St urd ily Strung on. Siender Chains li tme fwvor.d 16 and 181- inch lengths thoe sparkling cryte.Ibeads *en%,mbl ,Je- lghtfufly witb any Summer costume. Real Values ofIl$. Su.mrnery*,Handbags Of Calf, Patent 1 or Novel :Fabr*c $ .95 $ Choos. white to wear witbh> color, and colors. to complement pur. whitel Stunning bags in ap. proved szes and shapes, ow-priced and beouti- ful'made! Accessors-Flrsi Floor .3' 1-;., A WONDERBOLT ki som.ethng to Wear. to eat. to use in yo Ur home ..prcid lower af W*Ieboldi's thon is merchands. of flke quality .ls., Where, due, to the moýnthi of plan.. nng pr.cedng is presentation. Cotto.n ýFrocks In Dainty Prints Euery..O0ne a Genuine $ .5Value...Only .3 9 Assuredty tb.r. are other cotton tfrocks so low-pricedl But neyer trocks of such mode, such charm, such qualityl 0f printed voule or Iawn, in myriad smnar tulb-Irock styles f or: women. and misses.ý T HERE'S A ýWONDE RBOLT AT WIEBOLDT'S EVERY DAY! Tub Proc/es I3ooth-Firsi Floor, WiImef i. 1100 Davi Strol DURING JLLY AND AUGUSI, WE WILL C.LOSE SATURDAYS AI 6 P. M.- No.4 * - . . . * w e * . . à * . . . . - Davis Street