The, Board of Conmissioners of Cook County bas bren formally re- quested by the Glencoe Village board to proceed fortbwith with the coni- struction of the long contenplateô wàrth and south highway thirough the. Village, 'accorcling to, certain* provisions and routing kniown as "Plan F." As previously atinnounced, this plan has not only been approved by the Glencoe Village board, but also bas j the endorsenwnt of the G lencoe Plan comisin the Glencoe- Park dis- trict, theý Glencoe'Lihrary board and the Glencoe Board of Education. The 'plan, it is explained, has also received the approval of the Chicago -.Regiônal Planing association. The Elgitti Sunday Alter Trinity 9 :45 A. M .... ...., Suniday shool Arthur Stark, superintendent il A. M ............. Morning. Worshilp Sermon. "Sowing tho Seed" Next Sunday wilI be fr. Sniedley'r last Sunday at our organ. We appreciat"e the splendid service lie has given us and hope that'he may be with us again at soffie f uture: date.. We > certalnly. ap- preclate the beatbty of our organ since. Mr. Sffed;ey has'-been plaing.. The, choir wl meet as usual ýthis week, Thursday evening at_.43.. Pastor Empson wllIl be ith us aigain for next Sunday. Ris vacation *b'efffi' with the first Sunday ln August.-Th'e services wiIl be.,held regularly during bis absence. Watch the paper* for 'theý announcement of speakers at'the mýn In presenting the request to the Auguat. Cook County.board to proceed with Viitoran ied relwywl the work, Alexander H. Marshall, corne at th!,;. church. If you havé, nu Gleniroe, village, attorney, said: church home ýon the. forth shore, wor- Lettr toUouty Bardship. with us regularly. *'After yeara of c ýareful study and. deliberation, and repeated conferencesC LI pariicipated in by the Glencoe Pan. rsyeia ry h ceomm#ison, thre GeceVllg or womabvs Club- of 'Trustees, the Glencoe Park District, Greenleaf avenue and Tenth s-treet the Gl1encoe Library board and t e Chureh office: SÙite bank building Glencue Sehool board-ali of whon are Telepuione Wilmnette 64 and 68,S vitaily concerned with the thîrough igwyproject and several of whorn We c<ur1daIlty >%eécqme ail.wlio wor- own properties which must be -taken lp with us frorn Sunday to Suniday.. into avccount in the construction of. such Strangers and vIsItors -are lnvitepî ta a project-a detinite and unaniious rnake this Church their horne of- ('bris- consensus of opinion lias been reached tian Fell(owship. and a plan agreed upon which At ls their desire at this tinie to place before Çhurcli service as usual. each Sundav yoùur honorable body as a îîatter of mOrnÎing at eleven o'clock. record, for simiilar approval by yous. -This plan bas re4eiN«ed the ap- The Rev. Daniel. L. 1Myers,' D. 1). ofi proval of 'the, Chlicago Regional Plan- Da.yton, Ohio, wiil preach' for uý, Suni- ning association. .day, July 2. -The plan above referred to le known and designated by these bodies as Sunday school will pieet at 9:30 a. i. *Plan 'F' It is specificaJlyv detailed' in throughout the summrer months with a. the aligimeritnal) and the proffle mial prograin adapted to nieet the needi' and hereto attached. Its. principal char&tv- attendance during the vacation season. KCeisp-cs are fully described as follows : Classes for aIl ages, R. H. Ricé, Supt. "Plan F"ý DescrIbed Fo "The route as proposed in 'Plan I lowing le the musical program: ty Prelude "Duet" (Song Without Worcls. F,' fornis an extension of the foit- N.1>.........edlsh foot pavement on Linden avýenue in .oo...uhtteLod.. . Seveneson) }Iubbard WVoods,, following along' to Offe rtQry "The _ProphtBr" the intersection of Linden avenue'ýht id and Glencoe road, 'ahere it swin*gi .0stu *q'** '*'** chunan slightly, to the est; thence north- Em ons rait westerly parallel to ,the 'railroad Erni Roudq o riglit of way and along the, rear Edw1r.Oti,.bas, sloi1 ofthe, lots fronting on tlîe west Calîs for serl'ice of any kind, includ- laide- of the present Glencoe road., in ptrl service, can be furnished - 'It cont enplates the vacation of at all tinies by cornrniicating with the the present Glencoe road and the 'church secretary,, or W. ('. Col-,in, 1-11 formation of a narrow strip of park Eliwood avenue. westerly f the new road, and be-- tween it and' the lots facing on Lin- liinisters at the s;eri-%Ies In thre 'lèt dén avenue,,. and of a wjder tstrtp four- Weeks . wi11 be:' service next Sunday mornîlng. Metkodist C/iurck Thé preaclier foir next Sunday morn - ing"is Dr. R.