rIX NEW TECHNIQUE FOR.. AN O'0L:D ART 0-rJHE worid'~s famous chefs tnay ail be men,' X.but women cook most of the 350,000,00 meals served each year in the. northerPIlinoi communlities served by the Public Service Comn- pany. And they're meals ta be P-roud of, -tool The art of roasingl ham in. a brown-sugar. crust bas been. borrowed fîrnm the South. A recipe> for feather-light angel food cake has been Passed from one geeation to the next.. The secret of rolling out puif paste for. apple pie was discovered in an old cook-book. These arc trlcks-of-the-ffade most women know. But durîngremet years,, tbings bave b&M happen- ing in the itchen. New avens with auto- matic heat contrais and autamatic timers have made cooking less of a sleight-of-hand performance,, more a science. Thçre are electric beaters ta mix batters better-in haif the tîme, with one-tenth the effort. Mechan- ical tefrigeration is caming into common use and with it a chance to cook wîth cold. These are developments homemakers had no nation of a dozen years ago. They played no part in the kitchens:where they learned their cookizig lessans. Since the new cookery is so intimately tied Up witIl the electric and gas appliances the Public Service C ompany sponsors, the Com- womnen and men. Sonie were held in liie church-parlors whete fotmare than'i50 people, could. be crôwded. in. Bookiets brimming with recipesà were distributed. The Horne Service Departmpent does not con- fine its activities ta meai, preparati on. It goes inta the diining room andsuggests attractive, proper table settings.for any functian. It goes into the home laundry and demoùstrates improved methods for washirrg, drying and ironing clothes. Every day letters camne ta the Department asling for advice-what ta serve ta a dinner party of eight-how ta, cati spinach - haw ta iran mezi's shirts on, a rotary iron -how ta remave an ink stain ftom a linen table runner., To keep up with new developments, the Company maintains an experimental kitchea. Here every recipe the Home Service Depart- ment recommends is thrice-tested. Here new ways of doing oid things are evolved. Here the appliances affered for sale in Public Serv- ice Stores are used claily ta determine their effectiveness. The Public Service Coimpany is 'not alone in pioneering the new kitchen. Newspapers and In its TW DECDE U TE ERIC F NO RTW£ 1 M 1L LINO0IS A D, e 1 r s E R v 1 0 E THE