Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 30

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Many Attending Second Session at Ma-Ka.Ja-Wan ]Pollowing is a. list of the Scouts and leaders of the North.Shore Ares council who are attending Camp Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan during the second period Troop 1, Wilmette-BilIy Grinnel Ph 1 Samuelson; Troop 2, Wilmette- James Donahue, Arthui- Flood, CGor- don Keith, Frank. Randail, jack Ran- dali, Harold 'Ray, James Streeter: Troop 3, Wilmette-"Harrison Stornis, Charles,.Beck, Bob MacMorran, Bill MacMorran, Jerome Nevins. -Mar-1 shall Peterson, Raymond 'Peterson, Ernest Schaper;- Troop 4, Wilmette -- Robert 1Edmnonds, William Lehie. El- mer Stone; Troop 8, Wilmette-John Dernehl, Billy Harvey, Jack Jacobs, Cordon Wells; Troop 11, Wilmette--- Thaddeus H.. Harvey, Richard Kent, Robert Kreusch, Robert Rich. Kenilworth Repm.sente.1 Troop 13, Kenilwort-jack Howe. leader; Frank Carpenter, Paul Cor- neil, Vernon Faulstick,., Defrees Holmes, Richard Holmes, Dewitt Jones, Hugh Peterson, Val Smith, William Wolf; Troop 14, Winnetka- John Metcalf; Troop 16, Win- netka-Charles Hahn, Robert Ower, Potter, John Wright; Troop 17. Winnetka-John West, leader; Bol- Cole, Franklin Murdock, Hobart Ogden, Bob Radlin, Donald Rahn, Kennetb Rahn ; Troop 18, Winnetka -Jim Lyons, leader; Perry Crawfor'1, Robert Davis, Tom Getmnan, jack Kidd, Mahlon Sharp, Kenneth WeId, James Zinner; TrQop 19, Winnetka- En2rySawyer;- op- 0, 4V ineta -Robent Brown. Troop 22, Glencoe-Bob Allen, Lew- is Lepman, Gordon Matthews, Bob. Iloulton, David Roberts; Troop 2, Glencoe- Chester BlanÉd, Bill Krums- ick, Bob. Nevins, Ray V. *Sawhill, Jr.;ý Troop 30, Higbland, Park---Douglas Graves, Byron C. Howes,, Jr., Bol) Mosely, Francis Ronan, Jim Rutledge, Btil Tyson, BilI Watson; Troop 31,, Highland P a r k--George Gaidzik, Camp Mermen Vie Saturday., JuIy 18 Another swimming and boating meet was held at Camp -Ma-Ka-Ja- sWanSaturday,,July 18. Mr. Hopkins. awaterfront director, worked out a *progfei-which enabled ail Scouts to enter at least one. event. Those who were at -camp during the first perioJ' remeniberý the' fine meet held on the *Fourth of July. Featured among. the *events scheduled for Saturday -was the comic Heifty and MÀeier act. This~ stunt brought many laughs when it' was enacted, the Fourth. Vie Joyce »and John. Betak were the -comfedians then, but' Saturday the role was taken by Joyce and Baker. Among the events Saturday were the 50-yard swim, 50-yard. breast stroke,' egg and spoon race, canoe- filling,. contest, hay ,relay, two-man canoe race, camp war-canoe race, *non-swimmers' balloon blowing race and canoe tilting There were mfany more events which have not- been made public as yet. Fenton Hopkins wants the Scouts fo enter as many events as possible at these meets and he also urges the individual camps to bave a good sized "gang" for the war-canoe races. List. Senior Off icers for Boy Scout Camp) Following is a list >of the Senior 'Officers filling the various positions. at Camp Ma-Ka-ja-Wan: Cal Gartley, Troop 48, Lýake For-t est; Dick Wichman, Troop 33, High- land- Park; Fenton .Hopkins, -Troopc 50. Deerfield; Fred Reichardt, Troopî 30, Highland Park; Jini Baker, Troopc 7, Wilmette; Victor Joyce, Troop 12, Wilmette; Charles Meicher, Troop 18, ,innetka; George. Bersch, Troop 4. Wilmette; George Boyd and Daveé Henderson,ý Troop 4, Wilmette; -Dave Hicks, Troop 21, Glencoe; John Bren- ner, Troop 7, Wilmette; Howa rd Knox~, Troop 72, Libertyville; Frank Perkins. Troon 54, Glenview. Ma.-Ka-Ja.Wan's Scouts Crave Cheekçer-Boards Di.ck McManus,. brother to the able camp .direcltor,, is in charge of .the store this period at. Camp- Ma-Ka.-Ja- Wan- He says that in; the first ten minutes in* which he had the store hé sold -ten checkerboards. McManub says the Scouts buÙy th.ern as. fast -as lie can bring them up to the counter. .Among.the othér "best. sellers", are ,Baby Ruths, Milky, Ways, a nd Denver sandwiches. 