Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 18

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FLY VOUIR *wN SIP at $2 an h our giu WneIshlp ,Pl"ia that paefliug withuu the means of 7qSvyon. er Full Particalars F*rie or Phne .CURTISS-WRT FLYING SERVICE Çhuview, XILI, Ph. Gleatview 373, Dly Passenger Service t. Arlington Race Track Round tdp figlit fromn Curfiss-ReynoIds Airport Phène for Reservatioles I M sport type, wlrh ne ICseat. tisn't sL 5mait enougb to land ini your back yard, but different enough to be interesting. Plan Glider Tests Soon at Sky Harbor Airport A n ortbwest, side glider club is plan- ning to make Sky Harbor airport its bceadquarters for test fligbts In the'near future. The club, composed mostly of boys and young mnen, bas, twentysix inembers and basbilît a German type of glider. The members plan to take the glider c'ut to Sky Harbor soon for experimental work. Arrangements have been made with the managers of Sk y Capt. George P. Fisher, for the use of the, field. Mrs. L A. Torrens is a guest of Mrs J., S. Clime, 304 Cumùnor road, Keinilworth, for the remainder of the Lunches at Sky Harbor The Deerfiel Rotary club planned to hold its weekly luncheon Thurs- day of Ibis week at Sky Harbor air- port* west, of Glenicôe. Invitations werne extended- to aIl Rotary -clu') mefibers in.,the niorth shore villages to attend the meeting. Maj.' R.-:W. Scbroed.er, co-owýner and manager of Sky Hlarbor, was ta be the speaker, using. as bis subject. "The Stratosphere."ý Major Scbrôeder bas spoken -hefore the Higbla nd ParkRotary club an¶l the Higbland Park Chamber of Com- mèee recently onthis subject, and bhis talks werè 50 interesting. that the Deerfield Rotary club'engaged h im to tell, bis story again. In b is talk the maj or tells of bis experiences iin February, 1920, wheri be flew to a beight of 38:180 feet and penetrated the stratosphere for the first tiaue ini history. This was at McCook field, Dayton, 0., when 'Ma- jor Scbroeder was chief test pilot for* tbe government there. -His story of bow, witb the. temper- ture at sixty-five degrees beloiw zero'e- bis eyeballs froze an-d bis plane went- into nose dive, dropping 36,000 feet in two minutes and eleven second s, 1 s wortb wh le listening to, to say the least., Incidentallv, of course, the major regained consciousliess and Ianded safely.' Curtiss Airport Staff Holds Party Thursday Curtiss airport at Glenview was the scene of a big party Thursdav night, July 16. Students at the Curtîss- Wright Flying scbool there, instructors,, members of the àýirport staff and their' f nîendsbeld a jdance in the upper bal- cony of the spac ious, hangar.- Similar' parties are beld occasionally .tbroughout tbe summer mionths at.tbe airport. The affair last Tbursday night was tbe most success fuI of the season thus f ar. PASSES PILOT'S TEST to Be Here Satutrday If you've neyer seen a famous avia- tor, here's your chance. Wiley Post and Harold -Gatty, round the world 'flyers will arrive at Cur-tisÈ airport, Saturday of this week to take part in,. the air méet to be held there Saturday and, Sunday under, the aus-. picies of Aviation Post No. 651, Amien- can Legion. Post and Gatty,, you remember, re- cently' circled the earth in less than, nine days in their plane, "Winnie Mae." They will fly here f or the. air mÉeet in' the "Winonie Mae". and the plane Wil11l be seen by thousands who visit Curtiss airpont this week-end. .The appearance of Post and* Gatty, will flot be the only attraction for those wbo. attend the air. meet. The Aviation post of the Legion bas ar- ranged a big program of airplane races and contests. Stunt flying, and parachute jumping, two kinds of air entertainment which always attract the crowds, will be in- cluded on both days' programs. There' wiWlalso be.glider contests, a sports-, ,jiieni's race, a race f or women pilots. and various lother featues. tCps andý cash prizes will: be awarded t0 the iers of ail the contests. Wins Girls' Altitude Contest at Sky Harbor, Miss Margaret McCo rmick %von an airplarie altitude challenge contest f romn Miss Katherine Lindenian at Skv Harbor airport Sunday. Miss5 McCormick flew to a heigbt- of 9,240 feet and Miss Lindenian 8,662 feet * 1The reason that the girls did not go higher, according to Maj. R. W.- Schroeder of Sky Harbor was that the air. became, soe cold as thley climbed higher that-.the engines iii, their planes did not respond as they otberwise would. In an earlier altitude -contest at LaGrange in which botb girls parti- cipated Miss Lindemnan defeated Miss McCormick. ThÎe winner in tbat con- test flew to a height of 13,500 feet! M ilmisery -Second Floor WEBOLDT'SU EVANSTON Wifimf . 100IlG I Ml typesofplamesforsalc Ceimpipte aiwpoet facilhuies lueludimU aloyaU. and supplies _________ 'j and restaurant facilities- for most any kind of a party. RETURNS FROM VACATION C. L. Rogers, owner of the, Shore Line;Clean'ers, 1215 Washington ave- ýnue, Wilmétte, returned this week, from a. twô. weeks' sojourn at bis. summer cottage at Delavan, Wis. The Riquance and Charm of the E MPRESS EUGENUE, Devs Sêrget

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