Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 8

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ILUX, FlUKs PKG. jSâot-Tluu LitnsGreen Tea. Tin (MALADA BLACK rEA, %Lb., elle) KigOscar Sardines5 ANNPAG 1>11EFRÜIT Preserves liaia Rspblerry 21lb.35c Black e oaNe *.Tin17c GRAflOTERi~ (C r er ene, % l.,27é) Tea 1Balis .. kg15c Our, Own'Tea lmaek), %-L1b. 19C Light: Meat Tuna Fish . '* 7-0z'15c SulItana Red Beans *4 1i.19c Pink Salmon *TOI *.l1c sPEcgAL. FRIDAY AND SA TURDA Y ONLV .2 ~ 25c or Uneoda Graham -Cato ..14c Q u Ii t'y You'lJ find the ri glt meat t serve, hot or cold, for sumnm -M--EAT-Smenus at A& PMarkets et PUN DRMED Spring Brollers LB. 33c' 2 fo 3-lb., Avo.rago SWIFT's GOLDENWE5T Stewlng Chickens Le. 2ý90 ffRESH DRESSEU, MILK FED tion on bbe Republican ticket for congressman in the newiy created 13t'i district tbis week. Announcement of bis candidacy presages a beadine bat- bie for tbe offire7ý Some six other as- pirants bave eitber indicated their in-. tentions bo run 1 or are mentionied as strongr possibilities in connection with the office. Mr. Simnpson, wbo* is 26-years of age and was raised, in.the district he, seeks to serve, stated bis purpose in an, operil letter' to citi zens, of tbe'area. This let- ter said: "I believe that every citizen shoud eirercise bis polItical prerogative as à citizen and give trme and thought to o ur go ver nmental affaira,. "My study' of social and economie subjecta and politlcai science-leads me. to the conclusion that nothing wouid g!-e me greater satisfaction than, to give ail rmy time, ail my attention. and 'ail the energy 1 amn capable..of giving, to the Intei-est and weli belng of the men. 'women, and: children of the l3th congressional district of Illi- nois, as their representatIve *In the. bouse of representatives. "I therefore announce my candidaey and sall inmediately begin an active canipaiIn every precinct In the d1h- trict. As the campaign pirogresses 1 shall present to the votera my views on the queStions that confront the, people for, solution ,and shall make' my stand known on these questions without e'qul- vocation. "If, nominated and elected, I sha?! inaintain an office in the lSth con- Ëressional district, as weil. as in Wash- ington, in order to be readily acces-i ible to those whom 1 arn serving.- A son, David, .was bora July 15 at St. Francis bospital to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hf. Leis, 1903 Schiiler avenue. Contracts for placement of a 40-f oot concrete roadway on Elgin road, State Route 58, f rom McCormick road to Long avenue, Niles Center, bave been let by the Illinois State Highway de- partment. Linemen for the. Public Ser- vice Compànyof Northern Illinois are noW reloca ting, poWer ulnes adjacent to the highway and grading for'the pave- m.ent wilI begin at e road will probably- be opened to traffc ýy the last of September. Two sections. of Elgin road, one ex- tending f romn Long avenue, wich is located one-quarter of a mile east of Harms roaçi, to the Nortbwest high- way at the-, village'of Cumnberland and' the other f rom a point just west of' the Chicago" & North. Western. railroad> right-of -way at. Cumberl and to witbin, two and- one-haif miles of Elgin, were completed by the state during the last. two years. Thé connecting li nk 'between- these two sections, affecting a crosàing'over the Northwest highway. and the rail- [rqad, 'has also been placed under con-, tract. Work at this point will progress simultaneously with that on tbe Evans- ton section. One Section N.t Provid6d For With't he exception of several' short gaps where the placement of paýving bas- been delayed to permit fills to settlé' properly, only one portion of the Elgin road now remains to be provided for. This is the short stretch intersecting the r4dght-e1f-way of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paui railroad at Golf station, immediately west of the North- western public golf iinks. ,Bids for this momn8LI. A.r)ji pJ>dbu 1Dy the Jast 1IIIiOs ~eneai ssemlv.rgula4tin w-ages to be paid in public construction project-s, voided ail proposais r eceived, bowever, .ând new bids ,must bé souÎbt. Elgi road is variously known as, Sim pson street, Emerson street, Golf road, and' Seeger road. At the Evans- ton end ii consists,.of Emnerson street extended,ý foliowinig that Street f rom McCormick'road to its juncture with Simpson and f roi thence directly West. It will be 40 feet wide f rom McCormick road bo Long avenue under present con- a ýLU. 22c a F-dEAU ZY Mrs. F. A. Buck 1167 Wilmette Avé.- PhouleWlmetto 4598 r: land avenue. Walber Bermingbamn, J. Laurel avenue, left Tbursday for a short >business trip to.Kansas City. :Mo. 7 BARS I DEL MAIZ Corn.. Premium Soda Crackers Pork Loin Roust u

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