Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 7

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Aèdes Vexans, which* swarrned- up -out. of the. Skokié fcllowing tbe flood rains' on June 22, bas about-run its course, * . Abatemént district.. The. Vexans are * comParitivély* short-lived, or rather .their breedinig season .is brief, it is ex- planed an thy ave had their fling,* * likewise their sting, this suminier. *The* Vexans, it'ý is also pointed out, were prevalent in'ý muéh laeger numberts *this -year than usual, due to the exceced- ingly favorable season., This was, due * ýto the flooding of the Skçokie, a conidi.. tion whîch. will lié almost entirely re- moved, once the, Skokie is drained, a probIem'which officiais f rom ail north- * ~~shore villages wiIl discuss at ametn called for, Friday evening, July 24, at the, Winnetka Village hall. * Drainage District Job It is flot within the province of the * North Shore Mosquito Abatement dis- trict to do the work invol.ved in the * ao rainage projects. That is a task that cornes withini the province of the Chicago Sanitar'y district, At the meet- ing July 24, it is hoped thatsomne plan may be evolved whereby the Sanitary district mnay be induced to undertake and carry to an early conclusion thor- ough draining of the Skokie. The North Shore Abatement district * would then step in, enabled to maiitain and keep 'open necessary lateral drains, and eitber spray or dlean out pools, which, it is explained, would resuit in * virtual elimination of the mosquito pest' on thé north*shore. * In addition to the large Vex~an tribe * of mosquitoes wbich are now beginning to disappear for this season, this arça also) has what is known as the Culex Pipiens, often referred to as the 6'tini- can" mosquito. But his habits, also well understood by Superintendent A. H. Meyer, are much easier to dope with. Unlike the Vexans, the Culex. cornes. early and stays. late ini the season. He does , not *depend on flood,: waters to increase his kind, but seeks out; stnaller pools,, suirh as he finds in old titi cans, ramn barrels, bird baths, sagging drain spouts and Other containers. Easier to Elhnarnate Fortinatel fr w urth hoc t ,det liulierus n Aieceani Uvvinnetka than they are in any of the other shore townà, but mosquitoes areless nunier- ous thanï they %vere a week ago., *"The inspectors ha ve be en1 finding considerable. brooding In containers throughout the district, but practically aIl teçmporary pools.are dry." Monthly Repoërt The fiolloin report of work done from June15 to july 15 vas also sûb- rmitted by Superintendent Meier at the, board meeting: "During the period june .15 to July 15,' the district bas completed .16.385> f eet of niew ditches,. bringing the total for the season to-52910 f eet. One ditch system 5,100 feet in length completely drains a large area. in southwest. Evans-. ton.. Another ditch 6,500 f ieet. long. drains the principal mosquito producing 'marsh in Northbrook. The third large ditch system, 4,350 f eet long, is located on the N4orth Shore line property at Oakton street, Niles. Center. "The district has also cleaned 14,600 f eet of old ditches, has constr.1Sted one catch basin on private property in Glencoe, and bas made three storni seiver connections. AIl the ravines, ap- proximately 30,000 f eet iii Iength, have been cleaned for the second time tbis "Heavy rainf ail made it necessary to employ twenty additional men. for a period of three days, and increased the total gallonage of oul over the total which we 'expected to -use during june and J'uly. "F'rom.Jime 15 to July' 15 the'district' bas tised 10,125 gallons of larvicide -oil. This brings the total for the season to 28,309 gallons." BACK FROM HONEYM0014 Mr., and- Mrs. Charles Henr' Brown (Bertha Alling) have returnedl f rom their wedding journey to Canada and the Berkshires an;d are making their 'borne at 809 Lake ave- nue, Wilniette. Mr. Brown's xnither 'and sister, Mrs.'C. C. Brown ati Girls' Dresse s Ail made of.Importeéd:Mafeérials Vieles Dofed. Swisses- Ra'ahs Piques Sudanelles Sizes 7-8- 10-12-1416 LA JEUNESSE, 'I 1NC. Juniors' a'nd Girls', Wear WI LMETTE 1Il 68 Wilmette Ave, Phone 312 'ASK Oulu CURS.. jBaseba"lPlayers1 INeed GooD FoODj Weeks' Diuiïug Rooni 1131 CENTRAL, AVENUE WILMETTE WILMETTE 355

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