Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 32

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note cnarminglv errectedat th e weu- ding of Miss Virginia Woodland of Kenilworth and William Ir.. Heagney of Havaina, Cuba, T-uesday after- noon. The home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1.eRov Wood land,. 336 Leicester road, %ohere the cere- mnfy .was ' erfornied with onlyr the immeédiate'families pr e senit, vs dec- orated for- the most p)art ini white, with occasional touches of pale blue fiowers. I1ndian Hill club, where the réception was held inmèédiatelv after the service, was also enhanced %with white . lowers initerspersed with *darker blue delphiniunm. The bride-%%-as dressed in a gown of ivory Alencons lace %vith a cap to match hlolding hier tulle veil in place. Her bouquet wvas of gardenias ati,! *lilies-of-the-ivalley. The matron of lionor, Mrs. Fred. Doepke o.f Milwaukee,. and the bridesmaids, is Virginia Pr.ussine andki Mrs. Leland H. Danforth of Kenilworth,' and Miss: Letitia Chan- non of Chicago, vvere dressed alike in frocks of ice-blue nîiousselinie-ýce- soie %vitlî a tracery of silver and they carried liglît -velIowv roses and paik- blue delphinium. Windsor Harlow of Boston sgerved as best nmari and tOie ushers %vert Kenneth -Gihnuore of Havana, Thiomas. *H. Heag.ne)v, he ie ridlegroom s"ý brother, and George W\oodlanid, brorlher of the e rid&. After their wedding tnpl, NMr. and Mrs. Heagniev will make their home in Havana. On Cornmittee for Part y 1of. Siaterhood, Aug. I11 The, wavs -inid ineants conmittee of the Sisterhood of thie North Shore< Congregat-iotn srael is buisily, plan-- ning' for' the *anmnal stummiier party whli h ill take place 'Tuesdav, Au- f( gust 11, at 2 o'clock, at thle MLorainie W * hotel inIl ightlaud lPark. 'Those ac- a tive in. prepatrations for tlhe affair are g M )rs4.h.: Suekoif, chairman, and Mrs. Sylvail * Hirschiberg, co-chairmiiani Mrs. 1.,. Berlinm, '.\rs. N.. Bedermnan. Mrs. Harrv- Camîniiamîi, NMrs. XVilliamî.ta Cowan, Mrs. S. Goodman, Mrs. P. ( Morrison, Mr s. A. K. Lexvy, Feliîc Lourv,. Mrs. J. Michaels,Mr - .Millin Simon, 'Mrs. Pauil SimonMn, f * Charles Sincere, and Mrs., M'arreilt Sliustet. . fo n 'Aw .. -1.lit - îPhoo bfy earlo Late Julic brouight thle anntounce- ment of tlhe engagement of M1iss Helen fiIa3ves of Liliiiette and AI- ber J W,-tI LnI-t. ,' h f ;riie u.sth of Hubbard Woods. It wili be open for inispection for the first time Fri- day, Julv 17, the -day which occasions thle animal summer picnic. To this pcinic mnembers of - the local Arden, Shore committee and aIl frieinds of the camp are invited, They are asked ta~~~~ liig ter w piÉnic. luncheons, and 'coffeé w.ill be served them on the large. screen:ed porcli in the ,Adtuinis- tration, building. Following thie ,luncheoni, at whichi reports of canmp life are made by the superintentdent. Miss Anna Belle Fer- rier, and her workers, a program il be given for the guests. Kindergarten clîildren and' one of' the groups of bos ill, tlirough the medium of the dan-ce, show %iork that i s beiîîgdone by ALrden Shore for-its sumnmer va- cationists ivlîo have. coine froin the. Gad's Hill setulement district ini Chi- cago. -Six litiidred motliers and chU1- dren are now in> camp," tle largest numiber Arden Shore lias' had, it ïs. anuIouncéd. Anuyone isliing informnation re .garding picinic day nîay caji iMrs. -Frederick Tilt, chairmniàiof tlhe V- mette b)oard, or Mrs. Arthur \Vake- ley, chairni of thîe Kenilworth con-- nnlttee. dau;htor of 1flr. d1!. lrk k. Ia vés of 91.1Lake azepiie aiid Su mmer Bridge Is Bene fit flic latier tili soii of .11r. <md .rs. for Educational Alliance 7'hi l.'vir a lt o îofîatle. IiiiVait. Tlie aniual sumimer bridge bemiefit -,1C (WC-/o-i- olor--il-M he f* - spoiisured. by thie Southern Wmn. Educationial alliance is taking place We11esley Alumnae Have Fridav, July 17,. at the home -of Mrs. Picnic «t Bishen C rai g Paul Chace, 115 Meadow rôad, Wn .More than fif-ty mnibers of the 'Nrs. Chace -will be Mrs. Charles R. .orth Shore Wellesley circle and t'he Glover, Mrs. L. S. H-ungerford anîd Chicago Welles-ley club gathered at Mrs. -Colin Tennat of Glenview; Mrs. Birken Craig, tlîe hodme of 'Mrs. Charles Fuller and Mrs. Charles. M. 1-'ruce MacLeishi in Huhbard Woods. Jacobs of Winnetka; Mrs. J. L. Cul- for a picnc luncheon Friday -of last bertson of, Kenilwvorth and *Mrs. Na- week. At sinall tables on thie portico than Klee of Highland Park. and ýalong, theý edgeof the garden the Memnbers of - the board, \ rs. Eugen.