ECONOI4IES.-JIJLY .24 TO JIJLY 30ý HAMS. Star or Premlum'. whole or hi...l.27c. MEAT LOAF. Fresli ground beef with pork.., . . l6. CALVES' IVIER. The finest obtainable..... Ibo' 25c 59C CALVES SWEETBREADS., Fresh... .....L. 46C COFFEE.,Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand lb. 38C J'ELLO. Ailfflavors, 1IOc size.......3 for 23é CHIPSO. The iargest size> carton'........2. for 39c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER. -The. 1 Oc tins.... 3 for 25c* DIII, PICKLES. Budlong's most select . qf. 25e CANE SUGAR. Fine standard pu re gronulated............ ...... 10 lbs. 59c CRACKERS. N. B. C. crisp, flakey Premium> Sodas.............ý WHEATIES. Whole wheat. flakes for breakfast. Large cartons, ,each [Sc ........... 2 for 16e RIPE OLIVES., Lindsay Giant size. The finest packed anywhere,.......... .qt. 49ic; pt. 27c TOM COLIINS,. JR. A smart combination of. lemon and lime juice in sparkling water. Regular, 25c bottie............ .... doz. $ 1.89 ROOT BEER-GINGER AIE. Morand's pints. Add 24c for botties, refunded for emptys..... doz. 80c SALMON.,Redwood finest Alaskan Sockeye flats....b..I L 1/i IL.23e BAKED BEANS. Heinz. Large 25c ize, -ea. Me dium i SC size, ea. 19C ,Iz2c an, Go owners tuatLLitL11ure t14 pur- chas-e licenses _will flot be tolerated by the Mihnette police. Law Says, "Wear Robe" When Walking to Beach Patro'ns:of* the Wilrnette beac h havkc been warned by Chi .ef of Pblice Henrv Brautigam thiat 'walki'ng, to the. beach in a bathing suit îs probibited,- unlessI the, bather also wears a robe.. There is a Village ordinanice regulating the matter, anid.offenders will be prose- cuted, the- chief. states. ENTE *RTAINS CIRCLE Mrs. George A.. Fletc her of Win- netka was hostess to- memnbers of the Linden Avenue circle at Club Vista del Lago last T.uesday.. The group met for sewing followed by tea. -Mr. and 'Mrs.. Frank F. Kelly of 124 Laurel. avenu~e,, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wheaton of Bex ley, Ohio, niotored to Kansas City1 ear1y this weeIk and expect to be1 away about a week. Mrs. J.-C. Crossley, 407 Wilnette avenue, gave a bridge-luncheon Tues-i day, july -14,. in bohor of Mrs.. Charles McCue of De! Monte, Cal -o- Harry Schwall, of 1626 Spencer ave- nue, and Walter Denbacb,' of 2011i Schiller avenue, have motored to Rochester, Minn. Th ey Say You are. only aIod as you feel- an d in thlès day 'and age need not ,iook. à. 9r aau% % A%'i -% , à %l you any from1 the. stroflg »arrington tearn, IU to 4. It was the Pioneers' third de- feat of the season.. Next SuÛday the Pioneers 'f ace an- )ther formidable f oc in thé Edison Park uIne- at the latters field. Frank Roerner- was easily the star in the game witb the Evailston Gjants on Tuesday. Roemer held tbern to . two. bits, -thalked, up twelve strikeouts and .allowed but four rnen. to reacb base. saf.ely. The Pioneers scored both their runs àn the* first inning. -Estes <tarted this f rame-wt single and advancted to second on - Laagi's sacrifice. Rirase. walked. Estes, scored on "Ed Scbuett's. liner to left. Brychel singled'to center, -,coring Krase witli thé second, and hast run. The Pioneers. threatened to> score. several> times later, but were stopped by effective pitcbîing. The highligbt ofý the game.was Bry- 2bhel's circus catch-'of a long fly to deep -enter field. B Iesicles trotting to remotel-. corners of. the field to pull down enenuy bids for bits, Brychel is bitting wel over .300. He isalso effective with a rifle shot peg to cutdown, caieless base runners. Both the Pioneers' pitchers were l 1aid up with kinks in their arrns on» Sunday when Barrington was the 'foe. Harry Schlueter's wing was badly crippled and Frank Roemer couldn't stand the strain of pitching tbree tough games in a week. It was a battie of bard bit- ting, the Pioneers. collecting fi fteen swats, and Barrington nbtaining eight- een. Laagi bit a. long borne run for the Pioneers, and Estes starred in the field. Mrs., Arthur E. >Fairway, formerly of. England, bas been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sm ith, 324 Cumnor road, Kenilwortb.' 'Miss Laura Collèhei as corne f ro Crystal Laeke, III.,to.' ake ber home with ber sister, Mrs. 'Robert P. Bichi of 11119 Lake avenue. di ....... CROC ERY PHONE 510 j MARKET PHONE 514 Mrs. P. A. Bac& 1167 Wimtte Ave. Phn. Wîiette 4598 Plws,: WIluwtt. 28 anm