Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 44

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Rates-15 cents a l'ne ln one paper. 25 conts a lin. lna any two rpaeru. Xcents a line In &II tire. papers. MINIMUM CHARGOSE DOLLAR. Average of -1ve word. to the lino. No black face type used. 10% ,disee.unt on ail cash with order aalvertlseuaontg *bon brougiat t. ou, aUeo nt 128.1 Central Ave..,Wiimctto, or 641, LIin Ave., wiametk.. Deadjine for led, advertisements wllbe for the WILMETTE LIFE, or alil three 'papers; Wednesday 9 o'clock for the ,WINTA TALI< and Thureday. 5 ocloek for the GLENCOE 'NEWS. Téléphaones: Wilmette 4300, Wi!netka 2000, Greenleaf. 4300 or Sheliake 5687. .2 LOOT AND FOUNP VrALUCA»LE ROSARY FOUND AT Maple StreetBegch. SUnday. 'OWner cal at Beaeh. 2LTN137ltP LOST JULY l9th SHORT 'HAIRED White Fox ,Terrier with blacek on face. Reward. Càîl W J. Burke,, 677 Sheri-, dan Rd.. Ph. 'Glencoe 594. 2LT13-ltr; S UILDIN0 AND, CONTRACTING (ARPENTER AND flUILDER RItMODELING AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETK-A 2480 8LTN44-tfc OBUSINESS SERVICE MJI Kinds of Carpenter Work Dons JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmetto 2165 19LTN36-tfe "NO SERVICE. CARS"' SIGNS . - . ALL kinds of sign painting . .. Winnetkii Sign Service . .. 550 Center Winnetka% 344. 9LTN1 3-1 tc 24 PAINTINO AND DÉCOMATINC FIRST CLASS WORK WELL RECOII- inended. Reasonable rates. Ceiling calcimlined $2 up. Bath room $6 ut). Kitchenpainted $7 up. Room papered $5, up., Also exterior work. Glencoc- 251' or Ravenswood .7,143 after 6 , re- ve'rse charges. 24LTN1-ltp FOR SALE-B E A U TIFULJ , MALE chow, pedIgreed puppy. Also female to ~leae on Oiftymifty basis. Ph. Franklin 7300 or Winnetka 1777. 26LTN12-tfe se LOANS $5,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT- gage. Write B-112. Box 40, Wilmette.. 38L13-Itp LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy làt and 2nd mortgages. E VANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf. 5600 38LTN-16-tfe 41 SITUATION WA*4YE-FEMAI.E Garage or 1 EXPERIMNCED GERMAN LAUN- dress wants 'work Tuesday and W-ed- HUlPMOBILE nesdaY. N. S. Ref. Caîl Wilmette 3073. 'mode!, six 4ILTN13-ne cheap. -1040' REFINED GIRL 'WITH> EXPERT- Wlnn., 762 ence .wants 'to take -care. of children. Willing te go away for summier. Phone 3'l' FOR Wilmette 852., 41LTN13-lne - -- EXPERIENCED COLORBe MAID.,FORt general housework. Reference. Ph Greenleaf 2541L 41LTN13-1ti. RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN FOI! g9eneral hswk. Goodi cook. N. S. ref. Ph. Unlversitv 4696. 41LTN13-1tp WHITE GIRL WANTS CLEANING by day or hour, Refs. ýCal, Winnetka, 3631.41LT.Nt3-ltp WASHING, IRONING , FIRST CLASS FILIPINO CHAUF- feur and butler. eat of clty, -expeèri- ence and reference. Willing to go to Florida. 3020. Lake Park Ave. Ph. Joe, Atlantic' 1605. 42143-ltp C1LEN3Inc. GENERAL lISE. CLEANINO,WI- dow washlng, drive car, landscaping. serving and waiting table by experi- enced young nman. WIll work stead.- WANTED - POSITIO14 ON PRIVATE estate, as gardener, by mlddle aged Anierican, fully capable to take ful charge.,rnarried. no chlldren. Write B-95, Box 40, WIlmette. .42LTN11-tfd YOUNG GERMIAN IIUNGARIAN -MANY Wishes Position by day or week as houseman and gardener.. Can drive Il~ ~~~ ~~ BRSAIG-E P RE C D H 'P CFrIUTLER IN RVT FAM il____________E_____________________o bachelor. Capable of catering. A better eZnployment, service forth Loa eClCl.Nra243 Not.Soehoe.42LTNÇ13-ltn) Dresiiiking RenodeingRef-erences personally invéstigated. COLLETTE SOEURS-Wlnnetka 1011. N HREFRTCASALAON AE- _____________________ TO EMPLOYERS wishes' employftient, permanent or Telephones jobbing. Cail Wilniette 1080. 