Many Boy Scouts Wil Sty t CmpWkat They Say Tears of Pity Shed Eagle Rank Goes Ma,î Sots h hv be at m for Hicks, Gartley to George Hinn, for Second Period A bout Boy Scouts Two Seniior Officers ini camp cal org Troop 33 Scout Ma%-Scut Wo av benàtthemiselves the " onies," bt Gog Hinn, a Junior Officer and Camp Nla-Ka-ja-%Nan for the first "Thte surplus energy of evýer-v boy alas, it is no more. None other titan assatt r rsrcie i peidhave dJecided thaï camp is a Nvill be utilized -in the wrong direc- the formerly undefeated 'cbamnPionIs Ele: cu ag rdvngt wonderful place. and a~saigfrtion if flot -prop'erlv guided. Thei itcis iksadGrly ae Jtily 0,Sfomt'bde. C ap , Diect. th eodpro.Boy Scout bas the benefit of, proper i fCar! Mcik adGatey av Mn.Hnnbaipedr guidance withouttwetv-ne nei adges. idsd Accordimgto reports receivred at intitie. He being deprived of been. subdntv-ed.metitookdgehe aIl-pow-d the Counicil office in' Highland Park, wvioles haidispiine benefi t ,efu on otr ihhi be as-ad camping vere the last two he every Scout agrees that the foot! a~ tlieoneadnprgasoato sistant Goepner to do ýit. Here's earned before ,applying for his Eagle camp this vear ils'The pr~o-.he bys ad ie i'h abadge. gýran i as b.cen varied to suit the de-trne toudrtado3s h: sires of aIl. and everv S;cout lias liad "Tie Scout learns earlv lu life tihe ILast M-\ondav nigbit Gartlev .%vas Hinn jsi a n ember of Troop 33 o the privilege1 of- participating ini tîat pleasure of service, wvbicit aftcr ail sittiîîg il' bis tent doitig . wlbat he -IS ihadak -ebetR tht is part of the pro.grati which be liked is the basis.of good citizensbip in its p)rouie to do so often-writing bis teSotnse fti ro.Dc bes. b. Oest th, cmp I)i-%sicaii: boadstsene. aichi and Rod Smi thi twvo .offi- beî.I). rst te am itsiia. radst~sns.girl, friend. Fowler, an.d Goepnler, cers'here îïOw, are also of titis troop. is 'a great favorite witil hie canîpers. "He begins by learning -the neces-tvole-e, ljetd teuulv, to and ..1)1otit are Eagle Scouts. Hinui His stories of wilAsia and b-1is re- sity of, foll owing*.the leadersh l) o- oj<ced sCartt Cent tnp ) vitb lieodore Roosevelt those %vlîonm lie admires and ends byGarlev's lette r riting. \Vbat did said that lieblecame a Boy Scout ini doIhv stev iv ln 1926 on lus twelfth birtbdav. As Hin to that country bave been i greatlv' learning the ineans -at bisý disposaI h o.lTea tehv l i as l)eef in CampMaK-aW i enjoyed lv the first l)eniod ecalnl)eri. tÔ . becone -a leader',himiself. t'mn tes ga)ellîîarudfraltîreyas i a pa'ssec! On ~~~~~~~~~~~the Aaten.DrOrs as Eerod unesad an I-tielegs antd, gentlv, but firmly mlost oflbis tests here. the pbvsîcian forN Mn. Roosevelt wvbo l)neciates. thee -alue ot outdoor *lîte' is tiov governor of Porto Rico. physical exercis*e a-id opportiinity 'tofo is~ îedfrt Hei'sa apChcgu li Thee rea ~wp-lce oen~ earn and adire tlue chai-nis- of, Having done titis ltev sat on imiii cago Scout camp Mn 1928. Wlile bie phaseoeftae.eoa lceandlaaethe opaennevcafgras a camper at Chicagai, is tent for lte t1lîrd jwriod andl roomn foi a natuire. If i,ý se f iýbvs]feýadmd h gev n"etgas as awarded' a banner for being the number Mu the fourîl peniod. Somne 15 flot "qverloo)ked iii scoutjing. Who should corne driving in at titis cleariest and ietest' in campi. Hin .i of the Scoutts, attenidiuig sunmni "If ôone is inite-e-sted lunthe welfane moment but thte "great Hick.