Ruthoila 1- PretzeI Du Mauriei-s stonv., "Peter Ibbet- son," which Deems Taylor bas used for his opera of the saine narqe, lbaq an atinosphere of reverie, and heant. irending pathos,%,hicb nioves an audi- ence in s pite of. itself., The opera iç to be -given its Ravinia premier Per- formance in the very near future.. W-ithLucrezia Bori as the Duchess of Towers. and Edward Johnson in the titie noIe. which thev created at the Metropolitani Opera House last, sea- son. Soinething of the -same-,irnesistible pull at the çtmotions is found in twc, old. favorites, "Eaàst *'Lynne" aine "iSmiling Through" stories which seemnecl steeped in, sentimntitlitv, witbout: cloying.,. Deems Taylor's music to "Peter Ibbetson" preserver, balance by servi ng as a backgrolin41 for the, action.. handly interpretinz the characters, but nioving along almost like a continuousiy nioving bc *drop. One's whole attention is rivetei on the drame.a, an Ravinia patrons who are already familiar with the striking dramnatic talent of Mr. John - son, and the exquisite artistry of Miss Boni know that the opera wiii. take a tremendous hold upon thetn. Thxe staging is difficuit in the extrênme, es- pecially in the snxali opera bouse., t whatever ,vill be sacrificed to spacv will certainlv xîot impvair the effeci. for Ravinia lias alneady proved it can achievenianvelous success scenicaliV under anv condition.. * To Be Sung ini Eglith The opera is to bc sung in E nglis;h. except for the dreai scenes; hc' take place in Paris., and .,,lich,,are in * French. In the first act, ail of the principai chai'acters are introduced in the' dnawing room of Mrs. Deane's coun- tny home. Coloniel Ibbetson,. Pet er",. uncle .%,o bas raised bim ixceh was a chîld, is ùànwittingly expdsedby Peter when he. reads a ýpoem byde Musset and dlaims ht as bis owýn.'Thit Col6nel and Peter quarriel. When the Colonel.leaves , Peter.telîs Mns. Deaie of tbe days hie spent with bis father. Pasquien de la Mariere; bis mother, Marie. ber dean friend, 'Madame Eric DeLamarter, conductor of. the Chicago Symphony orchestra for the Thursday and Sunday afteflioon con- certs at Ravinia, has written niany works for, or 'with, orchestra. His works comprise .a Symphony number 1, i n D-maior; Symphony number twvo, after Wait Whitman. in' G-minor; Overture to a Fantastic Comiedy, "The, Faun"; . ,ov erture. "Masquerade"-; Serenade in G-major;, suite fromn music to "The Betrotbal"ý,, "Fable, of the Hapless FoIk-tune" (there 'are 1two :sets, of this work): Concerto for Organ, number -one, i E-ma jor; Concerto for Organ, num- ber two, in A-major; "Weaver of Tales," for organ and orchestra; "Psahn CXLIV" for baritone and or- chestra; "Hymn to, the Good Shep- herd,". for chorus ýand orchestra-; "Song of Exile," *for chorus and or- chestra; suite from, music. to "Alîce in Wonderland." His newest cmpoiin a suite from ."The Dance 'of* Life," %'%*s plàyed by, the Chicago Synipbony or- chestra last wintcr. "The Dance of Life" j5z the titie of a dance drania in wbich Mi-. DeLamarter's collabor- ated with Mark TurbyIfill, Chicago poet and dancer. George Swigart Returns *to Wilmette in August George Swigart' Wilniette violin ist, iexpected to arrive in New York on August 5, and .will return miime- diatelv to Xiette. He bias been stuclying in Berlin for a year with his t~eacher, Richard Czerwonkv. At present hie and bis sister, Miss. Es- telle .Sigart, who is studying 'cello in1 Berlin, are touring France and S%*itz- erland. Miss Swigart will continue her studies in Berlin in the fali. Shie *will be joined there by Mis!q Pauline MNanchester, Glencoe pianist,, Who wil study with Arthur Schnabei. Menuhin Is Awardé"d "Premierý Prix" in Paris Vehundi Menuhin, young' boy. violinist, was recently awarded the "1remnier