*D. Molllngton: of Garrett Biblical i stitute. Dr., lÉollington liai Preached here before during the pgstor's -absence and always with very great ae-. 'T* peeach er last .Sunlday morning was' Dr' 7raik-lý17Kbban of the Coi- lege mfEucafàOn of NorthWestern, ii- versity. During the present week, tirepastor ls lecturing. In the city of Appleton, Wfis., to a summer school for Methodist minis- ters. He will be ln thé pulpit the frst three :Sundays ln August.: On August second' his theme wtt! be "Unweaving IThe Churcli, schéol maintains separ- ate group!§ for Beginners, Prlrnary. and ,jJunilors 'throughout the, summer. Thesp Igroups ail meet at thre il o'clock heur each Sunday. The Beginners and Pri- mary children-have their worship peïriod in their oWn roonis, while the Juniors meet with.their 'parents in the churel' service and go tÔ their own room dur- ing -the of thre second hymn. First Congregational* JohnG. Hindley; ininister J., Clair, Mead, direetor', f The second in the series of union meetings Nvitli the Baptist church wl be hield in this church Sunday morn. ing at Il o'clock. The Rev. Ottr .Loverude, Pasto~r of the First Baptist chureh, Great Falls, -%ont., wil re.1eh., Following le the musical program: Prelude: "Chorale and Adagio" 'froni Second Suite . ............. Rog(err, Solo': "Cod is QOur Refu~ge ... MaeDermid Offrtoy:Catherine Tenrièy, .~Guilmant Duet: -Love Divine" from "The Daugli- ter of Jairus"" . . . Stainer -Catherine and Walter Tenney Pic) tlude : "Toccata inF Major".. ..........Crawford The Churcli echool mheets at ý10 o'cloek for a one-hour session, t'he Primary and Beginners departments under the direction ()f MiRss Bertha Wheelock, and the J1uniors and1 Intermiediates with 'Mr. Mead. St.- Augustine>s clubhouse,. under construc- ztion at the Norfhwestern public golf >links in the forest preserve west of Evanston, is nearing completion. Fin- ishing touches are being placed on the interior of the. structure and concrete drives leadingto it-are be-, îng. placed. Opening of the structure, ho*ever, mnay 'be delayed ,.to. next season.. Water is- to be piped from. Morton Grove to provide a constant supply of ruùnnng water and this.:work bas yet to-be started. At present .wate: is obta ined by punmpinig-it from nearby . creeks. The, new célubhouse is rustic in ap- pearance, being built largely of logs. It will. be weil appointed, providing shower, Iocker room .and.dinîng facil- ities adçqua te to care fQr the large number of Ipersons using it daily. Two flew holes', replacing No.1an No. 18 boles ýon 'the. old course,. are also being built and wil11 be playable next ,eason. The course- theti will ail lie~ between Simpson street, Church street, andI Harms' and Golf roads, rendering it unÏrecessary for golfers to play across Simpson w-,ýheni that Street is .extended tîîrough to Wau- IThe Northwesteen course. as been popular this season, according to "Pro" Frank Schniid. Play bas been ichavier than at anv timie in history, sonie 600 persons using the course each Sunday and approximateîy 250 every weekday. The course is in good shape and with' the improve ments now under way it shoultI be one of the most favored public, links in the Chicago area, he states. SORORITY D T Miss Betty lBrown, daughter: oi r. and Mrs.- George H. Webster, 615 Linden avenue,. will return1 this week from. the east where she.has spent .4 mont h visiting relati.ves n'ewYr City and Washngton, D. C. She wvas also a delegate froni the chaplter at- ýyorthwestern university to the pi Phi conven'tion at Asbury Park, N. J 'It la planned to provl4e a deck' above thia road froni the souf h lne of Temple court to the north' line of Tudor court, thuis cofnecting Teffi- pie court and Hazel avenue, which will be hrought ip fo 'grade, con- fletlng Hazel avenue' to Park ave- rue, alid Park 'avenue' to Tudor court. Existing road, between Park avenue and. Tudor court will provide- a' 'service drive' for access to the business property 'for local traffic; the upper of surface deck between Tudor court and Tremple court wIlI, niake provisliow for parking spa£e adjacent to the ràil*ay stations."1 IDonald E. Hall of 419 Linden ave- nue bas returned to bis duties atIthe Terminal. Hardware after a vacation vpent on the nortb shore. Mrs. E. M. Eastman of Altadena, Cal., is spending the summer witl, ber daughter,' Mrs. George H. Web- ster, 615 Linden avenue. __o_ Miss Helen Gould 'of Chicago spe nt' last week as. the guc-st of ber a»jnt,ý Mrs., A. H. Parry, 1606 Highlaîadý avenue. .2 t i I Lyl 1