è guests spread ont .their box lunch- Buffington. president: ,Mrs. Johin Hal- -onlsa.nd'were- served coffee amîd iced lowell and Mrs. 'Harold M.. Pulsifer, beverages an.d -'ice -rearn by the vice-pr-esidents*; Mrs. \Tance Roberts,, iostess. Manî- rem ained 1 at tîe' recording -se'cretar.y.; Mrs. Hemîrv Nicol, ables for an aftermîoon of bridge, -corresponding. secretary; Mrs. Wý7ill1iami LtieÊ enjoyed the beachi and swim-. Riach, treasurer, will serve with them. mg ini the lake. Some of the Mrs. Jacobs will be hostess at the Vellesley mothers and a feýý' guests regular monthly meeting. the last of w-ere .anong those participating in july at, her -home,, 860 flurr avenue, this, aîîother of the, delightful days IXubbard Woods. for whichi Mrs. MýacLeisli has opened er home for many summniers. ,ç£. "481111M!1. *party at Raviniia park last Thurs- day noon, -when about thirtv girls f romi the Onwàrd Xeigiborhiood *Flouse wvere being entertained by the Glencoe conîmittee of the Ra- viniia Opera club. ýNinia, anI talian girl ' with aliert eves, wvas startled into shriekingý m-lheîîslie saw: hie squîrrel, and sud- detily lier playmiates m7ere dashing pel nieil toward hler ini order to get a look at an aiiimal. so rare to. themn. la Chicago 'Where they 1ive, squir-, rels doîVt find telegraph' poles, grass- less streets and hieavy. tr.affic very. adaptable for homnes. The Raviinia squirrel. looked alarmned. and wildly, ran to a tree for protection, to 'the disappointnment of its, admirers., There were mnany otlier things at Raviniia park, which delighted the %i sitors, Whîo seldoin get beyoi d - th .e limiits oi their sor'did- surroundings. First of aIl there as a long ,train ride.. and thilen a suriiptuous box l 'ch so generous thte.hgr vas able to save cake and sandwiches ta 'take hiome éto a brdther or sister in t 1,ie crisp) paper bag provided for th e "eniergeiic.*' T he Glencoe coin- mittee, knew that haîf the fun is In taking sonmething home. The girls were well beh.aved and they- Were thorbugehly 'charmied wItit ftheir .outinig. .-Mo)St uof tem Were Itafian. After brea.th-takinglv funnyi' ganme of -Charlie Chiaplini," Ii iI hchj rtela\ýs of girls raced, wvaiking like the coniedian, eachi girl -was reNvarded %Vith a colored bracelet. The girls spent an hour Nvalking about the.park adini ring theý flowers and the wide expanse of lawn, as Weil as the luxuriant trees, ânid thenl therewias time for a few soligs be- fore tlhe concert. by thje Chicayo. Symltnvorchestra. Eri.cDe1.a- . marter led thle orchestra in s>electiQlns *froin'loheIngrii," '1?Tle; Bartereà Bride," .aiid ,oi.,er operas.. Asudden ý.thundÏerstorrn iecessitated tle lgliht- îngoftlî Jpaniese lanter s on the clng of te opera.. ouse, which., added 'a glamnourous toucli to the occaâsioli. 1The storiù blew away before the inte .rrnission came, anid the girls Mrs. Harr%, E. Sinoot of 731 Park . avenue will open' her home on- Fn- day, july' 24, at 2 o'clock, for a bridge, party ta benefit 'the Batbies' Friendly. irizes will be awarded and refresh- ments servedi. Tickets miay be 'ob- tained fromi niemnbers or by calling * Mrs., Donald Maxwell of 1414 Forest * avenue. BAvAI- Circle Hôstesas Mrs. A. M. Brerton of 833 Chest- nut avenue entertained the niembers of Circle E-leven of the Second Pres- byterian church of Evanston at- a dessert - bridge Wednesday. Dinner Hosts, Mr' and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, gave a dinner party at their home' last Monday, and. on Saturday *they ent'ertained a group: of frinis at Knollwood Country club. pmllnium raised in thieir garde 'l le next meeting of thec be Tuesdav, August il. will Dance for Younger:Set> There will bela sixth, seventh, an& eighth, grade, dance 'at 'Shawnee Coun- tryv club FridaY> evenling, July 17.

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