Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 46

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flouse is consàtructed with steel fraine- work, soiid masonry walls; tule rqpf: tile and concrete betweepn fl-s-the best possible homne construction4 Own- er offers for $10,000 less than this bouýse cost hlm 3 years ago. *~BILLS REALTY, INC. 1649 Sheridan Rd. Wllmnette 3740 72LTN13-ltc Riparian Homie-Deere.. PkL * UNUSUAL FRENCH PROVINCIAL STONE HOME ALMOST NEW 3 imagter bedrmis., 3 baths. Beau. landscaued grounds approx. 150k400 to private beach. Owner wishes to dis-, pose lmrulediately - wants. offer. Phone* Newhall,, Bi-. argate 1855, Glencoe 155*, or Ada«ýins, Greeni. 1855. Baird & Warner, FULL COMMISSION. TO, BROKERS. 72LTN13-1 tc ENGLISH BRICK NEW, AND~ BUILT FOR PERMA-, nance. Living room, dini'ng roonm, 11- brary, kitchen; 4 bedroonis, 3 batths (tlled> on second; 2 bednooms and * bath o*n third. Hot wvate "ilI heat,; 2-car attached garage. -1 QUINLAN & TYSON, mlic., 714 Elm St., Winnetka Wi nu. 2193.. 72LTN13-t A COUNTRY.ESTA'TE TEN ROOM GLTENVIEW 1HOME wlth approx. two acres, of grouni bordering the' falrways of GlenvieV Club golf 'course. Ow'fer will consider sialler home or in- corne property and cash for equity. Phone Mr. Adamis, 528 Davis St.,' Greenleaf 1855. BAIRD & VAR'NER. FULL COIMýISSION TO BROKERS 72LTN13-ltc 9 14S., 'BATHS, HOT >WATER hbeat 2 iar grae. lai lot. >ti flnf down, balance ike rent, -This bouse is .well built; price greatl.y reduced for: immiediate' sale. Se Our lit: of 'exceptionally good values, termsto suit; also good values' i vacant and rentais. B. H..BARNETT Boom 4' 526 Center St. Phone Wlnnetka . 965 I. PULL COMMIS & Warnier. SION TO BROKERS 'Atie Colonial of Rare Chari SITUATED ON LARGE LOT, LINCOLNWOOD. 4 MASTER I3EDRMS. 2 baths. 1 maid's rm. and. bath; firÉt floor has excep- tionaill.y attracti .ve layout- wide hall, iibraryr, living roorn, dining roomn, kitchen, screened pyorch; 2 car garage. Cail Mrs. Didriksen for fur- ther informatio)n. Baird, & Warner 528 Davis St. GQreenleaf 1855 73 WANTuD TO BUTy-HOUSES HFAVE CLIENT ,iNTERESTED >IN- purchaslng 6 or 7 room houisewithii the next few 'weeks. Must be pri'ed, right. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 73LTN1S-lti) 76 SUMNER RESOUtis 3 ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. Phone Wilrnette 2509. 76LTN13-1p 78 FOR SALE-CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE - 8 GRAVE CEMETERY lot at Memiorial Park. Ph. Wilmnette 2993. 78L13-Itp au EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE AND A. 7 ROOM MODERN' HOT WATER HEATED EAST SIDE WIL- METTE H1OME AT $16500 WITH A SMALL FIRST MORTGAGE TO 0F- FER IN EXCHANGE FOR AN* UP 'TO DATE 7 OR 8 RM. HOME IN WILMETTE OR& NORTH AS F.AR AS CGLENCOE WITH VALUE .NOT EXCEEDING $25,000. ADDRESS B- 121, 1BOX 40, WILMETTE. - 85LTN13-lte N. E. CORNER DES PLAINES AND Fonquer. Clean of encumbrance. Va- cant. Within mile of loop., Will ex-, change for equity in home. East - cëationl. Not toLo old and only one.rmont- gage. Address É-114. Box. 40, Wvil- mette. .85LT13-Itp WANTED RESID)ENCE EVANST ON to Glencoe,. Will trade dlean Flonida home towards same.' Caîl Lanson G lreenlleaf 1080. 