Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 3

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15y .a vote -01 4 to 2 the Wilmette *Village* bôard.TuesdIav night authorized Village -Attorney Wiliis D. vNance to piepare- an rdisiance wbich, if passed, w -lpermnit the operation of bowling *aflèéys -ertd pool, and'. billiard rooms in Wi métte on Stndays a f ter 1 :30 o'clock - in the. aftrnoon.. * I'ik action ws- taken af ter -Village Presid nt C-C.P. Dbbs had- expressed -.opposition to Sunday> operation of the * bowling alleys and pool rooms. Village T rustees. W. W. DeBerard and. Stacy -Bennétt supported Presidenit Dubhs and *voted against the proposaI to allow. the alleys. to .open, on Sundays. 'rhe other four trustees, A. W. 1Froehde, Arthur Lee; .Carl Renneckàr, and Mrs. Ruth H. Sdrvoted..in favor of Svpnday *oeeration. Muâat Close at Madnight. The ordinance, wvhen drafted.,by the Village att orney, Mill stipulate that q4l no ight.:shall the bowling alleys and pool roomsý remain open later thani mid- Prior to the ,board's action with ref- erence to :bowling laleys a letter f rom the *Wilmette Chamber of Commercei asking that such action ,be taken was read. The letter mentioned specifically te request of.Paul Bleser on Schiller street to operate his bowling alleys -on Sundays, and s'tated ta iieSuniday basebaîl gaines and Suniday operation: .of, the theater and gol fpatc courses. are allowed in Winmette, it -.wtould be onyfair and just Iopermnit other rec- reational activities, suth as bowling. Wants Food-Handling Places Here Licensed Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Wilmfette health commissioner, has recoin- mended to the Villageboard. that aIl food-handling establishments in Wilmette, be required to take out li- ceuses. At . present only restaurants are. 'required to have ficenses. In a communication to the board, read at ,t eular nmeeting. Tiesdy îght, Dr. Hawkins stated that neighiboriîig villages have reguflations provi(IiIg forthe liceuising of al' food-hianidlitng9 places. The matter w-as referred to. tle public service. comititee of the board. No Action Is Taken on, Central Avenue Stops -,rL-XATA - e f L - streets inI question wuî now revert tw the colmtyý. POLICE ON FURLOIJGH Motoricycle Qificer Louis' Poppel and Patrolman John Voss of the Wilmette Police.- departtnent started their atnuitaI vacations UWednesday, july 15. street, which is one of the important north and south tboroughfares tbrough WNilmette, as weil as one of the prin- cipal buisiniess streets of the Village. A property owner who did flot sigin the petition suggested to thie members of the Village board in session Tuesday% nighit that thé street ,be widened only as far north as Forest avenue,, in' vilew of the fact that it is narrow in both, Kcnlilworthi and Winnietka, where il passes, through residential . ections> The suggestion wvas made that there woul(l. be no particular advantage in wi(lening the strçet ini Wilmnette except as far as* the business district extends. The board- will ,conisider the matter of widening and paving the street and take definite -action later. Àttendance Heavy 'This Year- at >Wil'mette Beach Wilmiette beach continues to. at- tract throngs of bathiers. The at- tendance this year is the hea'viest on record, Mrs. Margaret. il.ton, beach matron, reports, Two thousand one~ hiundred and ninety-two fami'ly sca- son ticket s have been so'ld, n'ostly to MTinette residents. There bave lbeen no. dro'wning. cases or other seriouns aiccidenits thus far this yea.r, and the beach is in excellent condition. "the water is tested regularly by the Wil- mette Health departinent. Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Wilmette Health com- missioner, reports, thaàt the tests show the 'water to be in1 good condition foi bathing., 13 Escape After Attempt to Rob M<eat Market Here Three- men attempting a. robbery at the Palace Cash Meat market, 1145. Wilmfette avenue, Wilmette. sh1ortly* before midnight Monday fled when Officer Phil1 Schneider -of, the Wilmette Poice 'departinent ap- peared on- the scene., Two of the trio weýre tryinig.:tobreak into the stoire when Officer Schneider noticed.then .1 The third ýwas waiting in a' car ini the 'al ley near Eleventh 'street. The oi-- cer fired several shots, but the two thieves wlio were oni foot rail to the 'car aind . eséaped, witlh t heir partner, - ON VACATION ' .Mrs. Ida Moore, assistant to Dr. W. W. Hlawkins, Wilmiette Health commissioner, at the offices of the H1ealth department in' the Village hall,' is on Vacation.. She is visiting friencts and relatives in Detroit, Mhich.. MoiYett 'Photo W. Prank McClutre, Z19 Broad- ;La !i.%"Wibniettc, Iwad of flic Chii- cago office of.,tAlbert Fraiakapid coinpaiey, has rees.fiqîed to becoine a vi ce-Presideiit ami principal iii Carroll Dean MurpI, lr, hc; encral advertisilnq agelicv, i igîas ait- noiu»ced tivewck. M r. McClue ,was for five years* head Of the advertising council of the Chi- cago Association of Commerce, and for nine years chairman of the Nationial Advertisinig commission. He bas been presiclent of the Wilme -tte Sunday E ve- 'ning club sinice its iniception. Motor Insurance Bids. Rejected by Trustees AIl' bîds rec eived for- the insurance of motor equipinent owned and operated by the Village of Wilmette were re- jected by the -Village board Tuesdayý night, and Village Manager C. M. Osm- born was instructed to readvertise for bids under sfightly different vecifica- tions. " Thirty-one. bids had, been re- ceived. The police and fire departinents ivill uiot be ilicluded ini the blanket ini- surance .on the Village's motor eýuip- ment whien the.. ew bids- are taken. WiImet1e, 43(0 AdTaker, nivial will le neiciat 'the \Wîlmette beach at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afterinoon, july 30. This announce- ment was made by the Playground and Recreation board 'and Wilmette beach authorities who cooperate' in: c onducting the meet each year. Director of Recreation Daniel M.' Davis, and Beach1 Master Janxeý Wrenshaw have drawn ,up a list of events that will be run for. chil'1ren.' of various ages.. Only, one. event for men and women- over 17 is Planned, the North Shore. cbampionship- swim.- feature event ofthe.meet.,The race, which is a half-mile swim,_has been won bit' a wilmé.tte..life guard, Bull1 Holmes, for three consecutive years. He was the -first. entrant to register. for this year's-meet. Registration 'for aIl events in thé meet must be made prior to July ?9, it is. announced., Regfistration ma y be. made at the office of tlie Wilmette beach, or the Playground and.Recrea-* tion board office, 914 Central, avenue, by lette r or, by 'telephonç, P'osiivelv nio registrations will be accepted after 8 o'clock 'next Tuesday evening, it is stated. E vents to be coniducted -for tih1e various age groups are: 20 yard swinl-Any stroke, boys undelr Il years 20 yard swlmi-Any stroke, girls under. Ilyears. 40 yard swimi-Any stroke, boys il and 12 years. 40 yard swim- Any stroke, girls Il and 12 years. - '40 yard swimi-Any stroke, à13, 14. and 15 years.' 40 yard swim-any 'stroke--Olrls 13, 14 and 15. years. , *100 yard breast stroke-Boys and girls under 17 years. North Slhore Chamipioiwliip swn-open to north -shoYre residents. ..The diving events hiave been elimin- ated 'from the program. this year Vie- cause, the, lake lhas lacked sufficient depth toput the. divingboard Up near. the beach. More than 150 cont.estanits take part ini the races each year andi the events are expected to be eveni mfore popuilar this year. Would Deny Petition >0 AUTHORIZE 'NÉW CAR Virlage Manager C. M. Osborn was instructed by the' Village board IPues- day night to iiurchase a new. Ford coach f.or:,Wiîmeîte's neW 'Village en- gineer,, Boyne H., Platt. -

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