Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 34

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*A -balýy'"s winming class lias been f 0rnied at the W\iltmette beach for' chli- dren less than 0 years old by' the miem- bers of the Playground and Recreation board staft. 'l'le class meets at 2:~45 o'clock on Ntoida, \Vedniesdayv, and Thursday af ternioons. Althouigh the class wvas started oîilv last week, the îraeînhr~,hî1î lasaieadv Neachied eigh and, there is roci flor, onlv twelve chli- dren., m 0.-t , o ft te "lahes' are 4 and 5 v cars oldadshwdeLiniitte progress, after the first lessons, Miss Joe Skid- more, class inistructor ain nouinces. Ad- mission to the class is free of charge to hoiioders of beachi tick ets and regis- tration Wî'lI 13e accepted until the class quota, is reaclied., After that, if there are euough&Ii pupils,. arrangements inay- be mnade for another class. .Swining, tests f or "WVB"ý and * 'Fish' emblenus have'tbeeni restnicted to Monday' afternoon alone because of the *recreation staff meeting schedu'Ied for' 4 o'clock on Wediesday*andi'the tests inter fere with that hiour. Othcrwise the swimiing programn coniductedl by' recreation staff ninibers at the beach, remains as previous1y anniounced. Be- ginning lessons, 2 o'clock, Monday, ýNVedniesday1 ,Thiursýday- afternoons; Ad- vanced lessons. 3., o'clock, Monday, NVednîesdayý, Thursday aftcrnooIsý; Swimming. tests, 4 oclock, Moiiday; Womens class. 4 o'clock Thursdav; Vattman Park Day, Tuesday, and Vil-m lage Green and Central Day,Fidy Admission to al of the classes is * free to lderý. of beachi tickets. j j Sports Calendar TIS £4 FTEItNOO.N, JI7LY 161 1p301. in.-S.xtli annîIullaron r.t meet. Village Green. 7 1). iii-"Soft i(lig lyrt 'bil gante. Hawks, vg. Village Clen-' ers. VillG(réen. 7:15. p. .-'N--en's Horsei;hOt eguý Village (ireon. T01101itIU>W. JULY 18 10'a. nim..-eetîng. NWo.ens é4Golf c1lks,. bella Street. iP m-B*cl )i Central and Vil- litg, 4 reeýn 1plak>groiun(l e'hildrtun. MIet it playgrounds. g 1 ) . fil.-~eis lli ru d l HolYmn zF14riý1îs vs, N ' otffmmn Ilor- ist IL. Viil;1ge .rn ~ 1~p. m~-M n spl2~ grund bail. 1:I ites vs. Village C.leaners. Village (reeil. 7 1 pni hTýi ~ >îg;,u d 1l.. iBaptists in the fhrst exhibition et -soft I)all- pitchiig in a playground bal gaine stagcd in WVilmette Iast Thurs- day evening au the Village Grecen. 'lie game, because of its inovelty, îattractetl a large crowvd of spectators and the inial score of 5 to 2 .in the Cieaniers favor testifies that. neither teain was the better equiipped for the jinmy" Schaefgcu pitchcd for the %vinincr s and George. Huck, and -\Valt" 1-laas, took turns in. the nmounîd for- the B-iaptist,>tean.. Not any ofý the pitchers,' .vith the possible exception of Haas, took a(lvantage of. placing the hall butt coitted- thnmscl ves withr gettiing lteé correct drop over the lplate. su thiat the pîtch. would ,hbc legal. Tb'e ganie startecl at 7 o'ciock, and lasted for nîtiie, înniings-but by the tinie the, nînith i- ing was played the crowd (landI.spec- tators., were 'se, intent o)n the ncw% gain .e wbich prohibits bunting, fast pitclîing. hase stealing, aind several, other f ea- turcs that were thouglît to give Z 1est to the playground hall* gamne, that. the l)lavers just kcpt on- playing until it * avas too dark to ' sec the bail. Amiong the spectators watching the -amie was the Hax\ks teami, memhers of the first league in playgrotund ball, who challengedt the \vinniers, after it hiad becomne too clark for the exhihition ,gamie to continue, for a gaine to bÇe pLayed tonlight. A ccordinigly, the Village Cleaîîcrs à nd Hawks ill start tlîeir gaine this e vcning at 7 o'clôck at the Village Green to prove whether or not the winncrs should really lbe the winncrs. Admission is free and the public, is nivjtedtl teattend. Hloffinan Floirist 1 (7)' Hawks (0) 1, -Huek - K*E.Berol IL. Eýv.kns ..Lani-don -U. Iloffian , .,Lawton u(1,11el V. . I' M-. Huc.k .' . N il yXBsr.. 'V.Rgr Il. Nachels It. Wq )Ifî J1. S4 11 t(-fgt'n T' [ha 1inait h.Nord - 1' I ot'sch l: raun S teiner -Pl ilruberS (2) P-. suh<>pJ) * . .1. iUen lire S. . s -qq nioon., when the y6ung fans wjll be taken dowvniini special cars f rom \Vil- mette te see the local club) make good against Brookinyr. Both boys and girls are eligible to miake the tnip, provided tlîcy have been regular .attendants. at eue of the three' -èiayýgrounds, Daniel M. Davis, directo r .tf *recrelation lias rtîled.