thie C.hcago Di.strict Golf association has organ~ized ibs intial event, which will be staged during the week of Au- 'gust 17. This bas been macle speçially attractive by the addition of an Illinois state professional chanipinonsbip, wbicb will draw the leading professionals of, the state. Tbe Illinois Professional Golf asso- cain, wbich is cooperating .with the Chicago District Golf association, bas invited ail state professionals to. corn-. pete so that a fine field is expected. *Tbhirty-two will qualify for the, ama- tercbamp*isbip goki and silver. med- ais, and in addition theire will be the cbampionship consoainadthe figbts of sixteen. The professionals will play thirty- six boles for state bonors, and their -match will preceed the amateurs. The professional event wiIl be played Mon- day, -Augusf 17, in the afternoon at1 eigbteen holes, and the finals of their; thitysixboesschedule will be played Tuesday mobrning. A professional-1 amateur tourney will be played Tuesday *afternoon, and the amateurs wiil then Sirne up for tbe twenty-seven bole quali- fying round on Wednesday. Match play will continue through' the week, with the finals on Saturday. VAC ATIONING IN MICHIGAN Mrs. Walter Gbre Mitchell, 1009 Oakwood avenue, with ber daughter, Florence, is spending two, weeks 'with her cousin, Miss Hattie Bush of Ev- anston at the latter's summer cottage, Guli Lake,' Yorkville, Mich. Mrs. Mitcbeli's cousin, Miss. Mary Theresa Logan, of Beaumont, Texas, and lier * rotber; Harry 0. Bush of Xilmetie are spending their vacations with Mis s Bush. *Mr. and Mrs. R. J.ý Fiinigain an(' sos~-JrMe--aditJames, 1724 EIm- ood 'avenue, returned Iast Saturday frorn a'moto r trip. to southiern Minne-. sota. Mrs. 'Flnnigani's mother, Mrs. J. W. Woodruff of Tracy, Minn., re- turned with tem to Wimette where she wili stay for a. visit. -o- M.and Mrs. William. Jackson TlrJr., of Niles Center, formerly 25 SANITAX FAPRO DUCTS F28. >ffwCo. M Dreend q4Depoa.v..,g Stores J3uck-"East Wind, West Wind7" Coethe-'ýWilhelm lMister' Herbert.-"Happy Sinner." James-"Spoils of Poyriton." Miln-"ýMr. Wu." NýTovak-" Strange Tboroughfarey" Piper-"S$un iti' His Own House' Remarque-"Road Back." Rjcmon-"RclPýpper Retuirns." Roberts--"Lively Lady." Rosman -"Sixtb Journèy." Steele-"ýStorm." Wembridge - "Life Amoqg the Lowbrows." Wbite--."Riverman." Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Burpee, 129 Dupee Place, bave returned from a seven weeks' trip to the west coast. Tbey spent ten days at their summner home on Bouindary Bay in Briti'sh Columbia, Canada, and1 stopped* -1 Lake Louise and Ba nif on their wav% bome. -o-- Mrs. J. C. Crosley, of 4Ù7 \Vilnetie avenue, gave a luncheon Thursdaý' Julv, 16, at ber home ini honor of MIrs' H. J. Newton, formerly of Wilinette. Mrs. Newton is inoving from Pitts- burgh, Pa., to San Francisco, Cal.. vinntonka, Miinn., where they will spend the rest of the summer. Mrs. W. A. Schrei, 327 Cumnor road, . Kenilworth, bas had as ber bouse guests, Mrs. Harry, Hartz and Mrs. LeRoy-Wyant of Detroit. Vacation SIuuI gy aeOPCA ~WIEBOLDTs BASEMENTI Davis Stret EVANSTON- Wimtt. I1100 Il_ -~ OAK ALF-SOLES ~ Serial for This Week! Worfe Done V/hile You Wait or Delivered Free to Your Home! Wieboldt's Basement-Evanston HEAD: CH.'vE coked her med'. bif P OOR. littie lady. The doctor had said «Your food must bc cooked just a certain way." And here she was in a big hotel., She called the manager and told him. Hec sent for the head chef and the head chef coolced her 'Ju st a littie extra service, per- -haPs-norworth tcling.BL1tit one of the things that bring people Ibiggr... Our closetslarger ... our çafeterias 1low priced. Al backagain to United NEW 0IL 8»S . 1*............ IR4f OELMNSO LA ............ TORONTO. oN!..... .... Th NmAO*ALLNS. ONT .......... W D. mONT ...........The the