ard Be fair to yours elf when planning to buy. a, used car. Don't risk yrmental comnfort by purchasing your car. promis- cuously. Corne to Packard, an establish.- ed, contcern with a reputation to main- tain, a future to build. Packard wants y our good- will and business, your conttiued Packard' Used CarsPie In Keeping With the Tmes $201 D own, $30 Mofahly Buys Packard 426, 6-cyl. 5-Pass. Sedan. Extra good. $354 Down, $49 Monthly Buys. Packlard 526, 6.,cyl., S-Pass. Sedan., Rebuit. ..$409 Down, $58 Monthly.- Buys Packard 526, 6-cyl. 5-Pass. Sedan. Special equipment. 1931 $354 Down, $49ý Monthly Buys- Packard 526, 6-cyl. Phaeton, 5-Pass. A classy sport car. $513 Down, $72 Monthly ,, Packard 'Std. 8, 633, Club Sedlan, 5-Pass. A choicel purchase. '$513Down, $72., Bujys Packard Std. 8, 633, Sedan, Monthly 7-ýPass. Low-mileag. $683 Down,: $94 Monthly Buys.Packard 726, 5 Pass. Sedan, Std. 8. New-car' guarantee. $757 Down, $106 Monthly Buys Packard 733, 5-Pass. Club Sedan, Std. 8. Like nev j , frst appearance. Even up to the tinie that the Pack- ard Mor Car co'npanvý actually 'vas ini production on its new niode1b eqiuipped with ride conitrol, but be- fore :the newv car had ,been i an- nounced, engineers of'. the industry were holding long and heated discu1 s- sions' on need for something whiclh wI'ould better riding comfort. Thev agreed tlîat there could be no con- trol over the road, temperature or even comple.tely over speed, three îost important' factors in, ming riding conifort. Shock absorb- er' adjustrnent had to be a compro- mise, the en gineers he.1d, and no, adjustient wvas possible that woulc! fitý ail conditions. The. Packard ride control is sIM- plicity itself. As is usual with ont- standing neiv inventions an alnîost universal comment'lias been: ,'It- is soi simple. that, it *is bard -ta under stand why it wasn't done long be- Driver Can Control Ride jThe new device gives the driver' control over the ride of ail persons in the car at aIl times, no matter what the temperature,. the, ch aracter' of the road or the -rate of, spee, through makîng it possible ta adjust the. shock absorbers, positively and instantly. Ajustnîent is miade through puling or. shoving the haui- DY NORTIl SUIORE CII EVROLET IlFf$ ,,or.a Hubbard Woolds PM1NE. ,-&%RmL4d~ r- , Pr ....-'-o automobiles to, show them they would actually run and that they could be started- and 5topped at will. Now ridle con- trol is such a new thing. in motor car comfort that the resuits it gives cannot be beIieýed until a. person. takes a ride, in one 'of. out new, cars."p ac Packard cars on wliicli. it made 4uys, the oïl înrougn a small passage, in ,the. same time that it would go through a larger passage. \Vith an adjuistnient for high speeC driving in the country, where violent action of the springs and great sway- ing of' the bodyl would be highly dan- gerous, the shock, absorbers should- be set with a smnall -oil passage to offer great resistance to spring ac-* tion. Such an adjustment, ho *iever, gives a "cho.ppy?' and >stiff ride over paved city streets-where a large'r oil passage and hence lesser amount of resistance te ýpri'ng action, is wanted;: Adiustments' from one settingto the oth-er could be'made before e.xpert service men and:at the ex- pense of considerable time. Explain New Packard Device ýIn1 the new, Packard device. a by- pass or drilled passage connects the tWO cvlinders of the shock absorber., A valve is placed in thi.s passage. . In one position of this, valve oui moves: so f reely from one. cylinder to the other that practically no resistance is offered to the action 'of the springs -made usofter"~ because of the ability to coritrol them when necessary. This setting gives the "rocking chair ride" for my lady on the boulevard. ,Movenients of. the valve bring-into' alignment successively smaller holes and finallv completely shut off the passage of the oul through the hy. pass. In this postion the oil can es-* cape from-one chaniber to the other only through the re.stricted passages iound normally in> such shock ab- sorbers. These are mnade snialler than with the former normal com-' .promise. acjustnient to give a firmer ride than w~as obtainable before when conditions,' such as high speed or rough ,roads, demand. The. valves are operated wvitlî rods, svnchronized in their operation through a cross shaft in the frame. AIl1 four valves are acljusted t1irougrh the push-pull lever located to thfe. lef >f, -the steering of the car. 1 An im-, portant.point is that there is n coiôt- plicated îmechanism, to require attezi- tion or get out of order. Packard CflndU'tind Rii