14 GARDENING,.*WIn 6Z Davis 7777, Highld Pk. 2520 4LT3lm PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES WANTED-THE UPKEEP OF LAWNS 748 Elm St. 634 Davis St. 8 North lst IIOUSE AND LAWN WORK;. ALSO- and gardens ln exch4nge for living Winnetka Evanston Higbhld Pk. window washing by contracte. North quarters, by oxperienced American 4ILýTN9-tfc shore refer. Ph. Wilmette 2088. Gardener, married, niiddlë age,' ne 42L13-lnce children.' Write B-94, Box 40, Wil- 2 REFINED GERMAN GIRLS WOIULD) mette. 14TI-tfp like housework, cleaning, ,-lron Ing EXPERIENCED G-ARýDtlNR W.ANTF mending, serving, or care of children, work. North Sho-e Ref. Call Willmette le, INSTRUCTION by day or hour. Cali Winnetka 1921.. 3073. 42LTN13-Ine ENG. CO1MPANION TUTOR. PRIVATE ... 4LN31~ EXPERIENCED MAIN, WASH WIN- sehool expe-rience. Piano coach. Wil, DC1 DCMPNINT(PfýLT TVP gIndowQ ....-cbf.in- «1118E WILL BOAIR a inf atsspecial al .PI. Wilmette 5099.' ýATER. E EIGHT SEDAN, 1929 wheeis, perfect, condition,, ýPne St., Winnetka. Phone. 48L137-lêp RENT-ROONS LARGE LIGHT ROOM, PRIVATri bath and shower. Excel. board. Very homeolike. Also smaller leoom. Garage. 545, Provident, :Winnetka. 51L'TN13-ltpý LARGE AIRY FRONT ROOM SIN 1GLhÉ or double ln private home. Good transportation, garage space. Ph. FURNISI{ED. ROOMS FOR RENT. 1602 Wilmette Ave., For sale upright player piano with 175 rolls. Very cheap. Ph. .Wilmette 3039., 51LTN13-lte il OR 2 NICELY FURNISH-FD FRONT r'oom.,, ea.>t*.aide ho)mte. \ëar ti an- l)ortation.and beach. Ph. Wilmettz 1940. 5ILTNl3-lte LIGHT AIRY FRONT ROOM.,INGJ,,%C;F or do'Ubile, In private home. Good transp. Gar.' space. Ph. Wilmette 1253., VERY RE 'ASONABLE ROOMS CON--V. to bath. Also fd>r Iight housekeeping. Call Sat. Sun. and evenings. Win- netka 2844. .1T1-t VERY REASONABLE ROOMIS,- COM- fortable, clean and homelike. Conven!;- ent to bath. Call Sat. Sun., or- evc'-ý nings. Winnetka 2844. 51L13-ltp LGE. CLEAN ROOMS AT REAS. price. Running ivatqE'r in ail rms. Cen- tral Hotel, 62.1 Main St. Ph. Wilmet*.. 1080. 5'ILTýN13-tfe FRONT ROOM FOR RF-ENT CONVEI<I- ently located for ail transportatiop, gentlemnan preferred. Plh. Wilmette 3925. 51LTN13-ltc ROOMN FOR RENT REASOINABLE., convenient to transportation.- 152f' Elmiwood Ave., Ph.,Wilmette-189. 51LTN13-tc LARGE PLEASANT ýROOM, 3 WIN- dowms-, large closet, 3 blocks to station. Phone Winnetka 415. 5ILTN13-Itp LARGE WELL FURNISHED RIM. near transpoïýtation. 883'Elm St., Win- netka, Ph. *Winnetka 2248. Si -ltp, FOR RENT - 1 OR 2 ROOMS FOR lght hoiusekeeping, near transporta- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-n g l g a l a n . ~ o ~ p I I U ~ l - 1 o l ~ 1 . T e l. W n n . '2 4 5 0.4 6 0 W in n e tk a A v e . P . W i n y a 8 l ________ liote18~dMfg. References.,. Ph. WI 41LI3-1080 44LTN13-lte 56Lnntka1800t CHLDENGIL ANS AL O *WATE-MID FOÊ GENERAL ,3, ROOM) BATH, SLEEPI NOI ;eeiWORodie :housew'rik. Miust be'flrst-class plain porch, electric Iih 1rlsd. Close enin tde w.hoie daYs. Beat of reference. Ph. Cook., No washlng. OGood home. $10 a- to trans. $50 month. Phono Winnetka 23L13-1ti Glencos 1841. 1L13li'week. Cal Gencoe 1360.- 44LTN13-mlte 1270..5L3-t, .a1 ý 1

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