- ?" To a loaîie e nbpi h school are signed nu) forthie fourîli of boys n1e iflst b li îerested iii, the resce! To the rescue! .But asaIlOrerof ltiedroin thbca e a period at camp. anid otliers i%,ihl sign Scouîing." Genera! Abel .Davis, 10 no avail. ýDave "Strotîgiearl" memiber itene Iasi ~ena aln n up laten. TteeScouts ca iatr rxce ikfaîigued' fronu driving'the : tefis. eio.fouta ad camp fo r thc last peniodadsil rc t ero ad akia)w- nmemiben of thte Daniel Boouîe Hoiior be back to go %Nith the. famnilv for "Thie Anierican Legioin, nationalîy. cnless ini the firmn grasp of Goepner. socieît- of Troop 3J aI Starved Rock another .short triîl1) efore. schéuol departmnenîally aid locally s ick struggled anid grappled but last ycear.ý starts iii he li. soring and boosting the Boy Scout bis feeble effor ts .-vere easilv over- George Hiinu lias a smnaller brothier A word io) the wise 1s 1 i oî llvenient because titat ioeietj cone bv lis superior opponient. . t HeiWilbur Ulnn, a Rgister1111for ,cam , sa- gidinig te boys of our land to the \Xoe is Davi ik n .Cl eou CasSot al'en vised. " desireto be prepared to,,fulfili AL[,L vin GatIev. *L-uiray for te new Sco tn1aster aI lthe 1I3ackfeet Village. ____________their duties of citizenship wlitenl tiie.v echampls !-Bv' 0. W. Goepnier. ' is a cousin to George -Hiiin. it looký Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Has become nmen.' Also, 'because it' is ' as if Sc'ouiitg runs ini the 'faiîvy. miaking lte accomiphshmient of that New Telephone Service desare probable -witit the bovs who T none'< Each year Camip -Ma-Ka-Ja-Wýai have really tied to live according t' Th[ A ijtt tikj Suc- dacemeGrnps ibeing furtiter inî)proved. Thtis vear thte Scout Qatit and Lawv. Every in Two one of thc main imipro ve ments is' the adult lmmbensF 'our nortit shore 'Tt ro oiite fTop1 telephonie. For tibe pa'st feNv days omniis interested and .(FroDiitte Boy Scout and His Lav WietadTrp2, Ieo, workmiien have been settingý poies adcnere-~uîlt s andie Cso iig.s. sa's, osde the have reported their advancmnfo stetbngun iîoth cm p- Welfare 'of titese communities lunlte postage stamp,,nur son; ils use'fulnes s, Heeil is:een o ery Tehu viIl be, stretched. oven yea'rs to comne,. we, hope wilI put bisý cousisîs in ils ability 10 stick toone' Troop 1, Wijxot redrot ete he aI a eigto iiî etor lier shoulder 10 lite witel, soltat 'lhing until. it gels thiene." BimetitoeXVihin cer.t This lieiglit .%Ill eib hue sailboats rr bym .aelieopr'tuaitv eei rcSout ýslony of a Finst class, Jarv*is Brownl; Star, Ver- to cutýkida fturgoo-dbvwo"tik"ý'ese and ollien craft t ' iiunder it ofbein g a$ou0 ndafuue Ci , ' wt su "Tese eis .a non Broivu; LUIc, KarI D. Kigr; without i,îîenference. ' ctizcî."