85Ll3-ltp will be receiýved on lia- surance. Bldding blanks and list of motoi equipment can be obtalned at the officE of the Village Manager. *L10-1tc NOTICE 0F AUCTION SALE O1 GO ODS-Notice ig hereby' given' toe MiaE V. .Rowden, W. C. Alîbritton, M. R, Corcoran, J. B. Ducoing, Mrs. Amelia Kuhn, F. Foster, C., M. Davis, J. Hl Picken and to ail others that may be Iilterestë.d.herein,.that thene wlll be sold at public auction, at the wareroom of .Rensch Fireproof Warehouse,. fonmerly Wanble Storage and Funrniture Co., 5 2 ' Main St.. Wilmette., beginning ai 10 o'ciock i the forenoon of the 15th day of August, 1931, to sitlsfy the Warehousemnan's Lien, now h'dd by the undensigned. ýMiss V. ,Rowden-Lot N1o Th48- Trun.k.. 1W. C. Alibritton-Lot No. 2112- Chrysl ,er chassis:' M. R. Corcoran-,Lot, No. 1698- _Trunk. J. B., Ducoing-Lot No. 1602-Box, gas, stove. Mrs. Amelia Kuhn-Lot No. 1589- Trunk, bundle draWing- paper,. easel,:4 card boand, boxes. F. Foster-Lot No. 1977-Vanity d«ress- er diL.Ing table, kundie table pads, 'four' bed rails, four bed ends, mattress, spring, gas stove, box glass,'kitchen: table.. C. M. Davis-Lot No. 1409-Buffet, 2 stands, 2 window seats and pad,' bundie. bed siats, 6- bed sides, 2 uph. anm chairs, 2 dires-,ers, bed spring, Z vanity dresseas chiffonier, box sprlngs, 3 inattressàes, 2 iron bei ends, 2 table boards, table top, table base. washing machine, .2 dressing stools, 2 mirrors, 2 bedroom chairs, 6 bed ends, 1 roll rugs. , J. H. Picken-Lot No. 936-China cabinet *and shelves, 3 dresser 'bases, chiffonier,' side' board and mirror, dress- ing table, 9 rocker's, 5 mattresses, arm chair, writin g desk, 2 hampers, wash boler, 6 springs, 6 dinlng chairs, book- case and, shelves, 2 brasa jardiniers, tiaboùrette, 10 bed ends, bundle, ta- ble leaves, library table, serving ta- bie,- 2 stands, corner chair, 2 center tables, vacuum cleaner, hall bench, tnaink, 7 minrors, 5> bundies mron. bedý rails, . 6. pictunes, céhairý, center ta- ble, hall inron, 2 white chairs, -white stool), carpet sweeper, pail andcontents,, 2fluor lanips, 2 -dressera, b un d i e curtain stretcher, 8' boxes, 2 cases, 5 ars,'dining table top, 2 dining table .eg., ironing board, uph. chair, sewing machine, box percolator and electric. hcatt:r, 'dlock, 4. bundîca .rugs, white table,.'ponch swýing, 3 samaîl stools, 2 gas stoves, bundie. hose, ice box, 2 rois inoleunu, bundle stove pipe, desk, 2 tables, office chair,. typewriter, carton, cabinet, filing case, 2 shelves, case lainp shades. 11ight reseIrved. to reject ansr and ail hif1. 1* TeOrla,,d7Mara.sensation 'ap- ~ear eing with the RinglInqBrter ana' Barnugm and 1Bailey circils .ich cones to Grant Park, Chi- ca o, Yaturdov,.Ai(gust 8, for ninle da. 3 sof -ilatinle anid etciug /'c pr- forrnance's. RETURN PROM WISCONSIN Mnf . and Mns. J. W. Allen, James. Betty, and Marie Allen, 931 Green-:' wvood avenue, who 'are s.pendingtc suinuier 'at Bi Lake, Wis., have ne- on 5Ist lou,,ail rouins ight. rrut, Winnetka 1904. S8LTN13-Itp I. . ~ - " $22,500.00. 'Lot taken in excharige.__________________ plans to sai, £1ALgust 15 on the S. S. Termns tosuit. Write .B-121, Box 40, MUST SACRIFICE CAI3IN CRUISEP Baltic for several months' visit with ber Wllmette, 111. , 72Lltp newly overhauled. Fine condltlon, full mother in Ireland. equlprnerî1t. Ph. Whitehall 4897. 0o 4 1100M BRICK, 2 TILED) BATHS, 88LT13.ltp Mr., and Mrs, C. A. Keller, 820 extra lavatory. Breakfasat nook, Sun roni Brick garage. - Reduce<1 from BOYS' AND: GIRLS' RANGER ýBICy- Greenwood avenue, eàtertained Mn. .u164W to #15>50. is. Lang, Wln- cIe. Like new. Veny reasonable.ph. and Mrs. L. A. Keller. -of Harvard, netka 1194.,>,,72LIr .t loce 2~88LÏ13-ltp III. last week-end. art the Ipnmers' guests this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Furbushi of' Oakland, Cal., were the guests last week of thein relatives, Mrs. C. W. Culbertson, and Mr. and. Mrs.. J. C. Gapen,. 919 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Furbush is principal 'of the Oakland

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