ter part of july and wl spend sev- eral weeks teachin1gini various ceiî- ters., 'l'ie services after july 19 wil! be conducted b%, different teachers. ENTERTAIN AT SHAWNEE *Among thiose .who entertaitied guests, at the seiior dance at Shawniee Couti- try club last Saturday evening ere Mr., and Mrs. Foster E. Fike ouf Wil- mette" and ,M-r. n rs. Andrexv P. .Cannling of W\innietka. Nlrs. I. .Ciasseni, who lias been visit- inig lier ýdaughter silice the last'of Julie * at Spider. lake. Xis., returined ýto 308 Sevenîteenth street, where she. mak es .hler homne ,ith lier datighter and f amily, the S. Van Inwagems. ýMrs. Vera V. M.cBourmev of Seattle, * ahis visitnîig lier parents, '1r. anid 1 Mrs. Robert L; Younig,.1732 Highlaîid * aveniue. Slie as, called liere by. tilt serious illness of Mr. Young, W11Q is colivalesýcîlg now' liuowev-er. Mr. and lr. ames G. Barber' of E'vaiîstoli areciassing the suinimer at thleir cam~p at L4ake M.\aiitow\\ish, \Vis., Mrs. Barber is the daughter of .\r.* andINMrs. A1. W. Noves, 827 Oak\\ood)( avenue, Wilmectte. Mrs. Earne;t FHi ks and son, froin Pasadena. Calif. are visiting Mvrs. J. A. Culbertson of 220 'Melrose avene. 'Keîilworth. Thiev xii remain liere the rest of the summniir. On T.uesdlay. July 21, Mrs. R. NV. Starrett of 221 Wýoodlstock road, Keîîil- xorth wvill entertain lier club) at lunch- * eon. and bridge at the Kiioll\1wood QCun- try club). John anîd Harrv Shank, sons of Mr. _0îi Mrs. John A. Shaîîk, 1109 Green- Wood avenue, retturred the latter part of the week f rom. Dixon,. 111. after »vsîtillg their aunt. Mrs. George B. Walkey, 1607 Lake a venue. is expected to returîî to bier homie tlîe latter part of the week f roui an extended visit in nortlîerî Wiscon- vv\,eduesday evenîng, Jumy 8. Mrî and Mrs. William E. Genner, 1729 Highiland avenue, .and their daugh- ter, Ruth, have returned f romn Sister Bay,. Wis., xvhere tbey biad been va- cationing for seVeràl xeeks. Paul Jackson of Kanîsas City,, while on bis way- home f rom. the Tol edo Golf tournament,- has been Visitirig the sons.-of Mr. and Mrs. E.JhnH1k of 241 Melrose avenue, Kenilxvorth. Mrs. John Benharn of 165 'Kenil- xvorth avenue, Keinilworth is enter- taiiiing her sister-j.n-Ia w' Ilrs. William Richardsoà, of . .Minnieapolis, whio is, making her a shortIvisat. mone acii~au neplgruiLgz u tour through California. France. sponsored by the' Unite..' 0 States governrnent. W. R Martens of 116 Third street -0- is expected home Sunday f rom Mer- Mr.Henry Riggs Rathbone, for- cer, Wis., where.he has, been on a merly of Kenilworth, bas moved f rom fishing trip., the'Belmont hotel andt bas-ieased a very ___________________ deligbtful .apartment at 5301 Lk- wood avenue, Chicago. I* 0o- Mrs. Walter D. Launder of 230 Ox- ford road, Kenilworth lias lhad ýMrs. F.ý L. Van Vlek of Charlotte, Mich. as, lier guest over the past w*eek-enld. 'N. id IVrs. Fred C. Irsvin of Mel- boume, FIa., are. passing the summer at the joseph 0. Converse homne, 1610 1-1igltaîd avenue., PAUL WHITE-MAN (The Dean of Modern Music) And His ORCHESTRA ~N~/ Will play Concert and Dance Mugit in the Marine Dining Room and on the BEACH WALK EVERY NIGHT (No Doncing Sandays) Tuesday, JuIy 21, CARNIVAL NIGHT ADDED FEATURE SATURDAY-TEA DANCE on BEACH WAýLK Ne ve r bef.,ore at, MiIS price I I 2.30 p. 1.60 tue lnludlng cioie irom a a pecial iea 3menu EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL 1 5300 Block Sheridan Road-Telephone LONgbeach 6000 I The Only, Self Insecticide, A Genuine Console Model RCA VICTOR RADIOLA. SUPER-HETERODYNE Lyman 'PharmaCY 'Uenlieckftr Drug Cq Ittdge Ave. Phiarmag sîiticlr.-Cazel Drug W. 'W. Wlnberg Ig e)Uwortii Blann Pharmaey IêIn i,îetka jA4ams Phar'uzay Conmunlty Pliarmiae> Wlnnetka brug Co. In Hudibard lWoo(l&, Humbbaird Wood~ 4,a rplacy' Rochçe' Pirmacy yon'& Hea ln Evansion: 615 Davis St. Te.Unive.rsity 68 10, j -u - - - - - - - - - - - - -