Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 3

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*The sixtb annual water carnival con- ducted annualWy by the Playground and Recreation board and beach authorities *will take place this' afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in a special 'section of the Wil- mette beach. Races: for ,children of ail ages and two1 races for aduits are scheduled in the. afternoéon's .program -and a novelty race of diving for quarters:in flour bins will conclude the list- of events. More than 120 entries bad been registered- by Tuesday mor-nng -and the registration w a s extended for another day to allow more entries in the events wbere the p revious registration had flot reacbed tweuty-five. .The feature race of the afternoon will be.the one-haîf mile North Shore championship swim 'In which Bill Holmés, i fe guard at the beach and holder of the championsbip f or the past tbree years, will defend bis titie against ten other aspirants. Admission to tbe- races is- f ree of charge. but participation in the various events with the exception of the cbam- pionship race is limited to holders of beach tickets at the Willnette beath. Daniiel M. Davis, director of recreation, and William Wrensbaw,' beach master, are to be directors of the meet.. Books on Opera, Music for Patrons of Ravinia *The following Iist of'.books on opera and music, whjich iay be borrowed at the 'Nilmette Public library, h-ave~ heen suggested to local patrons of the Ravinia opera. The books will be helpful te persons desiring a bettes understanding of the varieus operas presented. Wagnerian Romances by Hall CompleteOpera Book by Kohbe. Second B 1ook *of, the Opera )y Krehbiel. Thousand arid Que Nights of Opera by Martens, First Aid To the Opçra-Goer: bý \Vatkins. Hour:Xith American Music h'y Rosenfeld'. Spirit of Music by. Dickinson. Lure of Müsic by Downes. WXhat VVe Hear in Music by Fauilk- ner. Fundamentals of M,%usic by Gehr- kens. nhe ng taken, .. C.oenen, chairman of the plans' and contract co*nmitt'ee, stated this week. The "bids will be receîved up to August 10, and it is expected that the contract for the new, church will be let %bout August 15. The, new edifice. to be -erected on the site of the former.church which was destroyed by ire in December, 199. will be, of -Gothic design with an exterior* of lannion stone.' The ruins 'of, the former, ch«urch at the northeast corn er of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue wjll be, tomn down to make-wav for the new building. Childs and Smith are the architects for the new church. The plans for thie building provide'. for a seating, capacity of 'more than four hundred iin the main auditorium and balconiy, a banquet room in the basement for three -hundred. and club and class rooms in the tower. An unusual feature of'.the new edifice will be a small chapel te the south of the main entrance -for fun- erals. weddinLys and other purposes. 'It 'is planned te have the structure completed by March 1, 1932. A. W. Crawford is chairman' of the zeneral building committee. Since the destruction of the former church by ir-e the :congregatioli bas been meeting at the Wilmette Wom- an's club. Announees Progress ini Alley Paving Pro ject Thie matter of paving the alley OP- posite the postoffice -from i Wlmette avenue 'to Eleventh street camne to the attention' of the -Wil'iette 'Villaize board at its regular meeting last week. Village Manager* C. M. Osborn re- porfed that assessments hýadl> been, spread 'an. approved by the court. The niatter. was re.ferred te tfhe streets andi alîcys, committee of the board, of which Trustee Arthur Lee is chairman. Stove Explosion Causes .Fire in Kemper Garage August 2, at the Il o'chock services. The Presbyterian 'congrégation meets in the Woman's club audi- terium,- Tenth Street and Greenle, f avenue, pending erection of its new edifice at Ninth street and. Greenleaf avenue. Ministers who ýwill supply the pul- pit of the :chu'rch on.ensuing Sundays are: Aug,9-Trhe Rev.:Jerome E. Web- bier of