Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 1

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PLANS Wilmnette._Only Town'Not Offi. 1Wil ]Represented at C.C. Session' 1 Ioyt Kin g, a mem er 'of the eîv:e Étlfnniittee o f the Minmette Chat «ber fCommer ce, ah& B. T. Clarker- tAari' of the Chamber,. attended a hear- îing before ,thé -Ilioi ommerce ..* -commimssion. Thursday; July 16, with refrencle tosparation of -the-grades. of. 'railroàds.. traver*si.ng tenrl si-the villages The Veillage of Wilmette had no *ý o~cia representative. at themet en 1*1<eilWvrth Winnetka, Glencoe, * ..' -- a 1 .Ugln Par iere represented fiaiick X.il Bitsch -attorney whse Tfvr'r i, Miller,' Buséh. and< Boy-ý di.-was. ret ained&h y' these villages to ' oa *rr\, on negotiations with the i llr4noîs Commerce commission and the ralroa(l w ath a- view to obtaining .grade separation. .%r. Busch stated that 'pub1ic neces- *ifor elevation or depression, of tlle railroad tracks through the north shore vtillages has been proved. -fjoyt King,. speaking for the Wil-' j mette Chamiber .of Commerce, told of ha. oranization's action in turn iiig over to Wiimette Village official. infrmaionobtained as a resuît of surv .evs -conducted by the Chamber %Vith reference to grade separation in \Vîilmette. Next **earig Septembe 28 Septermber~ 28 was set as the date of th.e next heanîng before the lli. n ois .Commerce commission on the matter, and if Wilmette is not officiai- [y represented, at th at hearing anJ * (oes îîot show an active interest metn- bers, bf the. commission indicated that this Village would b.e dropped froni the grade separation' plans. - With this i n mnd, the .Wilmette Chamber of Commetce, which has 4,,eeni' a consistent advocate of 1track çlevation in Wilmette, addressed a letter under date of july 17 to the Village board. The letter follows: Lette tVia,'Board Chamber of Commierce Takes Steps to Discourage House-to-House Solicitors' The* Wilmette Chamber of Coin merce is. taking steps to discourage house-to-house solicitors and sales- men wbo operate ini Wihn.ette, and r*hba*s requeste.d the Village board for *assistance in the matte r. At the same timie the Chamber of Commerce, has. reminded Wilmette. residents agaun that they: should not *buY- from solicitors without first re-_ questing to see the license required by 'the Village. Many times these salesmen take mioney- for articles which, are neyer delivered, the Cbam- ber warns. The following letter,. dated July. 17, and signed by J. E. Worthen, presi- dent of' the Chamber of Commerce. was addressed to the* president anI board of trusteea of the Village and was read at the reguiar meeting o0'f the Village board Tuesday night: "The Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce believes that sometbinig shoffl be done. immediately to discourage the maniy house-to-house solicitors and salesmen that operate dailv in* IWilmette. Our attenition- has repeated- ly been called to the fact that many of -these salesmen use unscrupulops sales methods and often accept pav- inents on merchandise that is neyer delivered. "We therefore recominenid that tr Village attorniey be inistructed to draft an ordinance setting a high license fee which would make such solicita- tion unpirofit able. "We trust that your honorable hody. will cooperate with us ini giving..ou r citizens this much needed protection.' The Village'board r efërred the mat- ltr to the;pubi 'c, servrice committee, of which Mrs. Ruth H.. Snyder is chbairman. Warn Car, Ow ners About "'Parking Light" Rules Eeonomy Shop Moves to Larger QuarterS'Do you know that the Econornv Sh op la moving to larger quar- ters?. The wonderful success that we have hâd during the last few. years and the cooperation of-the people' of Wilmiette and nearlbvP villages, have made it possible for the Shop to rett a much, larger store just five" doors east of itsý present- quarters.- The new num- lier is 1135 Greenleaf avenue. .Better drop ini and see thebar- gains that are being offereri durý- ing. the coming week. We have.a great xnany1 pieces of furniture, includinig ,beds, ice boxes, victrolas land pianos. To those of -you- who have things-to send us, let nie say that we wvil1 be more than glad to have them during the hot weather lul of July andl August, iii order tha!à we mnay have aà better 'stock to off er our cuistomers ini the fali.. We ask for your continued sup.- port in order to inake our inove a big suiccess and our donations to charity on a. larger scale. -Mrs. Henry E. Cutier, chairman. Tax Levy Ordinance Is Adopted by Board The annual tax levy ordinance, pro- vidung for the levying of taxes to the amnount of $265,706.09 for the operation of the varions departments of the Vit- lage for the fiscal year ending April 19, 1932, Nvas passed by the Village board at,-its regular. meeting Tuesday night. This Vrdinance supplements the anhual appropriation ordinance passed at the meeting -of the board on July 7. The appropriation oôrdinance calîs fi*r ani expenditure. of :$357,492.09 by the Vilfage during the ensuin'g year, 0f, this amounit $265,766.09-is to be raised 1) taaion, as provided in the tax levy 'ordi nance., and the remairing $91,- 720.00 .will corne f romi revenues f romn permits and departiniental earnings. signec L a, Me, mon zor the resi reioiution, it ;w<asexplained. the Music Fai of Public For as- Recreation ing Society Pa .~~34IL Iow you. Juas+ qotify the Circulaion -DeparIment WILMETTE 4300 Lcnts per L4jJ1L4., 1Retain Speçial Poucep An increase of $2,160 ini the Police department salaries is inieuded ini the new budget. This adcitional ex- penditure will be used to retaîn thrçe special policemen to guard, achool (Continned..on page 4 ANNWAL BUDGET HeaIth DOepartmçnt, Given là. Crease; More. for Repair of Streets A pertisal of'ther annual appropria- tion ordindnce, passed.recently by the Wý%ilmet.teý Village board, 'reveals some inte.resting data on how the 'new Vil- lage administration plans to handie Wilniet&s, financial, affairs for the, next year. First,. the hurlget for 1031-1932 isa:p proximýately $35.000 less than the 1930- 1931 budget. The tax levy for 1931 Âs ppi*ox.imately $4.200 less than the .1930 taxl levy. The comparative. figures for the two years are: For 193149582 Total budget ......... 357,492.00 Total estlmnated revenues for permits and departmental earnlngs .-........ý....... l760 Arnount to be raised by taxes .$265,766.00 Tota bugetFor 1939-1031 Toalbuge ..........$392,900.eO Total estimfated revenues for permits an d departmental earnings............ 122,0.O0 Amount: to be raised by taxes. .32970,000.00- K' .4 ExpeS Low The Village board, in estimatinig the expenditures for 1931-1932, tried to keep them as low as possible. There are to be no new projects promoted tliat wilI increase expenditures, it is stated. The budget for sewer maintenance carries an increase because of the new storm water sewer system on the m-est side. lt5 is estimated thiat. the operation% of the pumping station for this systemiv ili cost $5700,fo tht: The expendituires for the mainten- ance and repair of streets also bave been increased. A number of WVi1- mette, streets are badly in need of repair, it is explained. The 'Village. b)oard, after taking this matter into careful consideration, felt that these repairs should be made now before the condition of the streets becomes so bad that they could not be re- paired, 'except at great expense. The appnropriation for the Helth1-

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