-Robert C. 1 cnv Cn-to n u'Puslai ieele' etBdeBhyG ingll;cook Anttreclsv etueo iemander, ,Wýinnetka Po-, 0N. 1».have' real "oîd-fasi.ied" winiter. - im Vernon Brwu coing, ?nd oo telephone svstciii Nvill 1)e flue twenty- Tt mriaîLggn iere w casti-a poular but dnt ia-KarlD. ling, j r., athl'etics. four hooun serviée.' Oierators - e O 'grus'ostn ron.Aciet Troop 22, Giencoe - Tenderfoot, QlQj jitad lappened tliere lu previous DIck Cusbrnan; Merit badges, Rob- be on land al l te time to receive B y SoutsShoul er ears. The aulthorities ase Scouts 'crt- R. Clark, 'leatherraf; firman- cails. tIb lw Ib*- tCamp to take over te job of standing iti;Di ictr fodavn br Eeýotue Will I? peased ho know G'ar Du" -- guard ' "i-) il icer odcr-gb ofthis t-Me iuprovemnent in the camp. A two year old tradition is once A reporter happeiied ho be on the- te v Leivis Lepman, Jr., cycling, It is one of Ihose titing~s titat, go to< more iii sw.ingat camnp. Wiat is it? spo-a ciiap who was young enoti1jpatitfi ndirig; Gordon Mat îhews, - make Camp \Ma Ka-ja-WNan aà better Good ol'd 'guard dutv. The- reason , 1<>reuxember what a heap. of-fur WoodcarviuIg, hookbinding: Jac.k O'- place iii whicih o live. " f or' s'arting' a week aer titis vLevnasc~ ii ary, mujsic. Ldwaf4F.Grtbughi. was that'al village a" r~atn -L d .' ' vér itej" es liad ie sîîîdd so fast titat your brea-titnearly fdieuNREDITO4R wihmaet nnecessarv for-ai- .st wyfro oa-i esh t ot The compilation of a dictionary of Men andu, itoyse it an firsiHe t1ought i w-as rathter 'lte Standard No yéj 0anu~ 4a d nv R 41 t r other gtiard ,ho watch- c.nip . Pitv that.,th e, Scous' should ha ve all. the i oý e i n a g g e in N. S. Areia Cwunil1 A sel inst~ructionus lh-,been m-ade til -e ka nwo ix tnUst of its kinjç1, -&astatdn The f,,IloNing ,nmen a nd IoII)î bv -Mr, Goeprier an:d7 iêthev have Acodig, lie appraed one f - e eIînbe, 1930, an~d *111 bu com' .registered in thie Nort~h hori ret -ilknpui the1wbulletin Iboatrd. Al thein and ff-red telieve hit i Pete Wil)1a>t j our wUl ~onIl for tAie iweek iendng jNy î Sbtssoutti observethein if tiey lie niighýt witiz down the uhilîniisel . CIflini some 15Q00W priitivaes, bu- -Winnetka-Troop ?4, Robert P. havec not ,Iregd\- clone sc>, it is, The Scoutneifused thie - ffer, s~e idles dérivatives, also ing -- 01V'gui~'11~ ô' ~ esunt f u e'iMr orders ofte mayor.' » romi Henrilç Wergeland j(born 1808) Highlanîd ,Park-Troop 32, 'Paul' 1931. The folliing boys coiprised 'T h e newspaper n adds: "J saux up ho the Present day. Xreuzkamp:; Troop 34, Frank Rosie;- the guard on July 6: Lehlle, R. Ginter, hig poiîîto saw it and admired it. A The work was starfed by Troop 35, Chistie Vivirito, Assistant-J.- Gintèr, Stoddard, Streeter, -Schap- great lèsson for boys ho learn-stick- the "Standard Language Dfense Scoutmaster. er, WVeI11s, and M. Stoddard. in 1 teir posts. Reliability! Re- League," andc many prouxinent naines _ Higwoo-Pak 2, aul Sigee. n. oeper wb islucharge sponsibi'lty!' . are included in the 'undertaking. The Deerfield-Troop 50, R»ihc Locit- of this branch, Ineets ail titose boys And another thing-hoior. Thte demand for it has been keenly felt,, igenvev . ' who are to be guards at 9 o'cîock ai' boy was "doing exactly a given task." especially during thé latest decaes RuG1en. ýv Troop5, Gerhardt iteadquartefs for- final instructions ini fis honor, as a Scout was involveil. adwl eo ra eei oltr case of any emergencies. ' Tat aswfiy be stuck." an scin'tiic c ne i Norw