ý The chîldreu arc to lie chaperoned by the playgroýund iîstruc.tors and. other adults %vhoin the recreation chief invites. Since the managemient .:has rcqueste(l.that one, chaperunie accomj)aim each group u)f 25 youngsters, both nien instructors ivill fIe reliève(l frofin their duties for the aàfternioi-n tet1 accoînpanvy the children an~d nost of the . vo'eninstrucor will iliake the trip.ýIt bas. not as yet heen tlccided wvhethcr or itot the plavgrounds iil remain open fo,ýr the junio*rs and %afunger childre-n \vhoill iiot nake the trip), but Mnf. Davis theuglit that sucb would h e the case.: Anîtounce- nietts will be mnade colicerîîing the mat- ter laterilu the wveck. T'he-boys atid girls ivill nîeet at their respective pla.,ygrouindls prompt 1v at -1 o)'clock anid will go f rom tliere to the North Shore huie station where special cars have, been arranige.d to take them to alid f romn the gamne.. Admnission 'to* thé gaine. will be grainted to each child f ree'of charge and aIl the trip %vill cost %%?ill 4e the carfare... Attemîdlance at the gaine is b ased on ji1agrouind attendanice , and interest alonie anid offly represenitatîve play- grounld children ahove 10 -ears of age will ie ùivited te mak-e the- trip. ..Rifenburg MaStfrn <M ~Iay E. Iriebe H iser H Zibble O.Carlen E.*Cramner Elites (1) W Haw'kinson 0i.W'h Ite, H.Seh te A. Hawkinsn R. Kinge' Hloffîman Florist Il contcst for playgreuncl boys wiî 'De field at 10 o'clock at the Village Grecen îîcxt XVdnesday mnorning. iThe eveîît ;s the important. if.ctor lixtthe sixth. weeks actîvîties and is ()lie of the' two vill age-\%idc eveîlts left after th e an-ý itual. track Meet is -feld this aftertnoon., This> afternoon's track- ineet is hy far the most . ipo rtaixt athletic event of Ille en tire playgrotînd season, and is attended b).' large crew(l s of spectators .;iiiuiall%'.It is sclicdulcd to begiîî at 1 :30. oclock prenîptly aîîd is exl)ected. to. 1le Qver. at 4 &'clock, the regular closing hour for: the 'piaygrouîxds. Ail the' village -playgrotunds wvili 'attenîd eninmasse land couipetito rs f roui each grond~vlIrace for, places' litiian i- (leavor te winthe meet for their re- spective. playgrotunds.ý Admission i s frnec,. Mr. Davis aîînouiîces, and the p>ublic is cordially invited.,' Witlh more than hlalf cfthe- season past, Dir.ectori cf Recreatioi Daie.l M., Davis, lias..ltnstructed bis assistanîts to coîîceîtrate on handcra ft activities, field trips, ;and hikes for the .ensùIlig wceks. Making- originîal. dolîs with some Nvork on raffia basket wcaving 1a' bcent the handcraft programn for the hast wccek and, sandcraft ,modeling bas, liccu added te the list t "lis week. Chul-« dren cf -al age groups arc eligible te comtpete in , the an.îmal saîid mrodcliig. contest which >will lie field duning the week of July 27 and préparation and practice Nvas started withini the hast fewv days. A result of the first week's attend- atîce as shown by the. record sheets' *landed in by the instructers indicates that despite the .weather handicap of the first and second weèks, tlic attend- ange this 'summier wil exceed that of last year, whiclî reached the total peak, ut: -35.,960, according to the ncevly plub- lisheda nmal'report of the Playground and R'ecreatioiî' board, put iin the mails' titis wveek. The firsit 'thrcc weeks' at-I tendance. shoWved a inatenial increase over that 'of hast ycar. and i te hast. twe ~'eks. have -stcadilv hcld tlieir owp, Direçtor Daniel «M. Davis savs.. Women' s Swim Class. Omi-tte-d TI-J, UJQ 3 p). m.-Swimiîng .-lessons for ad- vanced puîls.. Vilnet bah .7 b.n.Pagon all for mzen. Vl lage Green. 2p. m.-Beginng wimning lessons.ïj,ý SP.,m-wmin esn for ad- F.RIDAY, JULY 24 111 a.' ml.-Last mteeting. Wo)itien's 4t.lf class. NorthwAestern ICactice oourse., Tsabella street. 1 1). .-fleaceh day for Central and Village Green playgrounid chlhdren. WiIniette beacltý 7p-. m.Playgrournd ball formeni. Vil- lage (Creen., Selîreiber Shoe. Store 0.. Green R. Specht *'St. Johns A.(12)>ý A.Cramer H. Prochhow. ýste!ner rîumbers Terminal A.' C. (League1 St. Johns Ridge Ave. Pharmacy 'Junior A. C Freshmen Schreiber 'Shoe 'Store Washington Pàrlc Won, Lost -Pet. 0 -1000 1' 800 2 600 3 400 4 200 5 000-

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