1Tuesday -a Scout eptered the store and asked. for twenty-four blanket pins. He told McManus that he bad trouble in ke.eping bis blankets ta-, gether. He, probably will bave trouble now in "getting them. -apart. -New .Work Features. Cam>ceraft Pro jects Campcraft opened the second periodl prograni at Camp Ma-I<a-Ja-Wan with much new and interesting work. Tbe nment badge group is working dailv on camping, pioneering and cooking. 'the. fellows, are showing some real interes.t ini tbeir projects and witbout doubt they will finish a!! their requirements, it is predicted. ' The Caînpcraft group i8 busy work-, ing on the campcraft exhibit near..the main dock. This exhibit includes ai! the various camping, cooking and pioneering- craft work. Various types of tents, kitchens and bridges wfl soon be shown in -this section andI it promises -to be quite unusual and in-t teresting when finished.i Aniother diiÎerent feature of camp- craft iil be the Veterans'1dike -wlîIich is for those Scouts who have been at camnp for more than one period this vear. The fellows %will be gone twol nights and a day,. and the hike ýwill )robablv be different f romn any1 other' é.ver taken'at camp.. Describes Camping as d - Constructive Experience' Followingr is a quotaticrn fron à 21'~t] Malcolm Ward Tells of. Scouts in Manila ..Area Malcolm WVand, nectar of Cathedral. parish of .St. Mary and St., John, Mandla, -Pbilippine islands,, and a form- er leader in Scout work for tbe North. Shore Area counicil, bhas sent tbe fol-. lowing letter just received' by Myron. C. Ryboit, iortb shore Scout executive: "1By tbe time this neacbes yon it will. have been:a year since I left the lovely north sbore, and'believe me, there have been maîiy times wbhen the veny thought of y'ou .peple bas brougbt a feeling of homesickniess., I tbink the %worst day ,%Vas when the report for 1930 was, sbowvn to- meand 1 saw that the north, shore rated an "A" council last year, one. of tbe f our ini tbe country. Fitne stuf! lu District Commiasioner 'Not beiig- able to keep out of Scouting 1 naw find myself chairmain of Troop organizatian and district corn- missioner of Manila and Central Luzon with about 3,000 Scouts.in my terri- tory. Working in Scouting, out bere is a very different matter f rom that inthe north shore. Believe mhe, we bave our problenis and they are nat ittle ones. [ast year we nated an 44E," but we will sbowV betten tbis -year. Ouir executive,, Ernest Vossi is a fine chap and a working fool. He will niake something of the counicil or know the reason whý. In personnel the council rates high, but mast of theni bave been here sa' long that they have the manana habit and it is dificuit to get anytbing accomplished. Ernest Voss bias assigned me tbe task ýMf writing a handbaôlc for commis- sioners. Can't Afford Handbooks "One of ýour greatest problems is ta supply banidbooks ta, the, boys. Trhey are so poor. that the, pnice beadquarters asks7 is absolutel*y prohibitive. By tbe time Are get themn out here we have ta charge a Peso ten for tbem and most of the lads of aur boys. only earn a peso a lay. We have a group at work niow trying to construct a Filipino book bat ivili caver the Tenderfnnt and dm d#.Mcd, Troop 235, Gencoe; Wal- , see the nest mnay go there. He -will -ernard, -Al-Ian Hu üdson, ee Wi an excellent OPPortunit rdth earScot J teWIllwad, Troop 31, Highland Park; find one white egg covered with Mobent Ginter, Harry Brown, Harri- ýta.,play, it is epaie I Robert Ginter, Troop 50,,Deerfield; brown dots.:and a sînail wren.guard- ,son Stonnis, Ed Joyce, and Theodor o mt nwsbssuf cus and lla Huson, co 4. he cout. lwsit s ured.thei, e-lt'Bouinthan gethat bsugingScoet Rob Beruaird, Tic 59, LibertYvile, .ing it. The nest will flot be moâved by Reed. Cet acCuainted withembadgý et sÉ ut nd , the offgle urge.

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