the First Presbyterian churchi of Jamestown, N. D.. Aug 16-The Rev. John A. McAfee of thé ' Westminister Preshyterian chuich of Topeka, Kan. Sto P Traffice.Through, Southeast Alley Way Traffic in the '.H" alley in t'he block bounded by Gregory avenue on the 'north, Sixth street on the west, Isa- bella Street on the South and Fifth street on the east, hias been restricted1 by ordçer of the Wilmette Village board. Wooden- botses marked "no ihoroughfare" wert ordered installed at the alley enteances. _Property owners living in the block asked the Village board to restrict traffiç in the all'ey, an'd the board acted favorably on the. matter. lKenilworth Mail Carrier on Vacation ini Minnesota James Montanara, Kenilworth mail carrier, bas been on vacation for the past two weeks. He and' Mrs. Mon- tanara are at Saginaw, Minu. Mr., Montanara is one of 'the carriers on the east side in Kenilworth. He wil return te duty next week. SORORITY HAS MEETING AUl the-members of'the Gamma' Pbi Beta sorority .of Northwestern unîver- sity who ,ive on, the1 nortb. shore and arouid- Chicago beld a suimmer cozy last Saturday afternoo n, July 25 at the, home of Miss Betty Sacket in Evanston. The girls bave planned another get-together for Fridayevening, August 7 when they wilI ave a beach party in 'imette. tney created at thle world premiere iast ieason in the Metropolitan Opera House. Alf redo Gandolfi is to bave the role of Colonel Ibbetson. Wilfred Pelletier will conduct. Hiç directed, most of the re-, hearsals of thé opera at, tbe Metropoli- tan Opera House. Othiers ini the cast.,will bie Florence Macbeth, Ina Bourskayai Leon Rothier,ý Ma r ek Windheim, Margery.,Max- well, Ada Pagga,, Phihine, Falco, Georg.e Cebanovsky,. Lodovico Oliviero and, Louis D'Angelo.. The opera is being given care fuI attention vocally, drama- tically and. scenically. The dream scenies have been rehearsed innumnerab'le' times under the direct ion of Desire. Def rere. "Rouie. >and JuIiet- "Romeo and Juliet," is the'only new opera billed for 3ext w eek, "Il Trova-' tore," "La Traviata," "Andrea Chénier" and "Tbe Bartered'--fflde" .being e- peat performances. This week closes with a presentation of "Faust" on Thursday night, july 30, sung by Yvonne Gall, Edward' Jobnson, Leon Rothier, Philine Falco and Marie Basiola, under the direction of Louis Hasselmans. "The Bartered Bride" bas its second performance on Friday night, july 31, wîth Elisabeth Retbberg, Mario Cham- iee, I»a Bourskaya, Louis D'Angelo and Marek Windbeim in.the cast, .and Mr. Hasselmans at, the baton. Ruth Page, Blake' Scott and the ballet' will dance. Mr. 'Scott, who spraïrned bis- ankle severely during "La' Rondine" two Weeks 'ago, bas recovered sufficiently te dance. "Carme n p USILtuVW&y "Carmneni" as its irst hearing of the summer Saturday nigbt, August 1, with lna Bon rskaya in the titie role. Gio- vanni Martinelli will be heard as' Don Jose, 'Mario Basiola as the toreador, Queena Mario as Micaela, and 'the rest of the' cast is composed of Miss Max- well, Miss Falco,, Mr'. Cehanovsky and~ Mr. Oliviero.. Ruth Page will dance, and Mr. Hasselmans will conduct. Tbe Chicago Symp>hony orchestra will play Imusiê by- Rusian composers on Chief .of Police Henry' Brgutigam's annual vacation starts August 1, and the chief is ' planning a mter trip around Lake Michigan with bis f amily. Sergt. John Schaefgen of the Wilmette v Police dep;Lrtment aise' starts bis vaca- tion August 1. Two members of the depatment, Patrolman John Voss and Motorcycle, Officér Louis Poppel, who havé been on vacation, will be back on dtty next week. Vie'have a new street niumber, a store, new enthusi2 terest. 'We are ast us the new assortr ticles te sehi. Juet te 1544 and we wil tributien. - Mrs, Chairman. ing youut sella ent of used ar- lephone Wilmette Il for your con- Henmy Cutter,, Cail WILME1TE 4300 Ad Taker 1 -Mm- MmMPI Windheim and Mr. Ananian wilIl sing,, and Mr. 'IHasseb«'ans will conduct. The chilrtren's concert on Thursday (iCottinue ,d on page 6

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