refrigeration. a, perfect right to insist on 0f course 'he doesn't know fu n Wilnette Avenes Wilmette, 28 and 29J these and other makes. Any one of them may be purchased for only a small payment down. L>4ftXme, luguiiter oi Nlr. and Mrs. Jacob Baker of Kenilworth, are motoring through Wisconsin anid Mininesota. -- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Metzger and their daughter, Frances, of 419 Maple avenue are visiting at the home of their cousins, *Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Yale, in Michigan, Cityi, id. Central-' *Mrs. H1. Pittenger of Morrison, Il!., a mnezzo soprano, sang at the ser'v- ice at the Winnietka Congregationat chturel. Dr. Sainuel Harkness off- ciated at -the Pnarriage, which took place at 8'o'clock. 'At the ýreception at the. Geol-gian hotel a musical, pro- grain vas given hyv Mrs.. Irwin Myers of \Viînetka, p)ianist, Mrs. Chester \'lder Of Chicago Heiglîts, vîolinist, aitd 'Miss France.s Keasey of -Center- ville,'Mc. clit The bride, dlaughter.,of M.and Mrs. Thomas Harvev Bailev of 1218 Oak street, vore a ýYhîte satin gowni. made on princess jines,- with a long train. -Belgian .lace trom ,Mrs. Bailey'.s medding goNvnt trimumed lier dlatiglher'.s eddinig dr ess. The long tulle veil liad a Russianl headdress &e .see(1 , pearîs and brilliants. %vith orange lilossoms at eitlier s ide ofý1 the, face. The. bridaI bouquet was miade of calla hules and -Miite rosesi. M3viss ýLouise, Cook -of Chicago, th-e maid of honor, wore pale pink net triinnied iii bitte. Her. satin shoes and lace mitts -were l)lue. Mrs. Ches- ter Wilder of Chicago Heights, mfa.- tron of hionor, reversed ýthese colors; wearing pale -blue trimmed with, pale pink, an4 pale pink accessories. Two of. the bridesmaids w-ore' pale yellow fiet and 'twO pale green, and. their accessories ýmatchied, their f rocks. Ali the' bride's attendants carried olId-fashionted ,bouquets. 1with' lace frilis surroundin.g the flow ers. Albert Johnson Of Elgin wvas best inan, and Chester WVilder of Chicago Heighits. H. Oakwood of Chicago, Nicolas Berkos of Cicero, Louis Fredicks of Chicago, and' Theodore Peterson of Wilmnette %vere uisheîs. Gardeni flowers, ferns andI palms were tised as decoration l>oth iii -the. churchi and at the hotel. M r. and Mrs. Dick are.tO be at homeý in north- Evanston after Au- gust 1 E. LNygaard'Cruises Lake.s Michigan, Huron, Suipt. E. L Nygaard of the Kenil- worthi Public schools started last week on a crtiise on Lake 1Michigan and Lake Huron t'O Georgian B1)ay, takýing his farniiy svît1h itu. Mr. Nv- gaard is rnaking the tripin lu is 3 0-