prix" of the National Con- servatory of Paris and France. He iî aiso an honorai-y memiber of the A s - Elisabeth Rethberq'j isi't inter- ested i'n *h JCs righi nomv. Vh ü wvould be, tuth, a dog 11ke this squirming bappily ius lier 'armis * 1:znRazvi a opera stars find can-. ine worship just as delightful as ordipiary mnortals jiidging frllr * Madamie Rethberg's snide. Gruenberg's Eairy Opera to Be Heard in November A new Amnerican opera, "Jack and the Bean staik," -which is said to lie a. "fairy opera for the: child-like, " by Louis Gruenb;erg, wili be .presented early i Novemnber in New York by students of the Julliard school. The libretto is. by 'John Erskine. There are three acts and thirt een scenes in the opera, the action of. vvhich concerns the winning back of the. three treagure.s, according to a recen t announcem ent -in the New Yor k Tinmes. Thé, treasures ar-e a . bag of gold, the hen,anid the magie barp, as Nvell as the princess, ail of Nvhich the giant lias stolen from jack's father. The musical score in the piano- Ravinia winds up its third week brilliantiy with two nights of double bUis. On Fi-iday evening of tbis week, Juiy 17, "1 Pagiiàcci" and "Cavalleria Rusticana" wiil be sung, wbiie on Saturday "The Secret of Suzanne" and',"La Vida Breve" are. scheduied., "Aida" is, to be ýrepeated on Sunday evening.. Giovanni Maitinelli' wilI be heard in "I Pagliacci," in a role. which give 9 humi uniimited opportunity Ab display bisý powerful voice. Queena M"%Lario will sing Nedda's role, making ber debut for the season,. and Mario Basiola will round out the cast. "Cavaleéria Rusticanna" w ill be. Sung by Elisa-, betb Rethberg, Frederick Jagel, AI- fredo Gandolfi *and Ada Paggi. Lucrezia Bori is to have the iead- 'ng roles in both of tb&eoperas iisted, for Saturday. From tbe light, ýde- iightfuily frivolous Suzanne sbe. coin- pletely changes chai-acter and be- cornes the darklv intense Saiud of -La V-ida Breve." The latter op era, is. suing in ber native tongue. Spanisb, and is one which never fails to charni lier audience. Mario Chaiee sings the, first-, wbile Marck Windheinî bas the tenor i-oie in the second.opera. îAda vill. ýbe -sung .on . Sunday,. nigbt by 'Madame Retbberg, Giovanni Mlartinelliî, Giuseppe Danlise, Ina .Bourskaya, Louis D'Angeio and Leon Rothier in ieading noies. Gennaro Papi conducts. A'concert of Bohieniian music wili- be given in, the afternoon at 3 o'clock, by the Chicago Sympboniy orchestra, lIed . by. , Eric DèLarnarter. johin *Weicher, vioiinist,, and Vaclav Jiskra, double bass,' are the soloists. Dr.. J. E. S. Vojan, president of the Bo- bemnian Arts club, ivili speak during the intermission. , The - orchestra wili play Dvorak's sympbony,, "From the New XVoi-d"; "Fantasia for Double Basýs," by Kuchynka, and a poem "The Moldau," by Smnetana. The lentire prograin for next week wiil beý found in another secton o this issue. Milan ýLusk Returns to, [Ur uns orLiAs i4LIIV, 4a.J > Lap LA& .mary sutat. xlit ti" uaiç <.11V LJiieiJi idi btatpCiernxt season. obliterates the vision, and Peter lb- Mdary* appears and caîls tbe, young betson awakens just as the D.uches.ç Peter, wbo rises fi-om the cot, ieàv- C arleton Smith, former miusic cf Towers enters the i-oirn, seeking ing the body of the oid Peter, and the critic, and writer on musical topics. sheiter fi-cm a thu44er store.. two go off as voices bid thein to "i-e-i is iecturing on operas presented at Péter and Mary recogniize eacth joice in, the day." j Ravinia,,at north shoi-e homes. .VIIIut nari uagai in concert wîth the Chicago Symphony orchestra o11 Tuesday night, Juiy 21, pi-eceding a performance of the fourtb act of "Les Huguenots." The opera will be, sung by Yvonne Gall, Giovanni Mar-- tinelli, Mn. Daniise, M.Rohean Mi-. Oliviero.