,LL ÙV1~~4A an aW.fA.Wdl lc Show Stafts at 2 P. M., Cootihuoma Eueninga During Week Doors Open 6 :30-SbOw St4wta 7 P.- m- TONIeHT'S FRATURES THOMAS MEIGHAN and DOROTHY JORDAN Starts 7:10; 10:20 "GOOD. DAD GIL MARIE PREVOST end JAMES HALL Starts 0:00 fRIDAY AND SATU RDAY. JULY 17m] 8 (Twn Features) IRENE DUNNÈ starts Mat. 4:003; 7:20; 10:36 Starts FTri. fM., moirts sot. 2:30; 5:45; 9:00 Comely . Terrytoou Cartoon . . . News SUNDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 19-20-21I (T%,in Features) "TADBu" STORY 0F THE SOUTH SEAS Stirts Suit. 4:00; 74:20; 10:10 Stairts lon.. Tue. 7:20; 10:40 '"DUDE RANCH"" JACK OAKIE and MITZI GREEN Stirts Suit. 2:20; 5:40. 0:00 St ris lionn, Tmes. 9:10 $nlth & DIale Cômedy . Ieeuy 3ouse Cartoon .. .News WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY 22-23(Twin Features) "ý.'SIX CYLINDER LOVE" EL BRENDEL and SPENCER, TRACY stirts 7:1;: 10:20 "BIGBUSINESS MGIRL" LORETTA YOUNC* Starts 8:50) pli fllU E t i>Ietorlal . ,. . Cart@on . . . News J ohn Barrymiiore asSvgai ::zad hypnotist zchose sinister c.ves, con quer tht' heart of Trilby. beau-' tifiil art ists' model, iiakinlg her, follouw hin t the' ends of 'the' -world. Trilby is piay~ed bY Mariaon Mrigreat scrcen idiscoerY 'of: flic' vear. The filin,"Seai" cO>n's ta thieTratro del .aflo Frida-v am i ra.Ju(l. 24 and Walloping, Comedy Idea A novel comedy idea is revealed iii the plot of "Onide Ranch " the ,pic- ture which cornes to the 'Teatro del Lago on Sunday, Monday and Tues- dayý, July'19, 20 and 21. The story is based on the hiurorous novel, "Tlie Lone Ri'der of the Mojave,"'by Miltonl lCrims, ex-newspaper reporter and ac- tor., w i.h Pe or* OPeu 1:30 a froi "SEE . .. ......... ... .... ..... OIS Wilson &£ MUevYlU vf "THE LAWYERWS SECBET .............. Clive Brook -& Jean "DADDY LONGLEGS99.............Wrner Baxter à Janet "AqN-ABELLE'S ÀYFAIRS" ......................... . . Saly "DONOVAN'S KID" .......... Rihard Dix & Jackle (Skipp») "THEE I«IMT ....L Nancy Carroll,& Fredrie "INBLACK CAM[EL"........ nrOIand kBela* Gaynor rBlaîne Cooper Martb Lugosi Some pictures on the way to the Wilmette. theater are "The Front Page" on July 27, 28 and 29, "Youn~g Sinn ers" on july 30, and "iabu" on August 8. Other future joys are "Slvený gali., "Always Goodbye and "Fiv and Tenl." MORE TREATS AT TEATRO Great pictures are enroute to the Teatro del Lago. Some of thein wilI be "The Last Parade," "Everything's Ro)sie," "Seed," ."The Lawyer's Secret,". "6Daddy Long. Legs,"ý "Annabelle's Af- fairs," atd "Donovàn's Kid." De ligltful times are in store for the many north shore residents who wifl enjoy eûtertainmeflt in the cool aund. inviting Teatro del Lago this week. The twin f eature program- on Fni- day and Saturday, .july 17 and l8, w11' be "I3achelor Apartmeflt," f eaturing Irene Dunne and LoWell Shermian, and "Kick In, starring Claàra Bow. 1 Tabu," story of the South Seas, and 'Dude Rhanch" 'with Jack Oakie and Mitzi Green wi11 be the Teatro del Lago attractions, on Suniday, Monday and Tuesday, july- 19, 20 and 24. The cnijoyment onl Weclnesday and Thrsday. July,22 and 23, wvill ra- diate f romn the two pictures, "6 Cylinder LIove" with, Spencer Tracy, and "Big Busin1ess. Girl,". starring Lo retta Y'oung. Thomas Meighan Stars Tonight (Thursday, july 16))1 the twin bih ll11l offer Thomas Meighan and Dorothy Jordan in the film, -Y'oung Sinners,". and- Marie' Prevo st and James- Hall 'in. the picture, -Good Bad Girl." And then those eyes. One cant es- cape the power of t1iose eyes whitli compel us to take a peek further into the future, when Johi Barrymore W'11 be- Svengali of the hypnotic gaze on Friday and Saturday, JuIý. 24 and 25. MNariaf n Marsh, said to he ote of the greatest screen discoveries. of. the ycar, will play opposite Barrymore in -Sven- Getting back, there to "Bachelor Apartment" on Friday and Saturday,, July 17 and 18, let eýerYYone take the OPPOrttunitv of seeing Loweli Sherman as the nonchalant heart, bandit sur- rounded by love-hungry ,wom.çn, Irene Dunne and M'Nae Murray-, appea ring in lier' first talkie, also have important roles. 1'he companion picture, "Kick I," .wvill present Clara Bow in, a fine dramtatic part which she ahly initerprets. * Polynesian Romaýne POI lesians are the* principal and ,supportiing actors in "Tabul" the ro- mi1a:ific.drama of the Suuth Seasat the- Teatro del Lago on Sinday, M,\ondcay. and Tuesda3', July 19,- 20. and 21. This Picture is the resuit of f ourteen miontbs' .%ork in the islands of the Societygrp in the South pàcific . some- 300 miles